How do you go

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You get attacked when wanting to leave a failing commie state and you recieve (((foreign fighters))) funded by (((them)))

but you're all serbs

This is exactly why yugoslavia fell apart

why, cause you can't admit the truth?
bosnia is a non existent country, and a muslim one at that. what are really you chances of survival?

Lol serbbro you are just digging yourself deeper.Slovenia left you,croatia,bosnia,macedonia,montenegro,kosovo,and yet you say there is no hope for bosnia?

you're the poorest shithole in europe, you will be serbian clay in due time.

>poorest shithole in europe
You forgot about your precious little kosovo and those fucking albanians
>serbian clay in no time
Just like in the 90's huh?

your memes are horrible. and what does kosovo have to do with you being poor?

malo si prevideo cinjenicu da je nato ispalio vise projektila na pozicije rs nego na islamsku drzavu pre nego sto vas je "zaustavio ispred banja luke"

Kosovo is poorer than us and you said we are the poorest so...yeah go figure.Also not my meme
Ispalili one nuklearno atomsko hidrogenske bombe na srpsku nejač!!1! nato teroristi!!1!! živio draža!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ajde ne seri i ti. odakle ti te informacije? nemas pojma sta pricas

>be white slav
>be muslim

Clinton did many things wrong, but bombing Serbia was not one of those things.

top kek. So you're only better than kosove. holy shit. It figures, the two non countries are the poorest in europe.

you should just give up and die really.

Implying bosnia isn't secular af
We have "weekend muslims" that just dont eat bacon and thats it.
(also i'm not muslim lmao)
Go eat vučićev sendvič already

treba im skratiti muke, ovaj nivo zatupljenosti me brine i zao mi ove lepe dece

she probably slept with the whole garrison


nemam ja nista protiv vase sekularnosti, dokle god to radite u svojih 23,7%

sta bre ti jedes govna? jesi upoznat uopste sa nato "intervencijom" u bosni zbog koje su pale krajina i trecina republike srpske?

Nice trips also holy shit this is a meme.
Ovo su ba seljaci iz pičke materine ovo grada nije vidilo ni na razglednici

Mehmet my son

>dose tactical fez

Pls to xray one on left

Pa jes al kakve veze ima ako ce sutra da postanu teroristi i krenuti da ubijaju zemljake svoje jer su im retardi roditelji i odza isprali mozak dok su jos deca bili

>implying that being secular is a good thing
and also, holy shit, you can't even be good at being muslims.
literally the worst of the worst.

Kakvi ba teroristi išo sam sa ovakvim jednim sličnim u školu eno ga danas vuče spid iza kladionice boga okačio od ekser

How it feels to chew ريال ©

koji si ti idiot. Ne mora znaciti da ako su vernici da ce sutra postat teroristi. Jel znas ko su vehabije? Idiote, da i ti mozda nisi poreklom iz bosne?


>wear fez
>enemy snipers go for the headshot kill
>direct hit only swipes the fez from your hat
Better than a Stahlhelm, desu.

>>implying that being secular is a good thing
a ubij se xD

jeste, hodze i radikalni islamisti imaju tendenciju da pocnu da idu u kladionice i da se kurvaju dok cepaju mokri dspi

Ljudi ba koji se kurac svađamo kad smo svi u istim govnima.Trebali bi raspravljat o tome kako da se (((komunizam))) otkloni sa naših prostora i kako da napredujemo zajedno kao države.Za to valjda služe ove stranice a ne za "hurr durr remuv kebab le kosovo isnt serbia xdd" shitpostovanje?

naravno da NE MORA DA ZNACI ali imaju mnogo vise sanse nego ostali normalni ljudi

>Ne mora znaciti da ako su vernici da ce sutra postat teroristi.
islooom je religija miraaa

Ili vučeš spid pa postaneš vehabija kad padneš u komu,ili ti dosadi vehabizam pa počneš vuć dandaru

tako je, treba da raspravljamo o (((komunizmu))) i jevrejima dok se vi kotite u federaciji i maltretirate srbe po rs

I dont know what you're trying to say, Serbia today is at its smallest in 200 years and Bosnia has become majority Muslim recently. They won. You lost.

Are there still Vehabije in Cazin and Vakuf?
I was travelling through there couple of years ago

t.Former peacekeeper

oni i jesu normalni ljudi glupane
sta je to sto nenormalno sto oni rade, snimaju yt klipove? bolje iskoristavaju vreme nego ja ili ti.

ako ti je onaj vehabijski propagandni klip normalan onda si zesce retardiran

Ja sam u federaciji i imam 10-15 srba prijatelja i niko se ne svađa nisakim po nacionalnoj osnovi.Čak ni hrvati.
Sadly yes.Luckily not as many
Ovi ljudi što snimaju klip su sirotinja mrtva skupljaju gibmedats po džamijama zato se i furaju toliko da su muslim

znaci ubi se majmuncino

Also where were you based man?
I'm interested if you were arround the tuzla safezone.

e a iz koje si ti to metropole i prosperiteta pa seres po sirotinji?
glupi nadobudni bosanci

Živim na relaciji sarajevo-tuzla i stvarno ne shvatam zašto tvrdiš da smo glupi i nadobudni?
Obrazloži pls

>Ja sam u federaciji i imam 10-15 srba prijatelja i niko se ne svađa nisakim po nacionalnoj osnovi.Čak ni hrvati.
isto tako svi ziveli mirno i srecno i u jugi pa se posle "cudili" otkud svi ti ratovi i krvoprolice dok se medjusobno klali

their camo uniforms are pretty dope desu

Zbog nedostatka stranog novca (tipičan problem komunizma) i zbog nasilne srpske vlade koja je pokušala centrirati svu vlast u srbiju

znaci komunizam izazvao siromastvo pa se sad zivi lepo?
a vi niste pokusali preuzeti svu vlast unutar granica koje vam je iscrtao copavi zagorac jer vas je bilo malkice vise nego srba i hrvata (opet manje od 50%)?

These Balkanites and their tribal wars are fucking annoying.

Absolutely disgusting. Serbs were right.

German uniforms ruined by the Turkish fez.

Donekle da,jer se prosječan bošnjo navikao na komunizam i sve čeka da mu država nešto da umjesto da poduzme nešto.Pokušaj preuzimanja vlasti uslijedio je tek nakon otcjepljenja i Bosna i Hercegovina je država svih naroda koji tu žive,srba hrvata i bosanaca.

I was part of UNPROFOR, I was mostly stationed around Sarajevo though

fez isn't exclusively turksih, nor muslim

oh,I remember we rented our apartment to some dutch guys who were stationed here in Tuzla.They were lit af always had drugs on them.They left me a cool flag and a bottle of whisky (which i still have to this day)

Yeah, everyone should only at least 3 of them...fuck off.

Yea our dutch units were pretty lax compared to others, there was a guy in my group who was ethnic Serb but was born in Netherlands so he did all the talking and translating, some of my friends were stationed at Srebrenica, we were all shocked when shit hit the fan and Serbs attacked but I wasnt pulled out till IFOR arrived

dutch smurfs were the best

Well thanks, we would hang around with some of the locals around who knew how to speak English, most of the times me and my friend were in coffee bars(without weed unlike here in Netherlands) rest of the guys were shit scared of locals and places like that so most of them were sulking in bases and outposts