Is it still possible to save Mexico from drugs?

Is it still possible to save Mexico from drugs?

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Why would you want to save Mexico? Mexico is an unfortunate historical accident. Don't encourage it.

i think he drugs help mexicans. whithout drugs millions of mexicans will wake up and realize that theyre mexicans.

Is that the real spiderman?

He looks more like a face hugger.

The only way to save mexico from drugs is full US decriminalization.

Depends, does Mexico want to to save itself from drugs?

what in the actuall fuck

where is all the spicy cartel gore guys?

No please no gore that face cutting off one messed me up man.

>t. redditor newfag

Drugs were just fine before Mexico

Can we save drugs from mexico?

toughen up you manchild


>posting obviously fake gifs
>not posting rare Karens

One of our presidents tried to, shit just got worse than ever.
We (the government) had deals with the druglords to keep things steady but that idiot Calderon declared war on them, using our own military as a police force.
Thing is, it's not possible because:
1-the US funds some of this shit.
2-Mexico receives $$$ from the US, so they bat an eye to all this nonsense.
3-the people just don't give a damn anymore as long as it doesn't affect them directly.

So, no, it cannot be saved.

thats kinda a defitist attutide dont you think?

nah, it's a cartel black hole

Just kill everybody who is a cunt, like how would the cartels stop you if an entire town revolted and started killing every drug fiend nigger like Duterte?

Don't blame us senpai :^) it's your people in the cartels.

Yes, get rid of all the Mexicans then all of its problems would start to improve.

hahahahaha what a fucking faggot

I know it is, but even if I wanted to change something here, people are too selfish and/or wary to rally behind, and when they do, it's just an excuse to steal shit during riots
And since the government has a history of attacking its own people
The only way to actually make the people take action would be if there was a food shortage or if public transportation prices escalated even more.

I'm not blaming you guys though, I know it's mostly the cartels fault, you're just making a killing out of it.

People are scared, in the more "civilized" areas people aren't as rash, no one wants to take the first bullet

If Mexico went the route of portugal and decriminalized/legalized everything I bet its economy would quickly stabilize.


No. The druglords have too much power, the state is too corrupt, and the citizens aren't white enough

what am I looking at here

Fuck your country, we could have legalized drugs since the 1920s and none of this madness would exist, your fucking government threatened our president to roll back that law
Fuck american intervention, you praise freedom and still mess with other countries, you praise freedom and have people pay for health insurance or get fined, you praise freedom and have a fucking library of regulations, fuck your shit


we dont need saving, half-brother
were fine

No offense to mexicans here, but your country doesn't have good education, religion(in order to double the restriction on illegal actions)(even if it's a false religion, it still can help morality), and unselfish actual adults who thinks for themselves.

>this is fine

You're asking if it's possible to save a country full of savages from shit that savages do.

It's not fine, juancho

Yes make them legal