In the West, voters cannot change policies through elections, because the ruling elites control whoever is elected. Elections give the appearance of democracy, but voting does not change the policies that favor war and the elites. Therefore, the will of the people is impotent.
People are experiencing that they and their votes have no influence on the conduct of affairs of the country. This makes them afraid, frusrated, and angry, a combination of emotions that is dangerous to the ruling elite, who in response organize the powers of the state against the people, while urging them with propaganda to support more wars." -vladmir putin
Putin is best fuck the kikes
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Oy vey, how's the weather in Moscow?
Just kike my shit up famm
>Putin isn't controlled by kikes
As opposed to Russia where the parallel voting system guarantees automatic majority to United Russia, where opposition parties cannot register, suffer harrasment while campaigning and face constant threat of banning by the corrupt authorities,
Fuck russkies, fuck Russia, but most of all, fuck westerners who glorify them. You're the biggest useful idiots since post-war communists who gobbled up everything that came out of Moscow's asshole.
>In the West, voters cannot change policies through elections, because the ruling elites control whoever is elected.
As opposed to Russia with it's scam elections?
Sounds like they are fascist if anything. I will take forced homogeneity over forced diversity any day.
Hobbesian Leviathan states when?
You're a retard. Putin is a crypto Jew and a zionist shill.
He is controlled by kikes, but that doesn't mean the kikes wont let him say all the right things. That's their safety net, he'll say what he likes but at the end of the day he's in (((their))) back pocket too, so the kikes don't worry about Putin spilling the beans because anyone who turns to support Putin/Russia instead of the west is still playing into the hands of the yids. What Putin wont tell you is that all that he said also applies to Russia.
This is the essence of it.
Putin is wise, and here he is correct.
George Soros is a wanted man in Russia.
There are no Rothschild controlled banks in Russia.
He's not really a wanted man in Russia, Putin is just always blocking his "donations" and making his political influence in the country near 0.
that's so smart. that sounds like a Bernie Sanders quote for fucks sake.
why does the media shill against Putin exactly?
>forced homogeneity over forced diversity any day
>oy vey why won't they let (((Garik Weinstein))) aka """Kasparov""" win elections
reminder that JIDF kikes like these are trying to subvert our antisemitism
>In the West, voters cannot change policies through elections, because the ruling elites control whoever is elected
Has it ever been any different, at any point in history? The most rich and most powerful calling the shots?
same user
The kikes and Putin have a mutual understanding. I don't think he's completely in their back pocket, but they work together. Neither will destroy the other, just agree to stay on their side of the fence and hand out shekels when necessary.
99% westerns who praise putins ar same old emigrated (escaped dirty russains). Same as turks and erdogan.
Yeah those apartment bombing false flags were done sonshockingly poor and obvious yet people decided to pretend it didnt happen. Then almost to the day 2 years of training and learningfrom their mistakes, Mr. Silverstein chooses not to come into work that day
he isn't, he's the most powerful man in his country, that's why you globalist shits are so afraid of him
Source on this stats?
I read a biography and he was close with his Jewish neighbors who took care of him because his parents worked all day. He wears a cross but he also prayed at the wall of crying in Jerusalem and his first official international visit as a politician was to Israel.
your spaghetti mom
Because him and Assad were fighting the terrorists Obama, Clinton were funding, arming, and providing logistical support for.
Why does Putin look like a fucking mutant.
Just look at his face bone structure.
Jesus Christ based putin
His face was more narrow before the botox injections.
I liked that Christian cross they put up in public yesterday. I think it was in moscow. This would sadly never happen here