Sup Forums and islam are the same

mfw pol and islam are more or less the same and that pol wants to bring their own caliphate into the west

>Hates gays, bi, trans etc. Think it's degenerate behaviour.
>Thinks women needs to be controlled by men as they can't think for themselves and have ruined everything since they got the right to vote
>Any behaviour outside of the norm is seen as filthy degeneracy
>Atheism is bullshit, only societies with christian values will thrive

Don't you see how similar you guys to to shitskins and their paedophilic religion?

Other urls found in this thread:

>see pro islam thread
>it's sweden

first for board of peace

I fucking hate Islam, but I don't like your solutions either as I think they are just as oppressive.

I want a free society where everybody can be who they so wish to be.

>I fucking hate Islam

Stop making these threads you assholes.
Sup Forums doesn't have a consensus on anything and regardless of any ideals they may have in common Islam is the cancerous shitty version of traditional ideas we might have.

Yea, extremism is the same shit everywhere.

Except that muslims actually have balls and go outside to make a change and impose their ideology, instead of post memes on facebook.

thought you would slide that bit under the radar, didn't you?
also see rape, suicide, honor killing as virtuous activities, and your facade begins to topple

Fuck off with your deceptive kikery, Achmed. All religions are cancer, Islam being the worst offender.

Eat shit.

Atheism is worse though

That I agree with, but you don't cure cancer by giving yourself AIDS instead.

>comparing us to a religion that can't even handle some simple banter

>not a religion

>Implying OP is wrong
>Implying Sup Forums wouldn't be an Islamic board if most of its practitioners weren't shitskins

what kind of an asshole lives in a tropical paradise like st lucia and shitposts on Sup Forums?
fucking asshole

>said Mohammad

i dont think pol wants gay people thrown off buildings

the most they do is try to figure out smart solutions to extreme degeneracy in society... they're also for progress, freedom, fucking space programs etc

besides, white people are inherently better. you forget the white mans achievements and the lack thereof for shitskins. to call a community of majority whites the same as a group of almost complete shit colour is a travesty

The main problem with Islam is that it's hostile to science, i'm not talking about the pseudoscience lol science fuck yeah XD TM cancer, but the science which we need to survive and colonize other planets, how long until a supervolcano or meteor JUST's us, how long until kim or ching chong spergs out, nobody knows.

>Don't you see how similar you guys to to shitskins and their paedophilic religion?

>paedophilic religion


1. no hate for homosexuals if the want to do it fine, thats ur life but how about not normalizing it in media and saying thats "normal"

2.women are free human beings they should be free as men, they just cant vote (they vote for socialism and opression state) democracy is piece of shit imo on one should vote (real monarchy)

3.thats actually correct, thats how u should view everything that is outside of the norm

4.state must be sapareted from the church and country must be bulid on racional objectivst laws (ayn rand)


pick 2

This really got my noggin a niggin OP

is there anything better than relaxing on a tropical beach and shitposting?

u fucking wot

>Islam is a religion
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>somehow they're the same even though the basic premise behind both is absolutely different
Dumb Ahmedposter

Learn some English, fgt.

>I want a free society where everybody can be who they so wish to be.

Nigger you can't have your cake and eat it too.
There is no world in which you can be free and allow those who want to take your freedom away be free to do so.

It's your freedom or their freedom to denigrate you. Decide.

I hate Islam too, but at this point, I will just sit back and see the Western world burn. You know why? My country only has to gain from this. Smarter whites will come here begging for asylum and permanent residence, bringing their money and their high-IQ genes here, along with their xenophobia and racism.

>Muh Hungary is a shithole

Wait until you are 50% muslim and tell me how much better this "shithole" looks like then.

The Westerners deserve to be dominated by Islam. Their degeneracy will be extinguished, their fucking women will be subjugated, as it should be, and their so called "liberal values" will have been proven to be weak, yet again.

History will once again prove that embracing female vanity and putting it on a pedestal brings nothing but death and destruction.

Good luck Swedecuck, you need it.

You forgot to mention that pol is satire. Islam is more of a genocidal ideaology.

Do try to learn the difference faggot.


This is all the fault of those faggots who have emancipated women, who overwhelmingly vote left-wing in every election. That includes all the limp-wristed cuck numales on Sup Forums who whiteknight for whores incessantly.

was about to refute this but I saw the flag;
I'm sorry about you having internalize-cuckoldry

Everything that was done by persians and christian Semites or shitskin imported them from byzantium and india. Mudslime subhumans were raping goats and camels, as it is their natural state and behavior.

>HE thinks he can save the west while kissing female ass

>Hates gays, bi, trans etc.

>Think it's degenerate behaviour.

>Thinks women needs to be controlled by men as they can't think for themselves and have ruined everything since they got the right to vote

Feminism is cancer. But I don't want to cover up their heads with some shitty burka. Women can be civilized without turning into fat dykes or muslims

>Any behaviour outside of the norm is seen as filthy degeneracy

>Atheism is bullshit, only societies with christian values will thrive
We don't need christianity to thrive, but it will hep us

Sorry but most of the people in Sup Forums doesn't want their girls/objects be raped by goat fuckers.

Semitic religions: destroying western civilization for 2,000 years

By object, I mean the fat fags and feminist.

Swedistan, stfu.

>implying everyone here is a Christian
>implying everyone here agrees on anything


>I fucking hate Islam

As you should, so don't equate it to a bunch of edgy kids pretending to be hardened nazis online, shitposters and some actual nazis.

Sup Forums is not a homogeneous political group it's an online forum for anonymous free speech, free speech being one of the things the death cult of islam hates most.

>talks about being a state
>literally becoming part of china

ènd this meme

you forget that islams is also more inclusive. If you want to join islam you can be black, white, yellow, spic not like pol where only whites are the chosen one.

OP is an idiot. Speak to a scholar!



Fuck off swede cuck. Go back to racemix with niggers and shitskins

>the same

Haa nice fucking meme, sweden.
I actually do support eating pork, drinking, not stoning women when they are the ones who get raped, I don't support giving some dipshit in the desert or is book special privileges, fucking goats is not my forte. Lets not forget that I actually like free speech and I'd be content if my kids didn't blow themselves up because my neighbor said something bad about aforementioned dickhead in desert and his book.



not this shit thread again
you fuckers are just self centred inbred criminals only out to steal what you can for yourself because nationalism is second game to your brain dead no proofs illiterate Pedoworhippingisam also muslims can't drive properly but I think this is a sideline of me first fuck everyone else attitude they have. I fucking hate pakis they've ruined my country and I will sign up to any crusades going, sage gay fake reported