Brit/pol/ - Warwickshire is a marginal county edition

>Tory sweep, labour losses, UKIP collapse, lib dem stagnation

>Prince Philip to step down from carrying out royal engagements
>YouGov Poll: Con: 47%, Lab: 28%, Lib: 9%, UKIP: 8%

>May Accuses EU Figures Meddling In Elections

>May Hits Out At EU

>Davis Threatens To Walk Away From Brexit Talks If U.K. Provoked

>Barnier Reveals EU Bill Includes Foreign Aid To Ukraine & Turkey

>UK & EU At Odds Over The '€100bn UK Fee'

>Chief Negotiator Threatens Legal Action If Britain Refuses 'Non-Negotiable' Bill

>Corbyn's Economic Policy Would Cost £45bn

>Nick Clegg Sets EU Remain Bid

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First for mummy

Why the fuck did you post this idiot
Real thread here

I made it 20 fucking seconds after the other one. How could I know?

You could have waited 20 more fucking seconds chap.

Bumping for next thread


>10 years with tory gubermint and no right wing opposition

well lads, time i looked for a job and made a life.


>local Essex news

Good warrior when the Islamic holy war comes though

>mfw I'm mobile posting and accidentally posted this on /he/ because of the fucking massive redirect banners

>even in a time where Labour is extreme left the Lib-Dems are going to be unable to get anywhere near the amount of seats they had pre-2010

Talk about a dead party, once Labour goes back to centre-left the Lib-Dems will be finished.

What the fugg

>We don't need UKIP now, the party has been negated in light of the fact that the Tories are now the party of the far right.
Xenophobes and racists have a representative in government, likely to romp home with an overwhelming mandate on June 8th, so whoopidoo!!
A one party state, with our very own Marine Le Pen.

>it's unironically more prosperous
Stay delusional.

Mudslimes fear the Peppa Pig knife.

I'll ask it again, because it's important to know why there are so many pro-"Conservatives" here -

Can someone give me a coherent explanation, please, at to why the majority of Brit/pol/ has a hard on for the "Conservative" Party? It seems I've foolishly thought that people here were social conservatives, who thought the idea of diluting our race, junking our traditions and sacrificing all that is holy at the alter of the Free Market, would despise a party that brought in gay marriage, is blatantly for immigration, and has one group led by a dyke?

On top of that, leading them is the same person who wanted to ban encryption, force ISPs to give out details of their customers browsing histories, strongly supported the new anti-Semtism law that make even criticism of Israel a punishable offence, and who is currently planning to throw us into war with Syria. She called the social conserative wing the "Nasty Party", voted for homosexual marriage, and in her time as Home Secretary presided over the greatest surge of immigrants into this nation.

Seriously, if you're shilling for Conservatives here, you're either ignorant, without hope (because you think, "Well, there's no other option, and I'm right wing"), or actively shilling from CGHQ.

Juncker is a right little cunt I can't stand that weasal. He is so butthurt he's become hell-bent on making Brexit a failure.

Why is it that I'm seeing Yuros shilling for Le Pen far more than they ever did for Brexit?

give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't vote for based comrade Corbyn, a eurosceptic, instead of remainer Theresa May

Orkney results seems to be 20 independents and a green.

Mummy may isn't far right at all. The only thing she is is authoritarian, she couldn't give a fuck about whether we accept 5 million immigrants, if the economy needs it she'll do it.

she's a woman.

Give me one GOOD reason why I shouldn't pursue Preuße as my future mate.

That early election move of May is fucking genius. I knew it had to be, because why take the risk. It is working out beautifully, this is what I love about politics. May is a real one.

confirmation bias

Live in a Tory seat in North London...

Don't want to vote Tory. DOn't want to vote Labour. Not sure about Ukip since they're not even right wing anymore.

The fuck do I do?

Why didn't I get a card to vote in this election lads?

yank posters from r_the donald


Reminder to ignore stupid Hitchens regurgitatators.

Don't vote, I guess.

vote ukip

I voted Tory but it still hurts to see UKIP do so badly.

Not everywhere had an election. What local council?



Currently it's the party that will fuck the country up the least.

>Labour majority
>UK bankrupt in 3 years

>Lib dems anywhere near power

>SNP being kingmakers
>Hadrian's Wall rebuilt by the scots, Scotland drifts away towards Norway

They're the only credible party that isn't guaranteed to backslide on leaving the EU. That's the only reason to vote for them - after the job's done in 5 years, boot them out if necessary.


Conservatives had 21->58

Labour 12 -> 6

Liberal Democrat 3 -> 1

UKIP 9 -> 0

Lincolnshire Independents: 7 -> 1

Independents 4->4

Independents from Europe had 3 -> 0


SE London.

