City Faggots

I have a story to share with Sup Forums ....

I work in a small tourist town for a resort group in east TN. My end of town loses power because of a nasty wind storm + rain. It's 11:30pm. Guests come from down town and cannot get to their rooms because the outside access stairwell doors are keyless entry. Room cards won't work because the power was down earlier today for the whole town and backups are drained. There is no way to open them from the outside (safety doors).

The only way to them from the inside of the resort is the elevators in the lobby, which are electric, so no go. enter entitled city faggots. Proceed to flipthefuckout.jpg. I am consoling, reassuring guests that the power will be back soon, no big deal, shitty storm etc. Guests still losing their minds over no power etc. I'm chillin next to the gas fireplace enjoying the quiet. City fags face buried in cellphone.

I live on 5.3 wooded acres of mountain property. I spend more time at the deer stand than I do in my house. Since we talk about it here all the time, I just have to confirm......


I could care less about the power. Take shelter, build a fire, wait for daylight. These assholes literally having meltdowns over the weather. THE WEATHER. Can't even handle no power for a couple of HOURS. Holy shit I'm praying
for the real deal so these queers are wiped out

Knox user checking in. Didn't they evacuate Dollywood earlier?

Yes, and no school t/m etc. I'm in the Gat, and for us it was just one end of town since i've been here. Literally here 30 min and shit went down.

Grew up near Wears Valley. Nothing worse than being stuck behind some faggot from Ohio that's never seen a mountain before

Can confirm. I think they were afraid of the dark. Seriously.

I was born only about 30 mins from where my fiance was born. They lived in the smallest thing you could call a "city", while I grew up in Doniphan MO.

She and all of her friends have told me that if SHTF like I described they would kill themselves the first day. Not even wait for the food or fresh water to run out, just "no Netflix?" and die.

I don't understand.

you guys doing ok after that fire last year . Been working on data of it in GIS .

>"no Netflix?" and die.
That's awesome, well there's hope at least.

>you guys doing ok
Ah yea, lots of residential and cabin rental
losses, but the town of Gatlinburg is fine, just some older businesses on the way out of town and only 1 or 2 IN town affected by it. All the rain came AFTER the fires baka.

citation, typed "baka" translated baka? wtf

(shake my head) wth is going on?

Makes me embarrassed to be from the city.

Also from Gatlinburg originally, live in Anderson county now.

I swear like half of east TN is on Sup Forums.

>I swear like half of east TN is on Sup Forums.
It IS ironic how many of us there are here.

>Makes me embarrassed to be from the city.
To be fair I have lived in cities before, but I am definitely not FROM the city. Spent 8 years in Dallas TX (when it was still ok), and went to college in Boston. I can say with conviction that I will never live in a city again though. (from rural TX)

>no way enter entire establishment when power is down
>lmao citycucks BTFO when SHTF

Yeah, show them you preper!

i would fuck that stream user

if you know what i mean

I literally called a guest room and had them open the stairwell door after 30 min of fucking with the stairwell doors you unltimo faggo, go skip a rock you fucking original booty bandit.

t. Greece invented homosex

>power goes out
>cannot get into your room (full of tour stuff) no matter what
I would be pissed, too. What if they had to leave?

Not to mention it would make problem during fires.

east tn reporting in

What are you gonna do, rage at the weather? Ffs don't go outside if your so inconvenienced. For that matter, NEVER go on vacation again cause "something" might happen. Good god. I wonder what those pissed off negros said to Katrrina when it hit New Orleans,


Can you imagine what will happen in shities like LA, New York, and Chicago?

They will be cannibalizing each other within the first week.

>Can you imagine what will happen in shities like LA, New York, and Chicago?
I don't even want to imagine the shitstorm that would ensue when the grocery stores are dry and no ebt services. biblical lvl chimpout

It would be a zombie story within 48 hours.

Oh I know what you mean.

They will be total death traps.

