Why would the Germans bother to tattoo prisoners who were going to be “gassed” the next day? Answer: they wouldn’t bother. It’s all bullshit.
Why would the Germans bother to tattoo prisoners who were going to be “gassed” the next day...
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I know it is, it's a shame how pathetic the extents and lack thereof they went to in order to try to make the Holohoax look real.
Also, there's going to be shilling upcoming in this thread, so don't reply to any of those posts.
Did somebody say sheckles?!
They were Germans. Precision everywhere.
why would they bother counting greek debt?
>Only those prisoners selected for work were issued serial numbers; those prisoners sent directly to the gas chambers were not registered and received no tattoos.
Holocaust deniers are the most pathetic straw-manners I've ever seen.
answer: they wouldn't bother. greeks don't pay denbts
Why would they care to number them? What is the point in giving them any sort of identity? Why not just label them with a common symbol for efficiency's sake? I mean, a Jew is a Jew.
Why would Germans gas Jews in inefficient small batches and cremate them in individual crematoriums leaving lots of witnesses when they had giant train delousing gas chambers and industrial incinerators that could gas and dispose of hundreds of Jews efficiently and without leaving witnesses everywhere?
Most camps were work camps
>people will always think the holohoax happened
>people will always think Yahweh is real
>people will always think MGM is a good thing
Because not all of them were gassed immediately. Most of them were put to work for the war effort.
500 or so camps and only 6 of them were extermination camps. Most work for work
>Hollocaust didn't happen
>Hitler is a good guy because he killed jew
Pcick one already Sup Forums
Hitler is a cunt for not killing (((them)))
I'm Polish but when that young guy next to her starts schooling her, then she carfully considers what he said and then goes HH again... kek.
Jews are criminals. Palestine is Arab it must be cleansed of the jewish filth
> we have no proof of our claim
> everything but that was strictly recorded
> that make our claim 6 000 000% more credible, goyim
You convinced me, brb voting Macron.