How Are You FASCISTS gonna deal with the SWOLE LEFT?

>“[Conservatives] thinks we’re weak, we’re snowflakes, we’re hiding in our safe spaces. That’s not the case,” one Martinez trainee said over Twitter. “Liberals are finally standing up for themselves. … If you’re a Nazi, you should be looking over your shoulder.”
>Martinez found more trainees by posting to Facebook and Twitter, where 3,000 people follow his “weird Twitter” mix of absurdist humor and political commentary.
>There’s also a symbolic benefit to Martinez’s activism, Roa says. Liberal men are regarded by the right as emotionally and physically feeble “cucks,” whereas the ideal conservative man is “the burly guy who can lift a truck.” Powerlifting actively defies that stereotype, and projects a message that the left will not back down—ideologically or physically.


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>That guy

>same size of an average 20-25 year old

A gun, duh. /thread.

>Liberal men are regarded as emtotionally and and physically feeble "cucks,"
Gee, i wonder why?
>"Liberals are finally standing up for themselves."
Yeah, wearing masks and carrying bike locks
*Laughing hard*

>lifting improves fighting ability




made me kek in real life

>can't even pull 3plate

>lefties start lifting
>become right wing due to higher testosterone

It does 2bh, not as much as actually training to fight, but being heavier and stronger than your opponent is rarely a bad thing

well, i guess we'll shoot and hang you guys, unless you're of the tribe which will take you straight to the oven

it's gonna be so much fun

I bet the pussypad weighs more than he is

How do you get swole on an all organic vegan dumpster diving diet?


they probably have to "cheat" a little, sneak a little steak on the side every now and then, but can't tell to their comrades

This beast is squatting 20kg - nobody, NOBODY in here could do that. Fuck now I'm afraid of the swole left.

It doesn't matter how big they get. They will still be cowards.


>Liberals are finally standing up for themselves. … If you’re a Nazi, you should be looking over your shoulder
>you think different? look over your shoulder

Show us your muscles then user.

Im confused though
How is being swole gonna help you when your group is anti-gun, and the people you want to fight are pro-gun?

Why did he choose a haircut like that? It makes his head look like an egg.

What makes you think all of the left wing people are anti-gun? A lot of them are likely just, anti-nutbags with guns.

That is literally only 6 months of working out and drinking protein shakes. These guys are retarded.

When you don't know what muscle groups are important for fighting you are more likely to hurt yourself due to imbalance in muscle strength, especially in shoulder area.
Muscle rotators are as important as muscles, yet almost no one trains them.

They usually swallow so many diet supplements, they might as well just eat and drink steaks all the time.


lel, I've got bigger biceps than that and I don't even lift except at work


That is a """trans""" lady who is slowly shapeshifting into a dude.


None of these dudes show up to the prtests so what difference does it make how swole they are
they just take selfies and virtue signal like a bunch of dumb broads

Being left-wing and being anti-gun are not mutually exclusive



I'd fucken kick that bearded bitch her in her cunt.

>If you’re a Nazi, you should be looking over your shoulder.

There are hardly any actual Nazi's, only people who disagree with the left.

When are they going to realise they are fucking retarded?

Swole left is a joke.

In reality, however, the only way to combat organized opponents is to organize yourselves.

In an ideal world, Sup Forums would be making fraternal groups of guys dedicated to self-improvement.

Instead, we have shitty social clubs like Proud Boys where, if you watch their videos, are full of ungroomed and even fat retards.

You ever wonder why the elite have Skull & Bones or the Free Masons? Because it fucking works.

>improve yourself
>get an invite-only group of other improved conservatives going

Id still bang that chick with every ounce of my being.

Post-modernists, the time has come to sort yourself out.

>having access to a freedom stick

I'd actually like to join a club like what you described. In our country, any attempt would be (((civic nationalism))) or, like you said, fat man-children.

The closest I see are Spencer's side-shave sycophants, and the ROTC I run into on my morning jogs, but they're 50% Mexican and jog singing the praises of globalism.

