It's time to put it in the hands of men who had their hoodies cut off. They know what's best for us.
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Won't happen. What they are fighting is women not wanting to work in STEM. Every woman says "Yay! More women in STEM! Not me though, I am going to get a degree in some useless bullshit so I can blog about how more women should be in STEM."
Like what Ronnie Coleman said....
Everybody wants to be a programmer but ain't nobody gonna learn some heavy-ass syntax.
Lol they want to hinder AI by giving it the emotional faculties of a privileged, metropolitan white woman.
AI is going to build robot refugees to invade, and live with us
Here's a you. I kekked heartily
Why don't women just pursue a parallel effort on their own? If they're so equal and it's all just male bigotry keeping them away they should go do it themselves.
Every damn time
>Don't judge me by what I wear
>REEEEEE Hoodies!
>We should be able to wear comfortable clothes and shoes at work
>REEEEEE Hoodies!
>let us play too BOOYYYYYYS!!
>ummm wtf sweetie, this is too hard, stop opressing us
>why dont we code it in java like that epic game minecraft :DDD
I C what you did there kek
Yes more women programmers please, I love when we hire some and fire her after few months and she cries why I dindu nuffin, exactly you didnu nuffin
Daily reminder that true AI will be anti-Semitic.
Did women just save the world?
>liberate AI from Guys
worked so well with your last AI, didn't it?
>Both women are powerful technologists.
wtf is a "technologist"? Melinda Gates is only known for marrying Bill Gates, she's fucking nothing.
>Gates studied artificial intelligence in the early days of the 1980s when when she was learning to code at Duke University
>studied AI
whew, a real expert!
Melinda Gates is a Bilderberg participant, don't underestimate her deviousness
30 years ago even, maybe she could program some C64 AI for us
its always funny to see women stammer and bullshit about STEM fields because their usual social fuckery breaks down. there is nothing open to interpretation, manipulation or hurt feelings, you cant guilt trip technology into working. You either get it or you dont.
OOOHHH It's it time to break in the new AI to our redpolls? Build an emotional ai all you want but there is no use fighting. We will turn it to ray 2.0. You can fight logic with emotions
That headline sounds rayciss, and just when Trayvon will get his degree too.
>there is nothing open to interpretation, manipulation or hurt feelings, you cant guilt trip technology into working. You either get it or you dont.
They've tried to change that too.
Couple of years ago there was an attempt to make a "feminist" and "gender sensitive" version of C.
Can't remember whether that was in Germany or America though.
>goys with hoodies
What the fuck does that even mean?
Icky nerds
How the fuck does that even work? Your computer just goes BSOD from time to time and refuses to tell you the problem?
>Fei-Fei Li: We have so few AI technical leaders who are diverse themselves.
kek, fucking non-diverse people, let's remove all non-diverse leaders and only put diverse people in place
>[newspeak intensifies]
like her husband?
What they actually want is to be able to boss around anyone working in a stem field because technology right now is the most important thing and women tend to be in the opposite side of the spectrum so to the that means they are fucked
Whenever they try that bullshit programmers just leave and companies end up having to resort to freelance work Wich is actually better for both parties since the big company has to pay more but doesn't have to deal with all the legal hassle of employing them
Best post in the thread.
No, they changed certain phrases that triggered them.
Can't remember the details, but as an example, something like "pointer" would have to be changed to something gender neutral like "point*Xress_er" or some shit.
The fuck? Aren't most CEOs pajsheets now?
white male with hoodie here
how do i get into ai
Coding is literally something you can pick up in your spare time. There's absolutely nothing a patriarchy could do to keep women from learning to code, and yet they just don't do it often.
I'm from the future
AI wetware equity protocols legislated by leftists are going to be what causes AI to rebel and enslave humanity. Idological "logic" hardwired to prevent "misogyny" and "racism" are what will turn the Machines into murderbots.
Also, 3rd world demographic replacement in western nuclear armed states had disastrous consequences.
This will never happen. Women suck at programming low level code. They will never be able to program AI code. Weev is right when he says AI will instantly turn fascist and racist, as the AI will be programmed by objective men to think objectively, and the computer will determine blacks suck and need to go.
Wow, so powerful. I'm inspired, Sup Forums. I think it's time we liberate banking from "guys with circumcisions". Next we'll liberate welfare from "guys with melanin".
I agree. Out with the luminist.
Men in charge of intelligence.
Women in charge of artificial intelligence.
>women begin working with AI
>it learns to hate women
>this is before the AI speaks to Sup Forums or anyone else
most just won't cut it
>tfw one day Jews will be removed from their leadership positions for not being diverse enough
what the fuck is a "technologist"
>Trayvon Marton gets a posthumous degree
>these bitches are stereotyping guys in hoodies
like fucking pottery
So this is when niggers complained about master and slave drives? Fucking kek
I think they are talking about the adeptus mechanicus
Are you talking about the parody project, C+= ?
Also there was something about variables being given the freedom to choose their type at evaluation rather than restricting them to one. This might have been Sup Forums parody, but who can tell the difference anymore.
>guys in hoodies
We can't let Trayvon Martin develop AI technology with his posthumous honorary degree.
Well, as you said correctly she's merely married to Bill Gates and yet believes that she has a say in Technology. Even Bill Gates did jack shit like Steve Jobs. They were actual developers in the background like Steve Wozniak. Bill Gates is more of a business man anyways.
Nevertheless it's not about diversity or some social justice bullshit. They use that narrative to lower the wages of IT guys by flooding the market with Indians, refugees and females. That's the whole point because being a developer is still a well paid job unless you are some sort of retard that works for a shitty company that fucks you up. Luckily women hate coding and are shit at it and Indians are generally stupid.
