Why do they fight? Palestinians realize they are just kikes with darker skin, right?
Why do they fight? Palestinians realize they are just kikes with darker skin, right?
>american education
When was the last time Palestine lead the west to a world war?
Fuck both of them.
>Muh Allah
>Muh Elohim
When was the last time Israel lead the west to a world war?
Palestinians are a brave and proud people. The Israelis are not a peoples, but an amalgamation of all dredges of world jewery. The Israelis embody the worst traits and commit the vilest crimes off all mankind.
>“The closest genetic neighbors to Ashkenazi, Mizrahi and Sephardic Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots,”
>t. My parents were born in Gaza but managed to get into the states.
Why don't you come back Ahmed? Fight the good fight y'know?
Well consider that the kike cancer known as Israel has only existed since 1948 ...but the jew rats have been commiting crimes for millenia
>oy vey!
The nonsense in their heads trumps everything else.
also like 50 IQ points (not even memeing) less
Israel is a tough issue- on one hand, kikes are the worst thing to ever be created in 4 billion years of evolution; on the other hand, that's a pretty tempting reason to contain them all in one global ghetto.
>that meme
It's weird going from memeing "Hitler did nothing wrong" to actually realizing, "Holy shit, Hitler did literally nothing wrong"
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."
muslims are hell bent on world domination and they consider it a huge insult when land that they conquered is taken away by another faction.
why is it that the syrians flood europe when other muslims are waging war with them but the palestinians stick around for several generations when the kikes moved in?
the muslims are like children having a tantrum because their candy was taken away.
>You are not allowed to use psychology
There are no rules here senpai
WOW! I never realized the Jews were such a good and agile people, those pesky Arabs should just back off from rightful Israeli clay, especially Iran.
You must stop
Gosh will you just fucking stop
Make me brother.
Also check'd.
it's in their dna. they're both a barbaric bunch of people who have completely politicized and radicalized their religions. this conflict could be resolved so easily. fucking ridiculous.
באלוהים שאתה ילד מפגר אמן תמות מסרטן יאנסו אותך סודנים בתחת תוך כדי כימותרפיה ילד מזדיין בן אלף זונות
שתוק בתול
זה לא המקום אבא'לה
>Posters with an Israeli flag were actual people from Israel and not just some yanks using a proxy.
אתם מפיצים פה שטויות שגורמים לאנשים לשנוא אותנו עוד יותר, ממים מסרטנים ופרופגנדה בחצי שקל אבל העיקר זה לא המקום.. אמן שתישרפו חיים כולכם תאמינו לי
Tbh senpai the Jews are the true master race. Im going to visit Israel one day and find myself a nice Jewfu, hopefully before the tendrils of their nose hairs spread across the world and enslave the remaining Goyim not already under the shadow of their noses.
רק בגלל שרשמת את זה אני מתחיל ת'רד עם דאמפ של 40 ממים פרו-ישראלים, בסדר?
what do these fucking kabbalah magic alien runes mean?
כאילו שלאוטיסטים פה יש איזה שהיא השפעה עלינו
fucking google translate it you stupid goy
תעשה מה שבזין שלך אבל זה רק מזיק אף אחד לא מסתכל על התוכן אלא רק על העטיפה תחשוב על זה
תאמין לי יש המון השפעה יש להם סרטונים שהם מפיצים ביוטיוב, האתר הזה מקום 87 בארה"ב שזה שיא מטורף של כל הזמנים, הם מרדפלים אנשים על ימין ועל שמאל, עוד מעט חצי אירופה תחשוב שישראל זה דאעש ואל קעידה בזכותם, לא שיש לנו הרבה מה לעשות אבל מינימום לא לעשות דברים שרק נותנים להם מוטיבציה להמשיך
Palis are Amalekites. The only people God actually made a point of ordering the Israelites to exterminate because they were such complete wastes of air.
There will be peace in the Middle East when the last Amalekite is dead.
