Are Polynesians niggers? Or are they a respectable peoples with a proud history of seafaring and culture?
Are Polynesians niggers? Or are they a respectable peoples with a proud history of seafaring and culture?
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they look brown, so they must be niggers
double thoth hitler get prove that coconut niggers are just niggers after all. Most practiced cannibalism up until less than 200 years ago
Coconut niggers are cannibals
So no, they are fucking barbaric and deserve to be wiped off the earth
But they were very willing to adopt western ideas and values post-contact, and even today Polynesian people are largely able and willing to integrate into a western society, unlike Arabs, Indians, Africans, etc.
crazy deviants - just weird
They were only seafarers because they were cast out by their fellow nigger for acting too niggerish.
>still stone age tech in 18th century
>Were sailing thousands of miles across the pacific ocean and settling distant lands while the Romans were still using rowed galleys
Its a bit hard to enter the bronze age when you ain't got no ore dipshit.
I've lived in South Auckland and worked in the Islands. You are so wrong.
Most practiced cannibalism into the 20th century.
Maori are different, there was no food on Aotearoa after they accidentally the moa, so all they had to eat was rats, sweet potatoes and each other.
Something about coconuts really get me going. I want to blanda upp with one
That's not true either. What is this view based on?
>rowing a boat far
geniuses, each and every one.
too fucking bad. life isn't fair.
wouldn't we all?
stuff I've read. if i'm wrong please educate me otherwise, I'd love to learn more
yeah except they *sailed*, using the stars and ocean swells to navigate
i would make very attractive half-lings with a coconut but there aren't any here
It's a damm shame
hawaii is an american state m8, you could move there easily