True freedom

>What are you gonna do, rage at the weather?
No, I'm going to rage at idiot who planned out that bullshit.
30 minutes may be a lot in extreme situations or when you're fucking hurry.

>MFW the niggers moved to Houston after hurricane katrina

Funny how those people you bitch about are the only thing keeping your tourist trap of a state afloat. You're an ungrateful cunt and your parents are failures.

>No, I'm going to rage at idiot who planned out that bullshit.
That's kind of my point, I just work here, I didn't "plan" anything. I don't create policy. But I sure as fuck wouldn't be having a fucking panic attack just because the power is out.

What if it was some bad case of power outage where you had to wait few days?

>Funny how those people you bitch about are the only thing keeping your tourist trap of a state afloat
>triggered Ohio faggot detected
Yea no, this is a Tobacco state, and an aggy state. we don't need you dumb ass tourists here to "stay afloat". Go back to Ohio and learn how to use the fucking gas petal and steering wheel faggot. Go home and write a review on travelfaggotry or some shit.

Im a city faggot, but I hate it.

Crammed with people, noise pollution from sirens and faggots in their suped up honda's thinking their Fast and Furious while their cars are BRRRRRAPPPPPing all over the place. Blasting their nigger music thinking the whole world wants to listen to that shit.

I envy you OP. Im saving money to GTFO into the country and never return

>I'm dumb
>gas petal


>What if it was some bad case of power outage where you had to wait few days?
What if it was a fucking Tsunami like Thailand in 2004? What if what if whatif.jpeg....shithappens.gif....earquakesareinconvenient.png

Some people explode at the slightest stressor. Usually it's middle aged women who are the worst.

>Entitled city faggot enters the thread
When the lights go out, enjoy your cultural enrichment.

>But I sure as fuck wouldn't be having a fucking panic attack just because the power is out.
This. It happens when there is storm outside. But honestly I thought I got heart attack this wednesday when I was on my terrace watching this beautiful spring storm when suddenly lightning struck like 15 meters from me. I swear the ground shaked.

>Crammed with people, noise pollution from sirens and faggots in their suped up honda's thinking their Fast and Furious while their cars are BRRRRRAPPPPPing all over the place. Blasting their nigger music thinking the whole world wants to listen to that shit.
Good on you for recognizing the problems of modern life and the inherent lack of safety it provides user. At least you see it for what it is and the problems it would create in a collapse situation. Remember, at least Cleetus is BASED hahaha

Did your seriously say"us" immediately after not fucking understanding a word filter? you're clearly not from around here.

Look at this map. This is a logistical nightmare for the Blue areas. 1. Turn out the lights 2. Contaminate the water 3. Blockade/Patrol roads and rail into and out. 4. Sit in a lawn chair sipping whiskey with your long gun and tell the people trying to leave that they must go back. 5. Within a week the Blue cities will burn themselves down.

Imagine, no internet, no electricity, no water in L.A. that shit would escalate instantly. Maybe do a flyover and spread some propaganda leaflets in the hood just to fan the flames

I understand it's a filter moron, what I do not understand is "why" a particular abbreviation is filtered. Never have I ever seen that particular abbreviation filtered before now.

baka desu senpai

Whatever you say Ken Sama

Try I-70 in colorado.

Jesus fuck, people set their brakes on fire going down the passes. It's an incredible smell.

For decades I ran a 2 man rig mostly by myself and when I was by myself, I would work until I was done the contract, I'd usually spend a month or so in the bush in northern Alberta.
I don't know if you have any idea what I mean when I say the bush in northern Alberta, but it's probably different then a resort town in Tennessee.

And I'd be annoyed if I was at a resort and it lost power and I couldn't get into my room. That's fucking stupid. So fucking what if I'll be fine sitting around a fire. I didn't pay to sit around a fire. You should have a backup generator.

