I have this good Arab friend but he does not want to shut up on the subject of multiculturalism, claiming that multiculturalism is good for countries that are a part of Europe and spewing the typical leftist propaganda on the subject. Is there any way I can redpill this dirty Arab.
How to red pill my Arab friend on multiculturalism
Other urls found in this thread:
>"multiculturalism is bad!"
>"but we're friends"
>"yeah but that's different"
stop being friends with nonwhites or shut the fuck up
Culture is what holds society together. When you start mixing it up things go to shit
If you want to point out that it's not good, give him a way to not be part of the problem.
Because if he wants to not be a problem, he has to believe in something like multiculturalism, or he'll see himself as a piece of shit, and humans don't do that.
diversity breeds adversity
the whole point of Nation Building is to build a single, unified population. Rather than dividing it and causing tribalist instincts to take over.
Ask him what he thinks about cities where the native population is now a minority. If he approves, ask him why he approves of soft genocide.
ask why Israel refuses to open its borders to anyone. Why Saudis wont take in any rapefugees.
Ask him why he is so racist to think that the entire white race is a single people, culture or mindset.
ask him why muslims are so incredibly over-represented in crime statistics, why the special projects to give them easy jobs on a silver fucking platter never accomplish anything. Why the training and education offered to them FOR FREE are never fucking utilized
He already is red pulled dumbass he knows multiculturalism means less white people and the more of his kind he can bring into your country the more influence they can exert because democracy is a tool of the jew
This. And unless you are prepared to tell him to get the fuck out of your country, you will lose this debate.
Its sort of hard to make friends with whites when the senior college I'm going to is mostly made up of Arabs. Most of the white people that go to my college are faggots, example today they came to school wearing skirts because of some feminist bullshit. I still have some white friends but this Arab does not want to leave our group.
Pick one
I will asking him these questions.
Thank you for your reply.
note that these wont necessarily persuade him, but it will give you a good idea on where he stands.
inform yourself about his view points and find objective information to prove him wrong.
alternatively, slay the heretic.
Thanks for the advice.
there is harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, talks about how multiculturalism causes negative effects of distrust, isolation and less social cohesion.
But im too tired to research it and give you a basic gestalt
I will read about him
am i a hypocrite if i love multiculturalism.... of different cultures of white people.
I guess this gives a breif rundown,
Be wary, he praises multiculturalism IN THE LONG TERM
and be wary of wikipedia, it is edited by shills.
>what he thinks about the native population being a minority
allright, we all know he'll approve anyway
>if he approves, ask him why he approves of soft genocide
Really? Because "muh diversity" is good and "mixing whites, niggers and shitskins will unify us as a species" and "it's been (((scientifically proven))) that mixing races is beneficial for the immune system or crap like that. These are going to be his answers to those questions
>ask him why Israel refuses to open it's borders to anyone. Why Saudis won't take in any rapefugees (kek)
Well, he might agree that Kikerael should open it's borders to anyone but his answer to the Saudi question will be
>"it's evil whitey's fault that the middle east is one giant chaotic shithole so evil whitey has to take in all rapefugees".
>ask him why muslims are so incredibly over-represented in crime statistics
Easy one, once again because
>"evil whitey is so racist towards those poor mudslimes and making it difficult for them to achieve anything blah blah"
Literally the answer I almost always hear.
OP, if you are a /fit/ guy, dump him. If he starts physical shit, break his jaw and make sure he gets the message.
Don't relax around a shitskin.
Do you know any better questions to ask or how to rebuttal the answers you mentioned.
Here m8, fuck your Arab dog of a m8 btw
>harvard study
>done for almost ten years
>using over twenty six thousand people
Harvard professor of political science Robert D. Putnam conducted a nearly decade long study how multiculturalism affects social trust.[134] He surveyed 26,200 people in 40 American communities, finding that when the data were adjusted for class, income and other factors, the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust. People in diverse communities "don’t trust the local mayor, they don’t trust the local paper, they don’t trust other people and they don’t trust institutions," writes Putnam.[135] In the presence of such ethnic diversity, Putnam maintains that
>[W]e hunker down. We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us.[134]
Even Harvard knows this is all a pile of ''feel good'' shit like religion and like religion it relies on persecuting those who dont agree to keep itself mainstream thought.
Full disclosure: After the study was released Putnam was intimidated and harassed because he was accused of helping racists with this study. He later came out and gave a very vague statement saying diversity "had problems but was worth it in the long run" to keep these morons appeased.
This statement gives no indication of the long run is and in fact is not quantified by anything.
tl;dr fuck diversity
Thanks for the info mate.
No worries m8, multikulturalism is cancer.
Show him the error in his ways. He is a pawn in a larger game.
There is nothing wrong with multiculturalism per se, but multiculturalism as understood and promoted by the left is not actually multicultural. It is a political tactic designed to increase the support for communism.
You see, under modern multiculturalism, there is only two monolithical cultural blocs: "Whitey" and "Peoples of Colour". Then they apply Marxist dialectics, portraying "POCs" as inherently oppressed and voilá, you basically mobilized 80% of the entire earth population to your project. No need to wait for the proletariat to become class conscious, you already have your revolutionary class.
This is a very successful tactic, but is it actually multicultural? Of course not, under this "multicultural" project, actual differences between cultures are erased in the name of revolutionary tactics. There are no Deobandis, no Sufis, no Barelvis, only Muslims. No Igbos, no Bamilekes, no Swahilis, only "Blacks", and they are all opposed to "Whitey", which composes everything, from Irish to Russian, from Nordic to Criollo peoples from Latin America.
What about actual multiculturalism? There was one country which was actually multicultural in Europe. And the left destroyed it.
If he approves of removing the native white people of their home places, than he is a piece of shit and you should probably dump him, m8.
Won't turn out well in the long run hanging out with a leftist shitskin.
t. the only friend I have is a mulatto (half German, half South African) and I plan on dumping him as soon as I take care of all my physical problems and get really /fit/.
>inb4 you nigger lover
Yeah, I really fucked up didn't I but I want to make it right again.
Once again thanks for the info.
Which was the only country that was actually multicultural in Europe that got destroyed by the left? The only country i can think of is the now destroyed state of Yugoslavia which was Multicultural in sense that combined many South Slavic ethnic groups and was destroyed by the left leaning Clitions for varouis reasons or are you referring to a other nation in Europe.
Thanks for your advice.
the goal isnt to corner him, its to find out his stance. once you have that you can fact find. If he approves of white genocide, slay the heretic.
Europe itself is multicultural m8. We aren't (((white))) like (((they))) want you to believe. We are Anglos, Germanics, Nordics etc, our land is europe and the left has done all it can to reduce the differences between the varied European cultures so we can now all be reduced to """"white"""". Never forget your blood and heritage.
Thanks mate. Now i know what you mean.
Best answer is best answer.
Brilliantly put user.