Why are you so obsessed with this guy Sup Forums ?
Why are you so obsessed with this guy Sup Forums ?
Eh kills Jews and doesnt afraid of anything
because he was a hero that we needed but didn't deserve
because he was a hero who told the truth and he got taken down because of it
Bc he did nothing wrong
He was a good natured fella.
Because he's the manifested antithesis to liberal society. The villain. The bad guy. Evil. Edgy as fuck.
Also that moustache.
>and doesnt afraid of anything
best English 2017
Worst newfag 2017.
He a good goy.
Because he did nothing wrong!!!
calling people newfag without proof and being bad at English is an indicator that you are a newfag
Please leave and never come back.
>no u
If you don't know about Halo, the cool guy who kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything, you are most definitely a newfag. Or you could be baiting, but if that's the case, you're shit at it.
he was right all along and fought Soviets. At least they did not gained power over all Europe because of him
>he didn't want to genocide the Joos
>he didn't want to conquer the world,or Europe for that matter
>he didn't want world war,poland was bound to have war with germany
>he revived his country under a common plan and abolished degeneracy
Meta-bait of that level is just pathetic, user. Unironically pretending to be retarded is like shitting in your hand, throwing it at someone and shouting
>hahha le troled
He's the one obsessed with me.. look at dem pretty eyes
He is the greatest European hero of the 20th. He was backstabbed by his own race so the jews can win.
One man fighting for Europe against the whole world. Unfortunately, Europe lost.