So they can gather and rule the wrold from their fortress? I suggest another place to contain them.
appears like one jewi is dissatisfied with the other jews
>המון השפעה
רק על מפגרים כמוך
>he thinks google is giving him the correct translation
Stupid fucking goys
הם הוציאו סרטון אחד על מהגרים לאירופה משהו מטורף 20 מליון צפיות ונחש מה בסוף הסרטון? ברברה לרנר ספקטרה הישראלית מודיעה שיהודים חייבים להרוס את המדינות הלבנות ולהחדיר מולטיקלטורליזם
uh oh, this is gonna end well chaim
>Palis are Amalekites. The only people God actually made a point of ordering the Israelites to exterminate because they were such complete wastes of air.
Holy shit, this makes so much sense.
>There will be peace in the Middle East when the last Amalekite is dead.
Thanks for this leaf user.
Burgers and kikes fund their own opposition to justify the MIC that's the foundation of their economies.
>that's a pretty tempting reason to contain them all in one global ghetto.
They are fixing their parasitic tendencies
Reminder that Sup Forums is an anti-semitic board
ילד קטן ומטומטם
can (((anyone))) here give me a rough translation on what (((they're))) discussing here?
I tried google translating but obviously (((google))) doesn't want me to know because it makes no sense. this is why we shouldn't have let Jews have a country, now they have these rune stones we don't understand.
>In God you're a retarded child Artist will die of cancer You will be raped Sudanese in the ass while chemotherapy A fucking son of a thousand prostitutes
>"Shut up virgin"
>"This is not the place for Daddy"
>You are spreading nonsense here that makes people hate us even more, from cancerous waters and propaganda in half a shekel, but the main thing is not the place .. Amen, who will burn life.
>Just because you wrote it down, I'm going to start off with a dump of 40 pro-Israel water, okay?
>"Do what your fucker does but it's just harmless No one looks at the content but just on the cover Think about it"
>"Believe me I have a lot of influence they have videos that they distribute on YouTube, this site is 87th place in the US which is a crazy record of all time, they are chasing people right and left, soon half of Europe will think that Israel is Da'ash and Al Qaeda thanks to them, What to do but minimum do not do things that just give them motivation to continue"
>"Just about idiots like you"
Obviously these kikes are illiterate.
>Believe me I have a lot of influence they have videos that they distribute on YouTube, this site is 87th place in the US which is a crazy record of all time, they are chasing people right and left, soon half of Europe will think that Israel is Da'ash and Al Qaeda thanks to them, What to do but minimum do not do things that just give them motivation to continue
so ur telling me two wrongs make a right.
fucking retarded israelite scum. really what a wonderous message to send outwards. death to all that have ever opposed me, retard.
>soon half of Europe will think that Israel is Da'ash and Al Qaeda thanks to them, What to do but minimum do not do things that just give them motivation to continue
yeah because its totally right to decree someone elses land yours on a whim. israelites will talk of self-determination... well then YOU LOST THE AREA TO ARABS. WW2 comes about and retardedly or ingeniously plonk them there doesn't make it theirs by self-determination does it.
israel shouldnt exist its a problem not a cure. especially when you've hell-bent leaders with brain-washed citizens. its fucked and deserves all it gets.
O yoter tov tiktevu kacha, ein shum optziya letargem et ze
Google translate this goy
לא אירוני שהבתולים פה נדבקו לתירגום הקלוקל של מה שרשמת, בזמן שזה אתה שרשמת:
"אתם מפיצים פה שטויות שגורמים לאנשים לשנוא אותנו עוד יותר"
מאוד אירוני לדעתי.
ילד קטן ומטומטם, צא החוצה ותדבר עם אנשים אמיתיים, אל תביא לפורום הזה כזאת חשיבות
אני לא יודע איפה להתחיל להסביר לך. העניין שלי היא עם פרופגנדה בכוח שמביאה לאנטגוניזם, מה שפה זה סתם בשביל הכיף זה לא כמו הממים הארוכים והמנסים בכוח, אתה מבין?
you take me for a fool don't you? if i use my brain power to translate that, what do i get out of it?