As well, these are mostly reactions to social pressure (most "Nazis" are just libertarians that turned racist after being told they don't have a right to exist, and will go back to individualism as soon as the leftists are dead) and so here in Houston, things are pretty quiet.

>one natty fatass does some meme powerlifting routine for a year and is shown off as the most intimidating person on the left
I've been training MMA for 10 years, lifting for 9 and blasting+cruising steroids for 5 should I make #swoleright a thing?

>Lefties starts lifting
>T-levels increase
>Suddenly cucking doesnt feel good anymore

Let them.

>size medium shirt

Ahahahahahaha go to a gym you pencil neck geek

Pretty much this.

I regret not joining a frat in college. I was a smug cuck when I first started and didn't realize how redpilled and useful fraternities can be for developing men.

This is why antifa and the SJW's have started attacking them.

I'm working on my own and have others who are like minded. Fraternal groups are the next step.

However, if you plan on doing it, be aware - most people, even on fucking Sup Forums, like only the thought of improving, but are too fucking lazy to do so much as read a book.

Here's a major redpill I learned: People exist to be mobilized. They can't mobilize themselves and if they try, they shit out generic leaders only slightly better than themselves like Gavin McInnes.

You're right-
They're mutually inclusive

No, but some college kids with hipoints aren't realistically going to stand against rednecks that hunt (or just shoot into the air for fun) all the time, and have been stroking themselves to the idea of a communist uprising since they saw Red Dawn.

Of course, all of this is theoretical, and dependent upon "the system" collapsing to famine / depression and cops not being present to enforce order.

Lookin good.
Have you started lifting recently?

>mafia pepe
>dumb broads

Lookie here boys, we got ourselves a wiseguy

noob gainz = swole now?

Good thing if they start a war ol' meathead's standoff distance is about as far as his roid fueled dick.

Seriously though anyone who thinks that Antifa is a threat to nationwide stability is retarded. They don't have numbers, funding or armament, the most they will do is screw up their own town's windows and maybe torch a car or two.

just a side not in case the point wasn't obvious.

Like I said, many only like the thought of being a better person. That's where it stops. I've had so many join my group and speak volumes about wanting to improve, only to have them quit before their first book club meeting.

Like a country, the dumbest thing you can do for a group is have open recruitment. This is why I greatly dislike Proud Boys.

Only calisthenics for now, since i dont have access to a gym (live way out on the countryside). Doing military service in a few months though, gon be gud.

>freedom stick
Only a yank could concoct such an absurd name for a multi-owie whizz-bang holding cannon

holy shit that guy is jacked.

yup. to hell with personal liberty, property rights and voluntary interaction. i'm a communist now.

Get involved Sven.

Nice one. I think I started aversive to left since dad took me to gym for my back problems several years ago

You'll need to tear lots of muscle tissue by lifting heavy weights to increase your testosterone enough to consider giving your bull the night off sven. Go heavy or go back to the foot of the bed.

""Martinez and his girlfriend stepped onto the downtown A-train, they noticed a “big burly man screaming homophobic invective at a tiny, skinny gay kid.”
“Don’t look at me or I’ll fuck you up!” the guy yelled at the teenager""

What a great time he had in shitthatneverhappenedland.


wow you're right, i hope they force me to suck his dick

Right. We already have a ton of frats and Aggies (giant redneck college) but starting a group of young, white men that want to become physically and mentally fit (and maybe introduced to right-wing political philosophy) is not an easy sale. Most people, like you said, are slovenly, especially in our country and there's essentially no immediate threatening need to wake people up. If not for poverty, Lenin wouldn't have had an audience for his rants.


It can be truly frustrating, however you and I both know it is the next step in our political era.

that guy looks fat.

How many swole white liberals do you know?

The only jacked leftists I know are blacks and Puerto Ricans, and only because their peoples made a faustian pact with globalism and they benefit materially from it.

When white people start lifting they red pill 90% of the time.