>people set their brakes on fire going down the passes
The joys of automatic transmission


"One Second After"

Small towns in Europe are based. They're safe and quiet, usually have nice scenery and really honest and nice people.
Small towns in America are not based because there's always some kind of haunted woods nearby or some kind of fucking ancient native american cryptid which wants to devour you.

Small American towns not even once.

Half of Ohio is part of the Appalachian plateau dumb fuck

I'd be kind of pissed off if I was stranded outside my hotel room as well too, I don't think it's got anything to do with people being city faggots. Also having no way to get into the rooms in the event of a power failure seems like a safety hazard

Why don't you have a diesel generator? The guests might be spoiled but your employer was sloppy and cheap to not be prepared with a simple solution. When I lived in a highrise in a city, the generator could run essential services, meaning elevators, water pumps, and common area lighting for six days. You country bumpkins can't set up a backup that will work for more than a couple of hours? You and your spoiled guests deserve each other.

no one cares that the power is out, they care that their belongings are being kept from them.

only a total cuck would be calm in taht situation.

I mean imagine I come to your home, weld all your doors and windows shut, and hold you up outside saying "sorry man its teh weather, caused a power outage. What, you're not some autismo whos gunna flip the fuck out over the WEATHER are you? what whill you do when SHTF? Just sit there and wait until I tell you to stop, like a good little survivalist cuck" meanwhile my men are hauling all of your belongings out the back door into a removalist truck.

a few hours later we congratualte you on being such an epic survivalist that you aren't afraid of no weather induced power outages, and how you just sat there outside for hours unlike those queer city folk, and that the power is back on so you can get back inside your house now

and then we drive off, and you go stumble into your house and its all empty and you just sat there while we took it all and basically you're just super-gay

>I swear like half of east TN is on Sup Forums.
Nailed it. Always happens:
>meet stranger
>bring up Trump
>get on grand
>he casually slips in something about white identity
>end up talking about Sup Forums
We should have a /tnpol/ general from time to time.

t. non-ohian untermensch

Try I-70 in my dick.

Id rather not get fucked in the ass by skinwalkers thanks.

> entitles urbanite expresses disdain for the rural people who keep his fat ass fed
wow, that was totally out of character for the effete elite urbanite scum who overwhlmingly voted of clinton, obongo, bernout and hilldawg based on their vague promises of GibsMedats and free shit

i have never encountered condescension, smug superiority and the assumption that my country accent denoted ignorance before.

but when your import econobox breaks down, who do you turn to for help?
fucking cletus with the tow truck and melvin at the garage.
most of you fags cant even change a flat tire, so go fuck yourself.
when the collapse comes, country boys who can hunt, fish and grow their own food, will be fucking your women while you try to hide from the dindu man-rape gangs prowling your streets and hope the cops bother to show up when you dial 911.
course that shit is already happening, cuz you live in a "gun free zone"

all my schadenfreude is pointed at you.

JC fag reporting in, in the process of moving to ft blackmore, va 17 acres with a nice house for 100,000 flat, feels good, senpai.

Where at?

Yeah I was trying to explain to my roommate why it's important to have a stockpile of emergency supplies BEFORE any potential disaster hits. But she's just a fucking cityfag. Accused me of being crazy and paranoid. I even cited local examples in recent history where a prolonged outage (and by prolonged outage I mean 6-10 hours) of a civil utility caused people to act like fucking retards. Imagine if all of the utilities and civil services are unavailable for more than a few days.
>How could that even happen?
Uh, bitch, have you never heard of an X class solar flare?
What the fuck good are women for?
When SHTF shoot any man you see helping a roastie.
I want to see wimin stronk in action so I can fucking laugh.

> "JC"
teh fux you on about faggot?
nobody knows what the hell youre jabbering when you niggify every statement with meaningless abbreviations

judging by your ignorant smug condescending attitude, im guessing you mean "Jersey City"

rural virginia will not be kind you your puerto rican ass.

> brags about buying property for "100 grand flat", implying he paid in cash with a wad of 1000s
youre gonna lose that property to the bank when your shitty telecommuting job gets outsourced to pajeet.

real shocker that most of pol is from poor rural shitholes.