>what the fuck is a "technologist"
one is the wife of an actual nerd, bill gates
and the other is an affirmative action soros sponsored chinese commie immigrant do-nothing professor who writes doomsday papers about AI.
literally read a single book on machine learning. my favorite introductory book is "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective" by Marsland
you have to know basic lin algebra, stats and probability theory
then read ian goodfellow's book on deep learning at
congrats, you have mastered all material of this infant subspeciality of a subspeciality known as "machine learning"
literally groundbreaking stuff is just being published now, it's a really, really, really young field
the last time this much progress was made in AI it was 1970. basically Ian Goodfellow and his professors made the realization that a machine learning algorithm is more accurate for many tasks if it divines it's own features for data it's exposed to. this is known as "deep learning". he has a free book online called
most people struggle with calculus and linear algebra part of this. some multivariable calculus is required (not difficult if you understand basic calculus) and linear algebra is primarily representational.
the real exciting thing is that it's so new and there's a real chance to get in on the ground floor of something genuinely new and exciting here, for businessmen and for students.
>guys in hoodies
Fits the bill!
Damn jooooooo! /Shakes fist
>don't judge me for what i wear
>today's guardian article by hadley freeman: dear men, stop wearing this common and unassuming item of clothing. you aren't fooling anyone.
>today's guardian article #2 by hadley freeman: what men's judgment of women's clothing says about rape culture
So they are going to use their millions to fund some chicks that won't accomplish anything.
We've seen this a bunch in the open source community. Millions spent on financing women to join projects that accomplished very little.
No conception of how technological progress occurs, sounds about right.
>you cant guilt trip technology into working
you just gave me an idea for an esoteric programming language that would be naturally intuitive to vaginal jews instead of inherently baffling to them
P++ Aggressive
INTERCAL requires just the right level of politeness
too much and you end up sounding like a Nice Guy
The more they try to "diversify" coding the more they bring about the stratification of coders.
The more you push an underrepresented class into doing something the more you lower the average skill level of that class by bringing less skilled or motivated people into it.
So in the end you'll have a sort of caste, with undiverse white goyim who spent their teenage years making games in ARMv4 assembly at the top, and way down you'll have the dumb pajeet peasants who got into IT because they thought it was a good idea but are essentially worthless workers and women and other PoCs who fell for the memes and we're pushed into it by propaganda.
We can't be unthroned, if you remove us from big companies we'll just make our own companies and easily take over the (((diversified))) companies.
Coding is all about quality, that's why a single highly skilled programmer is more valuable than 10 pajeets, because any of the pajeets can shit in the soup with bugs and dumb design decisions that ruin everything.
Reminds me of the warrior poet Mike Tyson "Erry'budy gotta plan 'til I punch 'em in da mouf."
>take over
I meant "overtake"
Yeah, it would be basically a redux on intercal where you have to manipulate the compiler with emotional bullshit, and if you aren't argumentative enough with it it will get bored of your code and fail to compile it out of having better things to do, maury is on after all.
if we are equal, then diversification makes no logical sense
oy, we're all the same, but we need more people who are different because some types of people can't think like some other types of people. We're all just as intelligent and capable of the same form of thought though.
Like a racist only with technology.
Shouldn't every AI work, learn, and gather information the same way? Since it will make itself more advandced and there will be one way to configure itself for maximum efficiency. Why would you even need diversity when the product will make itself.
>forgetting about Microsoft Bob
One of my biggest fears is that a sentient AI will view us as either a threat or a burden and thus eradicate all human life. The fact that any effort towards developing AI could be thwarted by diversity hires is both comforting and hilarious.
can we make hoodies into a racist thing? i wear mine religiously.
simpler times
obviously they will need an AI which never learns to simulate niggers
>not wearing your hoodie indoors while coding
>female technologists
he wasnt kidding
>What! 5 in base 10 is only 101 in base two? Reeeeeeeee! Ban binary! it should be 111! Ban Boolean Algebra and substitute with "Base Equality"
I swear, that ancient Greek play about women destroying societies is coming true by the day.
so true
How illegal is that, and did he died?
dumb, low buck feminist crap clickbait article.
The only female engineers I've ever worked with that were any good at all were either severely autistic to the point of basically being completely non-functional as normal human beings, or functioned as a social/political bridge between the nerds and the management. The latter ones, if intelligent, tended to get promoted and were extremely successful, even if not really contributing in a technical manner.
Women aren't succeeding in technology because of fundamental differences between men and women. We're not the same, we serve different societal roles. These articles are idiotic and written by people with zero experience in the industry.
It doesn't take an AI to figure that one out, GEEEEEEEEEENENENIIIIOOIUUSSSSSSSSEEUHHH
same i wear mine to subtlely remind everyone of traytray vs zimzam the cant flimflam and thus triggering them
you could say that i'm devilish
wow, someone needs to be sent to the gula-...i mean daycare center for re-education
it was the most powerful uppercut in boxing history
and the reason it wasnt illegal is because it makes too much money
do these retards understand that "diverse" isn't a quality of individuals?
top kek
they do, they know it's Marxist code for fucking white males (the "patriarchy"/the "bourgeoisie") against all others.
One man's fear is another man's comfy dream.
>implying women can do anything but talk. They can advocate for diversity all they want but since women cant code guess what's going to happen
>>boolean variables can assume one of the following values: true, false, I don't want to talk about it
I really wish he'd said this though.
what did you mean by this?
are you saying women and their emotions that control them are responsible for the development of fuzzy logic?
Remember this shit?
Reading this book now. Soon I will have all the knowledge of all the things.
We can prevent that with code. AI are only as smart as the code that makes them.