>I hit arms once a week and that's my routine

Nice bod bro.

How can you be both swole and still low test leftie?

I know, best i can manage here is weighted pullups. Gonna get too it asap, when i move out of here.

I was bigger than that when I was 16 and lifting weights doesn't make you a fighter.

Strength vs twitch muscle fiber, these niggers are actively making themselves slower and easier to hit.

with my 92fs

He's a weak, fat fuck and a great example of bulking gone wrong.

>bulking gone wrong
can you elaborate /fit/izen?



Lifters who bulk the wrong way decide to stuff their faces with high-calorie meals so that they can "feed muh growing muscles." However, instead of ending up strong and muscular, all that they accomplish is getting fat.

Some guy challenged him to a fight on Twitter but he blocked him. What a pussy

holy shit that guy has some serious roid rage going on

>they are just now getting big
>I've been getting big for years now

hahaha what the hell

These weak little bitches are hilarious, they think that starting strength lifts will make them tough lmao, they literally just barely put any muscle on and mainly just get used to the basic lifts and get just a fraction of their newbie CNS gains and think they're big tough men lmao.

Pic related, barely even go to the gym now, but everytime I go I deadlift conventionally at least 5 plates for reps, do over 10 reps with 40kg on chinups and bench 130kg for reps.

Also train boxing and grappling, cause I'm not a sack of lard little bitch afraid of sweating a little like those "swole" left fags

Maybe you just have good genetics. I had a friend once who was a degenerate pussy magnet but he was quite fit, tall and blonde without any lifting, by just working at a factory in the weekends. Maybe some people have better genes than others and this factors in somehow too?

>lefty snowflake decides to fight the evuhl NAZIS!!!
>starts lifting
>becomes big
>testosterone starts flowing
>libtard ideas disappear
Playing right into our hand there lads.

Portuguese ppl usually have shit genes for gains.

It took me a lot of time in order to look fit.
According to numerous studies genetics do matter a lot, but even people with very low test can get very muscular, they just take longer due to lower base protein muscle synthesis balance

What a faggot

Ability to kill is not something that can be trained for in the gym.
A simple knife equalise any amount of muscle, and knives are the first among a plethora of weapon avaialable.

Speaking of which, nail gun are shit at range except if your goal is to bleed. Forget piercing a skull when farther than just two metter. Consider the nail gun like a melee weapon, no, like a knuckle weapon.
Contact shoot, contact shoot, contact shoot.
I recommend aiming for the center of gravity, then two or three in the back when they're reeling, and finally one in the tample ( always the tample, no bone so much more damage to the brain ).

This post is post-ironic and based on speculations, not real experience.


I guess you are right. If even women can become powerlifters wil enough work, I am sure that even men with average or worse genes can do it, just needs more time I guess.

clearly onnit

Genetics are just a starting point. I have a chronic illness and shit tier joints but I lift. I'll never get as big or as strong as other lifters, but I'm working towards MY optimum potential, not theirs.

It's like with IQ, the capacity to deal with complexity. I'm in the upper ranges there. That's something dumb people can't train. Do I feel superior about that? Not really, it's something I was born with and then used to get ahead. It's the same for people who more easily grow muscles. I knew a guy who had this weird "disease" where he was extremely muscular without even doing much. He did work out, but nowhere near anything that would explain that kind of mass even with steroids. Maybe he naturally had high testosterone, I don't know, but what good is it worrying about the limits of others when you can search for your own.

Wut, how tall are you? Usually those kinds of clothing racks don't even reach my nipples.

average balkan nigger in bulgaristan is bigger than the "swole" left without even lifting , not to mention that lifting is pretty much a national sport here and the majority of young males actually do lift and are racist as fuck as well

182cm pls don't height shame me dutchfriend
Lmao, I don't even have money for whey.

young bulgarian nigger here - all of what my fellow bulgarian said is true.

right on, its all about changing ones routine.


isn't masculinity toxic or something??
why are they practicing it?