>implying th power doesn't fail in cities
I live in a 200k city and it goes out a few times a year.

Meh.. It sounds like living in my shithole country(outside Prague).

>hurr, rural people are dumb and bad. Why would anybody not want to live in the heart of consumer culture where it takes no less than half an hour to travel from one retail out let to the next in order to wait in line for 5 hours to buy sneakers because that's all there is to life, is working eating, shitting, sleeping and shopping.

Whoa, easy there, bub. I'm talking about Johnson City, TN, it's in east TN. You have a lot of anger in you and I hope you can get that out one day. good luck.

>being surprised when all the christfag posters are from the south

Anybody who willingly moves into (or aspires to move to) a dense urban environment is a braindead fucking drone with no soul. It's as simple as that.
Congratulations. You are now a super-efficient pile of meat. What are you going to do with that distinction? Oh you gave up everything that made you human to achieve it?

I'm afraid of the dark desu.

> civilization collapses
> hot 10/10 qt3.14s trading pussy for a can of spam
> i got a shitload of spam in my bunker
> declare myself grand imperial pontifex of The Republic of New Europa (no mud people allowed)

kekd. so true.

>implying an unwashed roastie is worth a whole can of spam.

That's probably a good idea. There could be blacks hiding in the dark and you'd never see them until it was too late.

Not having a backup generator when management made the adult choice to run line voltage powered keyless locks is retarded. No way to spin that one.

Running keyless locks which rely on line power to stay charged is a bit odd. Most have their own backup batteries. I smell bullshit. "Fail secure" after only a few hours when locks don't drain shit while not in use?

Most rurals don't do vital jobs, and there won't be a collapse because society isn't that fragile.

>Jesus fuck, people set their brakes on fire going down the passes. It's an incredible smell.

That's truck brakes being truck brakes. They get warm but brake fire is mechanical problem or stupid driver. Auto brakes USED TO do shit like that in the days of front drums which is why brake shops in valleys were a thing. An idiot could overheat those too and there's no shortage of idiots but they'd have to ride the pedal.

Urban born rural mechanic (aircraft to lawnmowers and anything between) here who is far more versatile than most locals. My fucking generators work, my inverters work, and if I spec'ed and maintained locks they'd work too.

> implying all pussy is of the roastie variety
i dont live in canada.
every quim in my country is not a slagged out mudshark with beef curtains.

>afraid of the dark
>posts animu

hope you get raped in the dark some day, faggot

Trust me. When civilization collapses they'll all bend over for everything they need because they won't have what it takes to survive, but they'll all still be on "wymin stronk" mode. So they'll all be using their vagina to get what they need. It'll be decades yet until they realize that monogamy had a purpose.

True desu senpai. My local cursed forest has a bad skinwalker infestation and you can't leave the house without at least your 30-06.

Deer stand? What happened to stalking? bet you hunt with an ar15 too you useless fuck

Kentucker Master Race reporting in

Here is a 2 in 1 picture for (You). Keep it.

Can confirm. It's hilarious, and terrifying seeing people go on I-70 sometimes. It feels like their breaks are going to explode. Do people not know know how to put their car into a different gear?

You can still downshift my dude people are just retarded.

Is N Georgia allowed in? I'm closer to you than those nigger-faggots in Atlanta.

Atlanta is NOT part of Georgia.

The sickness they tried to contain has spread beyond 285.

Been waiting for this for years.

DFWfags get out. KTFH 4 lyfe.

>I swear like half of east TN is on Sup Forums.
Another Knoxfag reporting.

Depends on who you think the TN river belongs to.

WNCanon here

Fuck 'em

Was out bush walking recently, just in the middle of nowhere in the national park next to a family member's rural property. Really refreshed me. City life is draining for sure.

Knox fags don't claim to be from East TN we are not like you guys

Hey it's Birmingham redneck!