Britons have always been pragmatists and utilitarians, not really stubborn idealists

If the Tories offer us things in our interest for the time being, we'll strengthen them

Yeah nothing on in London. It's mostly rural counties in England


I'm more disgusted by the commie wanting communism to spread to the UK

Funny how terrified they are that Brexit is going to be a success.

If leaving the EU means certain doom for the UK then why does the EU need to go out of its way to sabotage at every turn. Brexit is bad, right? It's going to be terrible for the UK, isn't it?

Then why do you need to put so much energy into scuppering the ship? Surely it's going to fail on its own?

Future looks bright as far as I can see.

Because he's a raving commie who can't even follow his own party's policies?


the UK will break up in your lifetime

truly another shoah

Guys, it's over.

Woolfe endorsed Theresa May over UKIP.

Vote LD for electoral reform or just straight-up don't vote

Sounds like SNP leader in Fife just lost his seat to a Tory


he isn't part of UKIP anymore, why would he give a fuck about them?

Because Brexit, as we're increasingly seeing, was a cut and dry pro-nationalist position. Now that the dust has settled, it's increasingly being twisted as a vote against immigration and against European hegemony, and more as a vote to turn us into some horrible, larger version of the Cayman Islands, with added non white immigrants. I think European posters saw that more clearly than we did, especially when Dan Hannan - who continually says he's a free market liberal/libertarian - was so prevalent in the vote.

Le Pen is ACTUALLY right wing and presents an ethno-nationalist position, which is what most European posters are. Sadly, most Brit posters from what I'm seeing are centre Right shills, or idiots who STILL think that the Conservative Party can be reformed to be a right wing, nationalist party.


Nuttal is a joke

Hell even Farage is a fucking joke at this point

>leaves country

Why are the Scots such pieces of shit, they don't even bother to start counting till the morning after.

UKIP wont get a single seat.

Hopefully they wont desu

Start buying guns.

He was always a tory spy



If he isn't the problem due to this then he surely can't be the solution either, so why not get rid?

I am Puße
>these fucking 'articles'

Kill me now, fucking this 'refinery29', more like 'Whinery29', cunts.


Because she's taken.

Diane Abbott on BBC News.

Abott on TV now

>Emokiddeh just got fucking elected onto the Lancashire county council

By who?

SNP losing seats to the Tories.

He was probably the second most popular UKIP member after Farage before he left, and was expected to become leader before Hookem gave him the left hook. This will cause UKIP to sink even further in the polls. 390 Tory seats here we come.

Should also say it has gone dark on the panel.


And why exactly do you want the current situation to continue? Do you enjoy being ass raped by globalists? Do you enjoy living next to Muhammed and his 12 children? Do yo enjoy queers and other detritus of society marching around in "pride"?

I would have though, if you were a traditionalist, that you'd want this free market socially liberal shit show nightmare to collapse ASAP so that out of the ashes traditional values can once again triumph. Why do you want the beast to continue living?

>Tripfag attention whore
>Literally an attention whore
>Proxy using attention whore


I know; it seems every week the 'bill' doubles.

First 25 billion then 50 billion now 100 billion.

Simple fact is; EU - UK is a smaller GDP than the USA alone. Trade deal with USA; and ONLY the USA; means Britian wins. And that dosen't count all the other countries which have expressed interest; such as Canada; Australia; New Zealand; China; India; South Africa; South Korea...

By me.


Most English want the Scottish to go. They're a net drain. [They take far more than they give back].

That's not a good enough reason.
We'll see about that you tosser.

labour party commie cucks are getting destroyed....

What's the unionist vs separatist numbers?

>If the Tories offer us things in our interest
"Here's some tax cuts and help to by schemes, you fucking pleb, now eat it all up with the denigration of Christianity and a tall glass of millions of shitskins"
"Oh thank you Mummy May, mmm delicious, I love being comfortable and content and semi-senile!"


Scottish ward results so far:

SNP: 21 (-5)
CON: 18 (+11)
LAB: 13 (-3)
IND: 8 (-3)
LDEM: 1 (-1)
GRN: 1 (+1)

>Labour are STILL booking her for media appearances

You're right, I'd still smash her loose fanny gash before retiring to our shitposting battlestations.




She is literally the best labour have to offer.

What happens if the Tories beat the SNP

labour book?

>the absolute state of the opposition


>muh gdp
>muh screencap xD
>"stay delusional, kid"
>ignoring shaghai and beijing and hong kong

Not a big deal, Aberdeen has always been conservative leaning.
If they can get dundee or angus or Edinburgh then it'll be big news.

i'm sick of all of these niggers in our country