Brit/pol/ Tory Reich Edition

>Prince Philip to step down from carrying out royal engagements
>YouGov Poll: Con: 47%, Lab: 28%, Lib: 9%, UKIP: 8%

>May Accuses EU Figures Meddling In Elections

>May Hits Out At EU

>Davis Threatens To Walk Away From Brexit Talks If U.K. Provoked

>Barnier Reveals EU Bill Includes Foreign Aid To Ukraine & Turkey

>UK & EU At Odds Over The '€100bn UK Fee'

>Chief Negotiator Threatens Legal Action If Britain Refuses 'Non-Negotiable' Bill

>Corbyn's Economic Policy Would Cost £45bn

>Nick Clegg Sets EU Remain Bid

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw&ref_url=

Reminder that UKIP died on June 23rd 2016 and nothing you can do will revive them.

We need a new party.

Reminder that there are ACTUAL PAKIS ITT shilling for the Tories.

>tfw didn't go out to vote

>Sky TV
>Food Banks
Who got their weekend sorted?

Labour themselves aren't doing too badly all things considered, if you look at the vote share, which is what tells us the most about how this will play out in a general.

Where they have lost councils and seats it is because UKIP has completely imploded and their old voters have increased the Tory vote.

The Lib Dem vote share is interesting too.

These results are being compared to the last council elections in these areas 5 years ago which was not only before they were given a bloody nose at the last GE, but still during the heady days of Clegmania. To increase their vote from then means they are on course to not only return the same number of MPs as they had during the coalition but they will win a lot more seats that they narrowly lost then. Factor into this that 48% of people voted remain and the lib dems are the only party to represent them outside of Scotland and the others are all fighting over votes from the 52% and I think we can all see where this is going.

The only question is weather they will get enough seats to overtake the Labour Party as the official opposition.

>tfw put tories first pref and lib dems second



hello mckenzie how is chantelle doing

>someone who literally supports sharia law, mass immigration at tony blair levels, was a diehard remainer, who WILL bomb bashar al assad if elected, massive foreign aid spending and outlawing right wing opinions is popular here

>Britain become white-minority in your lifetime
based mummy May


>These results are being compared to the last council elections in these areas 5 years ago which was not only before they were given a bloody nose at the last GE, but still during the heady days of Clegmania
lel, the lib dems got reamed in 2013.

Me too... I'll be voting in the general election in June though, I'll be voting Conservative.

I am enjoying this morning though, it's pretty comfy seeing all the socialists on social media realising Labour is finished.
Some are delusional enough to celebrate the death of UKIP and being in complete denial that Labour has taken even more damage.

>every single one of those immigrants is non-white

Reminder that proob is an attention seeking girl

lads my theresa pics folder got deleted can you help me rebuild it

Northumberland NOC No change C gain 13, Ind gain 2, Lab lose 8, LD lose 7 New council: C 33, Lab 24, Ind 7, LD 3

The final seat on the council was decided by a straw poll. Literally, they drew straws.

Only British people are white. This is fact. It was written about for centuries before this modern 'white nationalist' garbage.

is this but just a glimpse of things to come?

1 seat minority. I imagine the tories will get an independent or two on side.

There are plenty of Brits in Wales and Liverpool / Dock areas especially that have been mixed race for over a century.

Brit/pols are like buses…… you wait for ages and then two come at the same time.

You can watch the emotional moment here:^tfw&ref_url=

>tfw didn't vote UKIP just because of MUH IMMIGRATION
>tfw voted for them because they were pro-nuclear power
>Pro-free speech
>Pro-grammar schools
>Pro-drug decriminalisation
>Anti-affirmative action
>Anti-"""hate crime"""
>Anti-foreign aid

Where do I go now?
Fuck the Tories; they're just left-of-centre, blue New Labour.
If you think otherwise, prepare to get the same devastating betrayal the Yanks got with Trump.


>devastating betrayal


>tfw the biggest haul of new Conservative MPs will come from the North, Midlands and Wales
>places that have been traditionally Labour but hold deep eurosceptic views and social conservative views
>The Tory backbenches will now be full of TRAD Tories to outnumber the liberal ones of 2010
>Mogg coup inevitable



So, given that supreme Comrade Corbyn is pretty much the only real hope of a real and powerful England and the Tories are so far down the path they're practically fascist, I have to wonder.

Why are we getting Mayors? Are they trying to shift the blame for policies being implemented? Again?
God, what I'd give for a military coup.

fuck.... i would jizz


Tory Right and Dangerous?

Are you the cunt that keeps I love mummy posting?

>Left Scotland just in time to watch it burn to the ground and the tories rise

>hold deep eurosceptic views and social conservative views
That's because of working class scum who read the Daily Mail and The Sun holding our country back from progressive liberal utopia, no doubt.
>local election results have been a poor indicator of national votes
But the graphs they show have the Tories doing better in the national elections than in the local elections
>tfw these results are only going to be a fraction of the damage that will be to come


Can someone explain why the welsh are always labour supporters? I thought they were for the EU so I don't really understand their thinking

>you wait for ages and two come at the same time

More like

>you wait for so long you get pissed and phone the bus helpline for your route only to be told for the next week they are running Sunday times only as the roadworks at the end of the street are causing serious delays and your next bus is in six hours

South wales is a very post-industrial area. Coal mines correlate with the labour movement and socialism.

