U.K. says it won't pay €100 billion Brexit divorce bill

pay denbts

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pay denbts
>inb4 19 trillion dollar national debt image
Fuck you

We have a lot of money tied up in the EU that we will probably never get back anyway.

We have already paid enough to these bastards you my little olive nigger have just taken and taken and taken you're a useless burden

pay or we sue >:(

how is this even justified ? arnt the brits the only one together with the french and the germans that payed more into the EU then they took out of it ?

pay denbts

gib youth back




go full spartan and fend of the sandnigger invasion

They wont facken leave! They have come here and joined the swirling cess pool of third worlders says alot out them

Good fuck the EU

How much is not being nuked worth to the EU?

Good fuck Israel

No you debnts for nato

Say Britain wont pay

Whats the EU gonna do about it?

"Your not paying the 100 billion?! but you have agreements that mean you owe the EU 150 billion. It's only right you pay us 200 billion for how much we have helped you over the decades. Please see sent the bill for 250 billion for further details.

Don't these commie EU morons realise that their behaviour during this whole process just shows to the world what kind of arrangement this is?

Oy vey

kick them out? oh wait.

good bye eu credit rating

Sargon did a pretty good job of explaining all this in his video yesterday

Germany's NATO bill isn't that big, heavens knows why they want the money.


UK the offshore tax heaven
>eurocucks BTFO

It's to force Britain to do what they want; if Britain gets a good deal, then other countries such as France will try to leave, and the EU will collapse.

Warning: Most everything I say is just regurgitating Sargon's points

Somebody has to pay for ahmed and my welfare when I move to Germoney and apply for for asylum

How do you say Hello in Syrian?

We're at the "bargaining" stage of grief, I think.

Or what? What, if the UK simply refuses?


so that you can cuck us again
>history is a motherfucker


Or are you gonna force them?

Britain doesn't have to play ball with anything, after 2 years the game can simply end according to EU rules.

The whole point is to make an initial bill that is as large as possible.
It's called bargaining

Kek. How will it even be enforced? They're already out of the EJew right? The EJew has no juristiction on them.

I wish.

the superior European army will invade the UK and retake it for glorious Brussels.

They're not out yet; Article 50 hasn't been triggered.

so do I.
Low income jobs are being taken by Hohols.

But what can they do even if they just refuse to pay? Storm UK with their shitty army?

They should retake Brussels and paris first from the muslims tho.

Both are wrong, both are retarded.

Article 50 HAS been triggered, but they are NOT out yet.

Not much as far as I know; according to Sargoy, they'll try to take it to the international court in The Hague. Theresa May will probably do fine there, the EU won't have a very good platform.

option 1: take the UK to court
if that fails then the only reasonable option is
option 2: whine on Sup Forums and make threads telling UK to pay denbts

Has it? I was under the impression that that was to come after the deals and whatnot.

Then there won't be any trade deal afterwards which hurts Britain more than the EU. The ability to punch yourself in the nuts more often the other side can is vitally important on the international level.
But there will be a deal in the end that is some sort of compromise because neither side is interested in completely shutting down all progress with Ireland/NI or Gibraltar

Nice to see someone that actually understands the problem rather than just screaming about Poles being white so it's okay.

we did

Triggering Article 50 starts the 2 year period of negotiations for the exit and future trade deals

so when will they be out and when are they supposed to pay? whats the timeline here

pay denbts UK
for God's sake

Again according to Sargon's video, the German auto manufacturers lose A LOT if there are big tariffs on goods imported to the UK, accounting for a big part of their profit. I believe that's the case; I was somewhat confused at that part. You'd have to watch the video to see what he said to understand the argument fully.

>That greek shitposter again
>The irony of this one post
>Owing money to countries that loaned you billions over the course of years that you "lost" is totally the same as an arbitrary fine created specifically to dishearten countries from leaving the awful Union
>The Union that is shit partly because of (You)
>Threatening to sue your roommate, if they move out

*Accounting for a big portion of their profit, which means that money isn't coming into Germany and the German economy slows down

German cars are luxury articles, they aren't exactly the kind of goods that selling when they get more expensive.
Especially since it's not like there are any British companies competing on that market.

open Calais, then ONG ship directly into London.

