Islam=Sup Forums

Why the hate on Muslims here? At the end, we all share same Ideologies in Sup Forums dont we?

>Hate the kikes
>Think they cause all the problems
>Hate Fags
>Against interracial Marriage
>Love guns
>Think Family is an important component in society
>Fuck the Jews
>Love Jerusalem
>Women should never be Equal to Men
>hate feminism

Aren't all these enough to be same?

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's see how would YOU feel if millions of white europeans were to pack their bags and come to live in your neighborhood, you ISIS-funding, Israeli-friendly saudi fuck.

I would accept as long as they don't go crazy monkey shit

Because Muslims are subhumans stuck in the bronze age that place a fairy tale above the well being of their fellow man.

We're just ironic fucks who have nothing to do with their free time

You guys are actual murdering bastards

I prefer my women with clitoris and non-acid washed face

I don't plan to kill my sister when she dates someone

I don't want to sodomise little boys or engage with pederasts

They don't respect your customs, they probably start protesting for your treatment of gays and trannies, they probably don't respect your religion, they will start demanding that they get to eat bacon and drink alcohol, and on top of that, they might start to unflower your virgins... are you still so sure?

No you wouldnt nigger

yeah but I want you guys to not live around me so I can have my culture and my people without outside interference just like yourself

how would you like it if millions of scandinavians moved to mecca, not much

This is like the 5th thread that I've seen today shilling pisslam. the fuck is going on...

Why don't you goatfuckers explain bacon then ? Remember about pedophilia, slavery, and adultery too ?

i drink, i smoke, and i eat pork. checkmate camelfucker

Impyling i would give up bacon and alcohol for you afterlife, no. I need it more than ever right now.

Tbh Jews are alright, I just hate Shitites.

>millions of whites converting to Islam and coming to live in the Middle East, bringing their skills, trade and intelligence with them, making the Middle East Great Again.

I can't speak for other Muslims but I'd welcome it totally. If I were running Saudi Arabia or such I would be taking in as many whites as possible.

Meh we would just convert them and make them redpilled desu famalam. Atheist degeneracy doesn't survive for long in any religious society.

>No booze
>No tobacco
>No pork
>Endorses pedophillia

The lesser of two evils is still an evil.

Islam is degenerate.

>Atheist degeneracy doesn't survive for long in any religious society
If the last 2 decades are any indication, religion doesn't survive for long on its own

Explain 47 (or so) virgins to me. Seems pretty stupid, animalistic reason to go and be hero.

I like bacon, whiskey, and dogs.


You vote overwhelmingly for leftist parties, despite how "traditional" you are in your values.

Whitey's handouts obviously trump them.

Jews and muslim Arabs belong together in the Middle East where they can kill each other.

The Jew is a highly intelligent psychopath, whereas the Arab is just a psychopath. The Arab and the Jew are cousins - they share a common ancestor (pic related).

Islam is cancer.

Saudis are as bad if not worse than jews. The only thing Saudi Arabia deserves is a nuclear holocaust.


you might wanna bring up the statistics of the declining number of religious persons and the rise of non-religious there, you delusional.

>Hates science
>Hates free speech
>Loves circumcision

you also worship satan


You can be a mudshit all you want in your own country, wal-lati w al-'uzza!

I don't hate Muslims, I like Muslims we are brothers in faith.

Let's see...
>surrounded by friendly white nazi neighbors
>surrounded by rape and murder loving sandniggers

Huh, not the same.

Saudi Arabia will go back to being an irrelevant shithole after the oil runs out. They have an average IQ of 84.

Fuck you too.

I'm anti-Jewish and anti-Islam.

So smarter than yanks?

Rather Islamic friend than atheist barbarian.

Not as much as the current culture of the West.

Think about this, if they suck so much as a culture, why are you so worried about them outbreeding you?

This. Keep the mudslimes and kikes out of Europe!

Arabs have 90ish iq tbhlad, blacks 60ish.

True. Once we reach energy independence in America and Europe, the people of Saudi Arabia will turn on themselves and go back to being the primitives they are.

I don't hate Muslims but I hate Saudis with a passion

>pisslam shill using the jew argument
People can hate both, you dumbfuck. Go back and drink another pint of camel piss.

Christian alliance is red pill

>no alcohol, tobacco, or pork
>women dress like the worlds shittiest ninjas so that you never get to see any skin
>marrying and consummating with children
>no basic individual freedom
>theocratic governing that is absolute horseshit

if you want to worship a backwards camel fucker who once talked to god and convinced a bunch of people he was right and strip away every individual freedom because allah says so, be my guest, but fuck right off. muzzies are just sandniggers with a cause. they fight dirty, are dirty, and are still living like its the fucking stone age despite it being 2016+1 and my countrys president is a former reality tv star and real estate dealer.

What? This has to be a mistranslation from spaghetti-nigger to English.

How is opposing muslim immigration and multiculturalism equal to shilling for kikes, you stupid fucking shitskin?

>what is NATO foreign policy in the ME for the past half century


You forgot:

>hate Christianity
>hate western culture
>destroy historical artifacts
>ugly architecture
>ugly people
>polygamous culture
>drinking illegal
>music illegal
>speak in serpent tongue
>genital mutilation/circumcision
>no bacon allowed
>fuck your first cousin and wonder why your child ends up deformed and autistic

What an ideal society!

...and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, 'We are Christians,' because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant" (5:82).

>what is globalists and zionist kikes hijacking a union that was initially created to ensure that no more world wars will happen ever again in Europe


Kill yourself Mohammed al Muhammad. You should be asking your fellow sand niggers why they hate us, not the other way around.

