B-but what about boogie?

B-but what about boogie?

>b-but my health is precious to me
>*inhales another galllon of liquid cardiac arrest*

He is the living embodiment as to why Obamacare will fail


I love Boogie posting

fat people make me sick

absoute runtoids

Gas Him

I think it would be funny if someone came up to this fat ass and plugged him full of holes, good thing his body will do it for him soon.



I hope that fat shit does die.

Doesn't he make at least 100k from YouTube and twitch? How could he not afford insurance?

Trump should use this as an argument for repealing it

I think it has more to do with whether companies will insure him at all.

tell me an insurance company that will take one look at him and not demand at least a 100k

That pic is gold, just like his arteries

Press f for boogie

Why haven't we memed him as Boogie1488 yet?

that fat fuck was offered training and diet plans by world class trainers that have worked with such high end names such as Sylvester Stallone, Matt Damon and Arnold.



Here i am, busting my ass cause at my gym we have soviet era fucking gym equipment yet they sure as hell have the latest in treadmill technology that girls and limp wristed faggots do 5 minutes of cardio on

Was America always this fat? This is a serious question. Was obesity such a big problem 50-60 years ago? Why is it tolerated to be as fat as Boogie? By that I mean why isn't it heavily frowned upon by society/MSM?
>inb4 corporations want to sell shit cheap food
>inb4 kikes

He can die.

high fructose corn syrup

they put it in everything. Its liquid sugar. Then they add more sugar to whatever they eat cause their taste buds have gotten used to it and need more stimulation

Let the rage of the proletariat fill you.
Remember this is what your statist enemy looks like.

Its his fault hes fat so if he has health problems from in they are his fault and nobody is required to help him

i think its a lack of education about health
>be american
>free health care
>docs prescribe pills left and right

sure you can live to 40 with that but good luck reaching 60 to claim that 401-K

>this could kill me. Consider that.
I think it was considered.

Yeah it's the repeal that's gonna kill him.

Elvis slept with half of America's married women.

This cuckold progeny has led to an increased prevalence of the "fat gene" being expressed in the population

Youtubers were a mistake.


also isn't this guy's networth like 800k+?
the shit still needs obama care? cant he afford private insurance?

Yall craka mutha fuckas makin my babbies go wif out der inshurance and shit

How weak can a a human be? Even after getting a second asshole by killing his chair he continues like this. He throws away the free help people are offering him.This disgusting pig needs to be tied to his bed without being fed anything for some time or should just end himself already.

Diet or die you fat fuck, the choice is yours

>that fat fuck was offered training and diet plans by world class trainers

That alone should be grounds to have him involuntarily committed. But I would settle for the rest of internet calling this fat cunt out on his parasitic bullshit and shaming him into further obscurity. Offer no internet safe space for this type of fail.

fuck this fat faggot.