>according to Sargon's video
>Carl Benjamin (born 1979), also known by his pseudonym Sargon of Akkad, is an English YouTube commentator and game developer.
stop the presses, """"""""""""credible"""""""""""" youtuber speaks

We're crashing this Union with no survivors, if we pay then we found the EUs stability for a few more years and we're not prepared to let that happen. I will enjoy you guys and the krauts having to make up for our absence in providing the East with gibs though, chum.

thats exactely the point? no competing british car companies = less money for fuhrer if all trade is halted. Manufacturing industries like the automobile industry will be hit the hardest which accounts for a decent amount of nazi money

I'm saying that I trust him, and he has good arguments that I feel improve the thread because they're either (A) accurate or (B) easily debunkable by someone who knows more about the subject, thus we all learn.

What would the world look like with no denbts? Would it be paradise?

UK demands £300 billion payment for it's share of funding to EU Ltd over 34 years

The interesting part of this is that if we don't pay debts it kills the EU credit score. By not paying for Greece we make it even poorer!

Good. EU doesn't deserve shit from the UK.

How could the EU ship anyone to the UK? Anyone trying to get here will pass through the EU which is a safe area so we have no obligation to take anyone from anywhere in it.

They can set up more camps in France but they will never get across, and if the french did start shipping them over we would ship them back, with a note pinned to them saying "niggers not welcome"

>implying any of that money ever reaches these shores
nope, straight into germoney's pockets

i'd move to australia but I hate spiders
and scorpions
and snakes
and hot weather
and australians

I love how the Greek doesn't understand credit score. Fucking sums it up

Finally, does that mean the check is in the mail? Well done Greekbro, it took you a while but you finally got around to, oh, you mean Brit-bong.
So, the bongs must pay some made up figure. But you don't have to pay back monies you actually borrowed.
That's some pretty decent mental gymnastics there.

>and showering
which is surprising for a plumber

It was 55 billion last week.

sry greece, not everyone is prepared to suck Merkel's big clit.

British still need cars.
Which means they'll have to pay more for importing cars when they're hit with tariffs.

better pay fast then, if the bill keeps going up every week

We will just by Japanese cars built here

Dirty Deutschland Diesels can fuck off

Why would you enter a relationship that you have to pay massive amounts of money for the privilege of leaving?

This is like marriage


We'll get them from the Japanese Hans.

They call the EU a Bloc
>They call the EU a Bloc
They call the EU a Bloc
>They call the EU a Bloc
They call the EU a Bloc
>They call the EU a Bloc
They call the EU a Bloc
>They call the EU a Bloc

no they will just buy more japanese cars like sane people
it'll be 200 billion next week if you don't pay up you rapscallions

They're not...

The idea of a non country telling us what to do is so hilarious.

It truly sums up the sad state of affairs the world is in these days, the meek have inherited the earth

Brits signed a contract before the brexit vote saying they will cover all costs and bills.
This is where they fucked it up.
But it still is a legal contract

They'd also have to pay tarrifs unless you want to actually break WTO rules.
>We will just by Japanese cars built here
Yeah because the UK is known for it's large capacity of car assembling factories.
Not to mention that tarrifs on parts are arguably more important

pay debts now or Merkel will tell Ivanka to send Drumpf after you islandcucks

They have to pay one way or another. The image of the "easy exit" is not wanted.


This. So much this. EU was never about unity, peace or harmony, but instead a globalist state mafia. Now it shows it true colours.

>Implying we won't just tell Brussels to fuck off.
Our sole purpose is to keep balance in Europe, we are currently once again righting the wrongs of continentals.


Because of us? Don't make me laugh burger bro

What about us going broke right before the immigrant invasion started?

literally hitler. Is finland like the only country ever that has paid it's debts? (to russia after wars)

Nothing, unless they try something stupid with this EU army they are desperately trying to build all of a sudden, in which case they will get steamrolled and Europe will become a British Colony and we will purge kebab all across it.

That's an amazingly round figure. It's almost like someone just made it up.

Holy shit it all makes sense now

Actually, it hurts the EU more than Britain, we have alternatives to shit EU products, you guys don't have an alternative to us, especially after we stop paying for all your gibs.

Bina' aljidar, it being Arabic as Syrian isn't a language.

>EU tries to intimidate UK
>UK literally says "no fuck you"
godspeed bongbros