I'm not understanding the recent trend on Sup Forums of hating Israel.
Is it CTR/Shareblue shills trying to divide the Trump and conservative support base? Is it Muslim shills? Is it black shills?
What I learned growing up, from my Oupa, was that Israel is a country that stood by us during Apartheid when no one else did. He also told me that it's a white country, with white people facing the brown hordes - similar to our situation here.
If Israelis are white, and our allies against the Muslims, then why are we hating on them?
You will find a sample of everyone that hates everyone on Sup Forums. The only time we group up in to fuck with Shia and fuck with HWNDU. Since that is over we just sit here and embrace the chaos.
Carson Brooks
Good goy. Jou oupa se ma se poes
Landon Williams
Jews give zero fucks about anyone but jews. Worst allies you could ask for
Leo Young
>Nice b8 >Israel subverts every white country and is a parasite >Israeli is not white get the fuck out of here >your oupa is a bitch
Gavin Hughes
Robert Walker
Recent trend? Hating jews is the cornerstone of this board.
Chase Edwards
>recent >semites are semites >they want us to be their allies against the muslums so they can use us to destroy each other >they probably started islam as an experiment
Andrew Martinez
>deliberately bomb US ship for hours, disregarding all radio transmissions from the ship and the big US flag waving over her. >Steal nuclear triggers and uranium and create an illegal nuclear arsenal >create protocols to initiate global thermonuclear war in the event the nation falls. >sell joint U.S. military secrets and equipment to china >target American and British civilians in false flag terror attacks (Operation Susannah)
And this hatred isn't a recent phenomena. You are.
Jack Jenkins
Gabriel Howard
Kikes and sand niggers are all desert rats to me. Put them all in one place and glass them, I say.
Carson Young
Hating was the sperm.
And jews were the egg.
Hating jews is what we are, not what we believe.
Jose Ramirez
i missed you JIDF welcome home
Blake Young
>recent trend >outing yourself as someone who is extremely new
Sup Forums has been shitting on israel since it's inception and was shitting on Israel with /new/ and /n/ before that. Neck yourself.
Joseph Flores
I keep saying start here and work it out...
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Full Audiobook)
>If Israelis are white, and our allies against the Muslims, then why are we hating on them?
because force united states into a really bad situation with the Iran deal. also when we attack hezbollah in syria the US have to side with israel. we are also shaking down america for military aid money, and donations through AIPAC also hate crime against jews is punishable by law, no other race gets this treatment. lots of shit, this is just from the top of my head
you can just save this post for future arguments if you like
Jose Adams
Jou woordeskat is kak, bru. Kom op bru.
Couldn't have even sprung for a "Jou ma se poes in 'n vis paste jar?"
William Cooper
Do you guys wanna make this a hate kikes thread? I'm down
Brody Cook
Hello JIDF. You are so easily spotted....and destroyed
Adrian Brown
oh and to top it all off..
the REAL holocaust survivers are living in poverty while the rich jews in ivory towers complain about the holocaust. what a crazy world
Kayden Taylor
OY VEY!!!!!! Delete this
Caleb Thomas
This is a decent kike. Well done sir well done
Jose Murphy
Jews never learn
Brody Perez
>country of Jews >as if anyone wouldn't hate it
Jack Evans
Theres a meme I haven't seen in awhile
Ethan Murphy
if I would be rich I'd set up a fund for holocaust survivors. I've seen some reports wich showed that many of them live in poverty. This shouldn't be the case and it's in fact shameful. Germany is spending billions and billions on refugees and fucking greece and meanwhile, holocaust survivors live in the dirt. It makes me angry but I can't change it I'm poor
Carter Gomez
>Good troll >Bad shill Sometimes I can't tell.
Asher Gray
>I'm not understanding >...the "recent" trend
You're a fucking retard.
Jack White
Benjamin Allen
He is no goy, just a regular Jewish shitposter who thinks Sup Forums is reddit
Michael Thomas
Jacob Scott
>recent trend...
You must be new here.
Caleb Lee
>Recent Israel did 9/11 16 years ago
Elijah Robinson
Israelis are like a hundred times cooler than diasporas desu...
Adam Powell
>the recent If at all it has died down
Daniel Edwards
We are all the same. this country and the people here are shit... the leftist jews are the worst, they are like the Jewish new york SJW's just million times worse
Dylan Ross
The Elsers of Zion has always freaked me out at how accurate it is. The predictions of Jewish control is crazy.
>the Jew stabs you in the back while pretending to assist you Yeah, nah. Fuck off.
Hudson Lewis
Andrew Adams
would you say (((6 million times worse)))?
Blake Garcia
>Israel is a country that stood by us
And look at what the Jews did to you once they secured uranium from somewhere else.
Jaxson Lee
Its not Israel that is the problem. Its that shitstain zionist Netanyahu thats the issue. Z
Take him out and get a better well rounded leader and Isreal will be somewhat more likeable.