>I thought they were for the EU
which is why they voted overwhelmingly for brexit?

labour are down 65 seats *so far*, for a party that has been in opposition for seven years with a GE a few weeks away that is appalling

ok, so its not AS BAD as it might have been, but so what?

traditional, but this works too.

By the way, Philip Davies is a rare example of a northern Tory, and he's notorious for his right wing views among the rest of the party lines

Just think. We could have a good flux of Philip Davieses entering Parliament in June

>Sup Forums is celebrating 15% of the ballots being counted at a fucking 23% turnout.

Remember when they tried this shit before and fucking nobody voted so they scrapped the idea.

Here you go then.

>mfw I voted conservative for the first time in my life yesterday

I like Corbyn a lot but I fucking despise the labour party. Good riddance.

>Remember when they tried this shit before and fucking nobody voted so they scrapped the idea.
Local elections have been around for a century and a half?

smashin news

>media shill for lib dems for the past several weeks
>suddenly media aren't talking about them today

Really skims my milk

>the vast majority of people that go to food banks smoke, drink, and have sky television

When was the last time there was as based a comment as this on Question Time?

>Scottish results at 11:30.
Is that the full results or is that when counting starts?


First declarations expected. STV takes forever to count.

Yeah they have, but in most placed nobody voted for anyone so nobody got the position.
At least in Oldham.

>I like Corbyn a lot

Why? 95% of his views are indefensible shit.

>polling projections

>truth and common sense is now rare and based


I have literally no idea what you're on about.
There was only 1 seat with no candidates, in rural Powys

>makes his living off political betting

Has he gone bankrupt now

>Where do I go now?
>Fuck the Tories; they're just left-of-centre, blue New Labour.

Well if the tories are left of centre then the Lib Dems, which are slap bang in the centre would be the rightest wing party you can vote for with any chance of winning seats.

Don't be too sad though because they would satisfy the following things you voted UKIP for:
>Pro-free speech
>Pro-drug decriminalisation
>Anti-hate crime

There are a few things you might not be behind 100% but they offer you a better option than the Tories.

That little
>shit I'm on camera
>don't autsim
>quick bounce a bit?
>was that enough?
>My feet hurt
>bounce more!
I'm in love.

>Theresa May oversees the largest wave of immigration in 13,000 years of British history
>UKIP gain votes
>Conservative party says "We need a strong brexit and border controls"
>All the UKIP votes go to the tories

>>you wait for so long you get pissed and phone the bus helpline for your route only to be told for the next week they are running Sunday times only as the roadworks at the end of the street are causing serious delays and your next bus is in six hours
Your bus finally arrives and is driven by an immigrant, who has taken the job of skilled And experienced British driver, and for lower pay. You decide to walk the 9 miles, fuelled by your burning inner hatred for foreigners.


What is "net migration"?
Non-native immigrants minus non-native emigrants? Or something stupid like immigrants minus emigrants?

>not deciding your politicians by who draws the short straw

Rupert Fucking Murdock.
Nigger needs to die, literally has a monopoly on news media and controls the flow of fucking information.
Make no mistake user. Today is all about the tories.

Citation needed

hezbollah are good boys
literally did not do nothing wrong
yankee fuck off with your house al saud sunni wahhabist dogs

>I like Corbyn a lot

Reddit please go

Am I a race traitor if I can't get a gf?

Around the time the average Scotsman gets to work

Nuttall is a tard

gustav wants to help

We're a hivemind now I guess

top kek

>those pants


>You finally get to where you were going and the place has been completely shut down due to the same bus and same driver crashing into 20+ people, but it's okay because it's part and parcel

The Lib Dems are agianst hate crime legislation?

>Disability payments reduced

Yes i'm sure that helps us a lot KEK

people don't mind people who are ill or Disabled getting help , it's the chavs and niggers having 8 kids that people hate

Citation was the people he knows that go to food banks, he's doing the work for us.

Food banks only allowed for people that pass a piss test and pass the DVLA style blood test that can tell if you heavily drink when?

Those are trousers, silly yank. Pants are underwear.

Get a job and live within your means for a while. "Fuck bitches, get money" was literally the smartest thing any nigger has every said.

Hold down a solid job and pay rent/mortgage, bills, have a car, etc. and women will suddenly become easier

>Nottinghamshire heading to the tories

Fucking legend
Who else here /Poor Hate/

>Laura suggests Derbyshire will be a Labour hold

I came a little from the thought of it.


they should just finish the GE with a straw draw desu


We need an image for the 1,000-year Tory reich

Because it is going to be needed relentlessly over the next few weeks

>Your doorbell rings
>You open the door and its Theresa May with a camera crew but no microphones
>She starts miming as if she is talking to you about something and points at something off in the distance
>You say "what are you doing" and she nods at you and continues to mouth nonsense and point at random stuff silently

What would you do in this situation cuz I've heard she's going around doing this

>Pig-nosed white woman

Really rumbles my walnuts

So you're saying there's no evidence you can give me other than 'this guy says' for such a claim? Fair play, thanks for clarifying.

Just collapse onto the floor as if i've died instantaneously and see if she even notices.

M8, he's the lowkey hero of the Tory party. He's destroying Labour.