>You are spreading nonsense here that makes people hate us even more, from cancerous waters and propaganda in half a shekel, but the main thing is not the place
Fuck You all i am Russian god bless checnia for killing fags !!!!
Fucking tel Aviv doing demonstresion today for ma fags brothers and sisters
Fuck You all You Lost Russia wilk keep removing gay fags
There is a Real war in syria and fuckimg tel Aviv Izrael only care About dead fags in Russia thet Man fucking man kiled
I hoph before ramadan they all be dead :D
God bless ramzan kadirov and Putin remuving gays
Your mama joke
welcome to Sup Forums kike
give me a few minutes to work up some magic
Palestinians are liars from Egypt and Jordan
תם מפיצים פה ש גורמ ותנטויות שים לאטויות שים נשיותנם לשנואאוגורמעוד יוגורמתר טויות שים
oмг вce мycлимы yмcтвeннo oтcтaлыe, я нaдeюcь мoccaд тeбя нaйдeт и пocaдит нa бyтылкy. Изpaиль пpeвышe вceгo!
!אוי ואבוי! הגויים יודעים, תסתמי את זה
Only russians here are thr best the rast are
all subhumens like
9 timaniam
12 jhudim zionim
13jhudim amerikanim
All this are subhumens
God bless mother Russia and Syria
Russia Ukraina belarus abave all fuck turkish kultur lon live askenazi blood only
translation to: shut up you raging vergin.
translation to this isn't the place dadio.
it's much better to write like this, there isn't an option there to translate this
ההבדל בין מרוקאים לכושים זה שכושים לא יודעים מי זה אבא שלהם, ומרוקאים מצטערים שכן יודעים מי זה אבא שלהם
לא! מה אתה עושה? תסגור את זה
דיי להיות אדג'לורדים מפגרים תשפרו את השם הלא כלכך טוב שיש לנו ודיי להיות פוצים ציניים. יש לנו כבר מספיק כאלה בארץ.
כבר חלק גדול מפורצאן אוהב אותנו אז למה לחרבן על זה? אי אפשר לכעוס על אנון רק כי היה איכפת לו מרווחת המדינה
I know that's my poin.. wait a minute, how did you..
Пpивeт бългapин oбичaм тe тaтap Boлгa тaнгapи бpaт :)
У вac клaccний нoвый пpизидeнт ;) oн пpo Pycь aнти гeйpoпa :)
Я тeбя люблю бългapин
Пoкa мы вмecтe вoины нe бyдeт вeт вce мы бpaтья вeт вce мы люди ;)
Cлaвa cлaвa cлaвa !!!
Дaй мнe кaкoйтa cтapый лeгeндapни чaлгa aльбoм мoля типa пивeц кaк caшкo poмaн вaш
אני מקווה שקיבלתה מכה בראש כשהייתה קטן, אבל אחד לא יכול להיות כזה מפגר
>promoting pan-slavic ideology
You forgot fake ashkenazi jews.
Why are you guys so mean to Ethiopian Jews? Habesha women are the most attractive Africans yet you sterilize them? Why do you do this?
how accurate was it? did i get (((tricked)))?
show records, i doubt that they were sterilized.
>implying jews will record their evil deeds on documents
האשכים שלי די כואבים לאחרונה, אתם חושבים שכדאי לי לראות רופא?
Records were burned.
Oink oink little piggy ashkenazi kraut you are not even originally from Canaan.
no, user is ahmet, promoting propaganda bullshit in poor russian
אחותך הנרתיק כואבת מן הפין שלי.
>implaying US goverment wont cover up those deeds
are you originally from the americas? if not then i guess ill meet you in hell you hypocrite.
Originally from Canaan, then Spain, then England, then America. My ancestors may have fucked natives so i am in heaven you dumb monkey.
Remember, you have nazi blood in your veins.
totally accurate
Translate latin-hebrew letters here: