How do you fix Japan?

How do you fix Japan?

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Immigrate to Japan, fuck me hard and fill my womb with your white weeb seeds


We nuke it

Oh wait

More automation


3rd times a charm.


T O K Y O...?

Drop more atomic bombs on it.

Do Japanese want to get enriched? I'don't like to know how people feel there about immigration.

Fix the crippling work ethic and allow for a little more individuality and you got yourself a working country. No need for importing any non-jap


It works better than any country on earth.

If you insist


Import 200,000 immigrants

Doesn't need any fixing, its only problems are temporary

stop being an American vassal


whats wrong with japan ?

Quit eating doggos.

Been said. It needs another nuke. Think of it like a composure slap.

Too nationalistic, not enough Jewish ownerships.

Don't host the (((Olympics))), remove commies and stop Abe dicking with the constitution. Also clean up Fukushima and encourage more people to live in the country.

>stop being an American vassal
try being a russian one, some guys from urakine says it works great


Really nobody knows the easiest solution?

Come on guys it's anime and manga once you remove that you literally fixed japan.

More tourism


The only thing nuked now is your wallet, my indebted friend

Mass rape by white males. We'll create a new master weeb race

Ukraine is a meme country and should never wxist. Their development happened when they was a part of the Soviet Union. Since it collapsed they didn't develop and now they suffer hard economical collapse because they cut their relations with Russia.

Europeans are cucks, it would only serves to ruin the last human country on Earth by pushing it in the hands of the jews.

I wouldn't be talking shit about money when ur economy isn't any good to begin with you small dicked girlfriendless gook.

how do learn moonrunes?
i fear that after the EU is taking a fascist stance against chinese cartoons that it may eventually heavily impact the translation scene

i know i should have started long ago but it finally seems like it'll be now or never

Open borders.
Let African and Arab "refugees" migrate by the millions
Wait for economic and cultural enrichment,
Japan fixed.

>ctrl-f "central bank"
>nothing found

wtf. japans crisis is almost SOLELY created by they're Keynesian economic policies.

lets get to the CORE of the issue instead of dilly dallying around stupid bull shit. monetary policy is what's wrong with japan. print your own god damn money without interest.

>let me in
>watch birth rate skyrocket among japanese qties
Its that easy

Jee, I could've sworn we've tried that.

Take us Japs we will breed and make Japs great again.

Third nuke.

I think the reason why they don't have illegal immigrants who rapes locals and sells illegal firearms and drugs, is because they're not encouraging immigration that much, instead they're encouraging tourism.

There's a reason why America is going to shit, and that's because there's too much liberal fags who tolerates illegals who sells coke and illegal guns then doesn't think about the future of their own childs.

The solution came to me earlier

I'm okay with this

But they would die the next generation because nobody wants to breed with your ugly offspring.


That's how to make an rape orgy country, just like Sweden

hey "200,000"guy.

Your hope is gone.
Japanese government didn't take refugee in this year too.


99% again

They'd be idiots to do that. America is what made them great. They need us.

They have reached theit top with you, now they need something new.

By empowering imperialism again, in order to make those fat neets go burn their fat for their country.

1. Robots for the elderly.
2. Birth incentives for the young.
3. No fap/no porn month, twice a year.
4. Breed.
5. Kick out the US forces.
6. Build up your military.
7. Start wars.
8. Send males off to die for Banker$.
8. Rinse, repeat.

Sup Forums has an entire wiki full of free stuff to help you learn Japanese.

あなたは何もを覚えません。 二週、辞めます。

ban anime

Your Japanese sucks.
Stop using google translation.

That's the most serious reply I've seen in this thread. Even the Japs here aren't even taking it seriously.

Nothing to fix here, apart maybe the mass production of artificial wombs and killer robots to secure a stable demographic and stable borders and preserve animu.

Need more people of color.

I know my Japanese sucks. Hopefully I'll pass the N5 this year.

end your life

>chun lee

Go be a faggot elsewhere

If I weren't so lazy I'd photoshop that blonde slut from the geetarrrr anime in there but here we are

>Even the Japs here aren't even taking it seriously.

I don't want to bumping this thread anymore.
We don't want discussion with gaijins.

Because this birth rate discussion are always fucking same result.those thrrea is fucking lame.

based japan
how is the idea of taking in refugees and mass immigration viewed among the younger population in japan btw?

Japan user by any chance you can tell me something in japanese?

And if you can please add kun at the end

chun ree*
fixed it for u ROR


im gonna have to hunch over for a while...


lol, Japan is one of the most modern, economically strong countries in the world. Their economy skyrocketed in the 80s and 90s, basically living 20 years in the future compared to anyone else, the bubble burst and the financial sector shrank back to a sustainable level, stagnating at a very high level. Japan was indebted with its own citizens, but after Shinzo Abe's reforms is paying back its debts faster than any other country in the world.

Greece is a wasteland completely feeding off of EU gibs since decades. No industry, no nothing, half the population works in the administration producing absolutely nothing. Greece's debt is not owned by its people but by globalist bankers all over the world.

These countries can't even be compared when it comes to economic prowess...

Let me immigrate and I'll respect your culture and not "stir the pot"


checks out

>he's still at N5
I already passed N6 easily, you're a chump.

Here, fixed.


I have a special grey karate belt (18th dan) and can kill in a thousand ways and that's just with my bear hands, get on my level

One more.

Annex North Korea.

ban anime and porn

I'm willing to take one for the team - fly me out there and financially support me and I will impregnate as many Jap women as I can in order to fix your population problem.

Nice trips


I wish I could be as cool as you, senpai.



U dont lol :)

Declining birthrates aren't a problem.
Look, you know Japan is always on top of everything technologically. Japan already has a big automation industry and it's just going to keep growing. Now the problem is that automation advances productivity but kills jobs. That won't be an issue in Japan because they're not having babies, which means the population will fit the amount of job available, and the productivity advancement from automation means the economy won't be hit and the elderly will be taken care of.
Meanwhile in the rest of the world not only do we keep breeding but we also keep importing immigrants despite the job market shrinking rapidly, there's no way this is going to end well.



Sorry faget, your womyn are getting BLEACHED

get rid of weebshit.

It will end in civil/world wars.

I guess what needs to be fixed,the lack of young people willing to breed and stop their population decline,is to wean them off this insane work ethic that eats every waking moment and makes them suicidal when they fail the clan by not achieving the impossible. Then they can drift back into socializing hooking up and the ol' Tentacle Porn and Chill. Otherwise they will continue to masturbate themseves to extinction, marrying pillows,and having all their emotional needs satisfied by Waifus in a $3000 electronic toy. Progress is made when you have the room to think outside the box,and running a people ragged to achieve success is ironically defeatist.

he said japan not grease

Nah, the better way is simply the artificial womb.
Hope i'll get a big slice of that pie.
My wet dream is to have a world monopoly.