A few sporadic terrorist attacks belie the benefits of immigrants to the European Union.
French voters will reject the hysteria over Muslims
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kill yourself shill
Thanks, mr. Rosenberg!
>david (((rosenberg)))
every fucking time
Four weeks today.
The future they want for us
ya know, maybe the french just gave up on trying to make there country good and just said fuk it. and now are trying to have immigrants just destroy it from the inside out so they can start over again.
France was the main theater of both world wars.
We're used to a level of violence you can't even begin to imagine,
A few mudshits trying to kill us ain't nothing and it's nothing new. Read about the battle of Algiers and learn how we dealt with the animals.
so he agrees goy soldiers no longer should patrol Jewish streets and schools in Europe?
>rose and berg
When did it seem like a good idea to just let people get killed by islamic sandniggers? Good job France, you are definitely the true heroes of cucks
French dont have hysteria over terrorism
because it is literally fucking illegal to post images of terrorist attacks in the media or on social media.
they actually dont know how fucked up their country is, its amazing.
>(((David Rosenberg)))
Politicians don't care about the common folk.
>jewish newspaper
why i am not surprised?
Le sauce: haaretz.com
yeah, fuck that shit already
Yess, goyim, open your borders. You can live with terrorism, right ? You don't want to be racist, goyim ?
Of course not, it just mean that French people should not panic and get slaughtered with smile on their faces
What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger.
they want shekels to get the full article. can somebody post the whole article?
Calm down, calm down! Rest assured the economy is safe. Now go back to work, someone's got to pay for Achmed's 6 children.
the whole article so you dont have to give them sheckels
Ignore the Hysteria: Israel Can Live With Terror
We can live in terror but we can't live with hate speech.
EU priority are the best.
>a few
This is exactly how I feel about guns
Why does every product have "Halal" in it now such as these American Potato Chips?
Maybe it'll be third time lucky
Do we honestly need something like 9/11 to happen to us until someone starts to actually fight back?
>David Rosenberg
Like clockwork
So apparently giving free money in shape of social help for bunch usless bitches that didnt even have the bals to fight for their fatherland are bringing something good
>hysteria over Muslims
so those soldires were always there during an election in case of Nazi attack?
>Do we honestly need something like 9/11 to happen to us until someone starts to actually fight back?
We need a full economical collapse, like in Greece or in Germany.
Because,today, we suffer from absolute nihilism.
People will not fight for some race or nation if they could potentially lose their job.
No, we need a complete economical shutdown of the system. Because when this happens, the kebab will show their real jihad face. (armies of kebab).
This will happen sooner or later, because we simply cannot effort all of this healthcare/refugee shit.
this, until most people have it well they won't do anything at all
AHAHAHAHAHA this denial.
guys guys guys
The soldiers look badass but the fact that they're even needed is absurd. They should be out in the woods practicing combat, not guarding schools from (((diversity.)))
>tens of millions of unskilled workers with vast cultural differences in the age of automation and robotics who rely on welfare
The only '''good''' thing about this situation is that if they go full jihad on us, we can finally unC.uck our nations within Europe. Because let's face it, Muslims are the worst fighters in the world. They have no organization, have no discipline and are stupid. And as soon as we cut the water and electricity from the cities, they will rot away.
Because we live in the villages, countryside and forests around the cities. :^)
getting slaughtered every 6 months isn't really hysteria.
fuck off,if i have to live in terror i will bring terror myself...
what am I suppose to see here?
the enemy, unless you are genetically deficient
the fact that the islamic state is past it peak is the worrying part since it will probably lead to more rerrorist retaliation attacks. instead off sacrificing themself fighting in Syria they will sacrifice themself in terrorist attacks
Not to mention ethnic suicide, and the oppression, torture, rape, enslavement, and murder of our grandchildren.
Such benefit!
there was like 5% of parisians who voted for le pen,
do they really love ligth up candles or they just like the attention they get after each attentat ?
That's it, you've convinced me, I am now a #MacronMissile
>"just accept that terrorists are killing innocent people!"
>Ignore the Hysteria: David Can Live With The Ovens
>Europe can live with terror.
I agree.
I wonder if the stupid twat knows what living with terror looks like.
Well if for now it is not nearly serious enough to push the economy over the edge than who are we to complain? And who really gives a fuck about a few dead cops, celebrators, concertgoers and jews here and there. We wouldn't want to be islamophobic now would we? If weekly terror-attacks/sucide bombings are good enough for certain parts of syria and iraq it's most definitely good enough for us CIS WHITE SCUM in Europe.
Long live diversity, bring in millions more a year!
They are in an even weaker position than that. The muzzles already self segregated into ghettos. All you have to do is flatten a few blocks and be done with them.
>those digits
name of the movie please
> ((((RosenBerg))))
It's not like they are even trying to hide anymore.
sorry, Don't know the name .
I found this webm on /wsg/
Beast of war user is a awesome movie
>not serious enough to push the economy over the edge
Yeah, don't worry about people dying in terrorist attacks and women getting raped, the economy is the only thing that matters.
How fucking sick to try to pass terrorism as a normal socially acceptable thing.
Someone needs to smack (((them))) with a newspaper and tell them NO!
I can't even tell if this is real or fake
>terrorism won't affect the economy, and since that's all that matters, we have nothing to worry about
yeah, this sure does get them old neurons all fired up...
it skips the part where they gas the womens or at least try to and crush a dude with the tank anyway
if any one wants to know the movie is called Beast of War made in 1988
LET THEM EAT TRUCKS: the article
This isn't funny anymore.
>the economy is the only thing that matters
Children of Moloch love their gold more then their own race.
>the kebab will show their real jihad face. (armies of kebab).
It's hilarious seeing the absolute delusion you faggots live in. If you countries have an economic collapse, the economic migrants (niggers) will immediately evacuate to suck the life out of another country. You can continue to blame the Boogeyman (Islam) but answer this, is your country so cucked they can't even keep literally the most uneducated and disorganized group of parasites to ever have lived? If so, your country deserves exactly what happens to it.
nice boobie!
>1 post by this ID
>all of you niggers posting without sage
Neighborhoods are already burning despite Bread and Circus still going strong. Now imagine what happens when they run out after we're not given any more loans and the welfare has to be cut (or government simply runs out of money)
Millions of muslims and chavs without money to buy their food, and nobody can employ or feed them.
It will be total anarchy.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these:
Finlands right yurocucks, you guys had better be ready. Find like minded individuals and organize
Rosenberg, you say. I'm starting to think there is something up with these jews.
Sup Forums was right again.
Does their shame know no bounds?
ummm... help?
>hint all smaller red dot also a mosque..
So that means you should just let it happen like a bunch of pussies instead of stand up for yourself and do something about it?
>If you countries have an economic collapse, the economic migrants (niggers) will immediately evacuate to suck the life out of another country.
>implying if SHTF other countries will allow leaches in
That's Jakarta buddy. No shit.
I can live with sporadic terrorist attacks as long all of them are against jews
Sorry sweetie, the yearly increase in GDP from more government spending on Africans is greater than the tax revenue lost from a few dozen dead French. Checkmate, bigot.
Not fucking again...
That gesture at 0:18 : "AREN'T YOU ENTERTAINED?"
now sauce please
>Do we honestly need something like 9/11 to happen to us until someone starts to actually fight back?
Maybe... but on the flip side, Bush used 9/11 as a reason to fuck up the entire region, which partially led to the migrant crisis in the first place.