Here, have a MOAB.
>Muhammad's old ass burning

Thats the kikes basically. Use each opposite for their own good. Spread your culture in ours to kill it and spread a false of ours into yours and conceive each one that we are the enemies and Israel is the peace state. You kill us we kill you and nonending fight until all goys are the slave of the mighty Kike

We have many more to burn before they expire. Every single one should be dropped on Saudi Arabia.

Made sure to piss on his face/words before igniting.

You will learn Muslims are what Christians were when we were great.


99% of what's posted here is either ironic shitposting or LARPing.

Except most of you join the military and affect the election

>Islam is cancer.

Easy now, everyone is innocent until proven muslem

>Saudi Arabia
>Fuck the jews

Nice try...

Want a proof I'm not "Allah forbid" a kike

>[Muslims] "We are your allies kafir, it's the Jews that are the problem!"
>[Jews] "No, the muslims are the problem, we're on your side goy!"






Give Islam to to whites, kill the rest, and watch us go to the stars anyway.

(((they))) fear this

In the moment we have the Jew as our basic enemy. Let's unite to fight him and after that go on crusading and that shit we were doing before

This, both need to be exterminated

Crusades began because of Turkish warriors not because Islam.

Agreed. Europe for europeans, middle east for middle easterners, jews can fuck off if they don't like it and need to keep shilling for more wars in the middle east.

Unless you have a webm of you throwing a jew off a

I have said it before and I will say it again: the problem is Islam is Arabs.

White Islam would be like the Third Reich on steroids. The Jews are really shooting themselves in the foot with the whole "forced Islamization of Europe" thing they're doing.

I have a one of a fag. Not really a Jew but one of his folowers

Islam began in 600s, Catholic Church took action against Turkish warriors because threatened eastern Rome, wars of conquest should be withheld when bros aren't getting peppered by Jews.

>hates white people
>hates atheism
>hates christianity
>hates science
>hates civilization

Yeah, sounds european, bro
BTW good bait

Islam is not an Arab thing... Anyone can use it. A Mongol became a caliphate.

First they came for the Saudi Royal Family, but I said nothing because i'm not a camel fucker. Then they came for the jews and I said nothing because i'm a goy. Then they didn't come after anyone because pretty much all the worlds problems had been solved...

I finally found the image that I think is relevant to this thread to some extent.

Better have a timestamp. Don't disappoint me you crypto-kike.

Not at all. Encouraged science and civilization
>Adalusia and Baghdad
And Islam is not an ethnical religion
>Weird coming from an Argentinian

Strong states in Middle East prevents you dying from criminals.

Seriously, a KSA user asking why do we hate Islam?

You made us even more hate Islam by financing terrorist wahabist groups and your some nationals are terrorist.

That's know we associate Islam with bombists and trucks/airplanes.

If nothing, some elites in KSA are the biggest guilty people in this.

Dues to vult

Bin Laden was funded to fight the soviets lets agree on this so the US took part and both made a huge mistake.

Secondly, he attacked the Saudis too and bombed a Saudi royal member. Thus fucker here see me as an infidel like you

Like Muslim Iraqi user said in , we don't speak terrorist like you do.

Bronze Age literal superstitious goat raping tards?
Underage faggot detected: your mind must be so open from freshmen year eastern world history


Which is exactly why the Jews are making a mistake. If Islam undergoes a European transformation similar to what happened with Christianity and Catholicism then the Jews will truly be erased forever. Take out the shit about circumcision, retcon Aisha to be 18 years old, and start killing all infidels who stand in the way of European Caliphate.

I'd prefer ANYTHING to a Jewish victory.

Every country with majority Muslim is a shit hole. Once you clear out all the gays and Christians and whatnot you just turn on each other like sweaty stinky dogs.


Muslims fucking hate each other. What cunts.

space caliphate when

>no freedom
>no free will
>muzzies lie
>muzzies axe you to convert, say no and you die

Islam is only good for the rich an powerful.everybody else is a just a sacrifice waiting to happen.

Jihad is the struggle where you subvert,kill,help with money, lie, and convert non-belivers except jews who were cursed by Mohammed when he was trying to become friends with them telling them he was their prophoet.

Mohammed was sexually frustrated dyslexic jew who wanted to make Judaism great again but got bantzed sooo hard by the jews that he cursed them to never be allowed in Heaven.

Where as everybody else is given a choice to convert to Islam, the jews only get the sword.


>The Emperor seriously looks like a stereotypical Jew

Can I build a church near your cube in Mecca?

A really big church , bigger then any mosque in Mecca.

Some companions of the Prophet were previous Jews. And one was Roman

Topkek ever witnessed a beheading, flogging or a stoning in that islamic shithole of yours?

Stop trying to pretend your religion and culture isn't shit mate. You're not convincing anybody.

>taking anything other than the utilitarian perspective seriously


Call me when contemporary Christianity does anything good for Europe.

Islam brought more to the world than Netherlands.

Fuck off cuck. You'll have to go back.

So was the jewish slave that Suliman had, who married a christian polish slave and they had more power in the Ottoman empire then any muzzie ever had.

Doesn't change whats written nor people's kind nature, even if some are brainwashed by barbaric text that were used to conqure the world.

>Some companions of the Prophet were previous Jews. And one was Roman

But please remind me, how many drank camel piss again? And what age was Aisha when Muhammad (then in his fifties) fucked her for the first time?

What are you doing in the US mehmet?

I've actually read the Koran. Mohammed was a charismatic pedofile who led an army (cult) of pillagers. Nothing more.

Also I'm not a Christian, unironically kys

I'm so entirely sick of reading the same fucking threads every day


seriously, fuck off!!