Le Pen will win

Le Pen will win

You realise that by posting that with an American flag you undermine her chances of winning? Americans are very unpopular in Europe.

Le Pen will win

in the end "you're up" will have to be rescued by murka. us good murkans will just sit by with little grins as the bottom falls out in europe and little bro murka has to come pull you out of your shitskin pit. yeah, we'll be quiet.


I'd also like to add that the UK has fucked itself and the US is the enemy of Europe.

Those weak digits suggest otherwise.

Even if she doesn't win the election, she's already won

More like the others lost, big time.

Did anyone see the Eiffel Tower banner go up, how did two green peace niggers climb the tower with large back packs and wearing black without being shot, if that was a pro Le pen banner they would be fuck quickscoped.jpeg. Wake the fuck up france Obama backing macron?? Bank accounts in the bahamas? X investment banker ??Open your eyes and spread this shit

Hate to admit mate, but she could have done better. A hell of a lot better in fact. Fuck that though, Trump and the Philippine pres are meeting.

She will not, but she's close to 40%. That's a great score anyway, and a great platform for the next election.

Le pen will win.

digits prove it

>a great platform for the next election
Not really, because Le Pen's score is mostly the result of the other candidates being garbage. If the mainstream parties sort their shit out Le Pen will go back to ~15%.

>If the mainstream parties sort their shit out
And how is that ever going to happen? I disagree with you. That 40% is a lot of people fed up with the political system, not with Fillon or Hamon or any other of those idiots.

I highly doubt it.

We are in/coming out of a recession. Presumably for the next election the economy of Europe will be on the up swing and non centrist candidates won't have a chance.

They usually change nothing because they have their candidates in the 2nd round every time. This time the party in power barely got enough votes to get their campaign reimbursed, and the mainstream right also didn't make it to the 2nd round, so it's quite likely that will clean their house, or at least make believe.

Besides, it's not like Le Pen is any different from these idiots, she's where she is only because of her daddy.

She's a manipulated dumbass sent on the battlefield to lose. The only Hope was Mélenchon.

I confirm

Nop, she will lose because french people are fucking retarded and will elect a stupid fuck who worked for the rothschild and will continue the same politics as hollande and then they will cry about it. Rip France, your ancestors had fucking balls but you're just too brainwashed to try to save yourselves. You had a chance but you couldn't take it.

Alrighty then. Macron will win.

>Dude, I'm ok with a more Socialist candidate than Bernie Sanders as long as she hates mudslimes but that won't do shit about 'em even if she gets into power

Slightly better. Still not voting for a Europhobe though.

The anti immigration candidate must also be for a strong EU.

I think there's a malaise with the way politics are carried and with the relationship of states with the EU. I don't think a change in figureheads will get rid of that.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

That's what they said about Trump.

They were right about the "manipulated dumbass" part.


how is life in your 70% mudslim country with mandatory voting system making sure leftist gibsmedat always win ?

This is the Trump that loves Israel right?

You're goddamn right, he has 50% more votes than Le Pen according to polls.
Le Pen BTFO.

>Yfw Jeb! pulls off a surprise upset to become King of France.

Yeah it will have to be two-fold, first change the heads of the parties, especially Fillon the crook, and then loudly announce some new make believe rules to make it look like these parties won't be ruled by nepotism anymore.

Giving mon high énergie to Le Bénis :DDDD DD

Exactly this!

I could ask you the same question because it's not like Britain is at its best with muslims either but that would be pointless.
This is why Sup Forums has turned to shit. Instead of arguing with what people says, people just attack people depending of where they post from.
Also I know you're kidding but we are far from having 70% muslims, stop being retarded.

Is your "haute énergie" worth 10 mil votes?

Fuck off you filthy defeatist Pajeet. POO IN THE LOO.

1 si je vais chercher mon passeport français promis par Louis XIV :^)

The UK has already defeated itself. We are trying to not let the defeat get any further in Europe.
I'm serious here. You have fucked yourselves big time. The two possible outcomes are that you have hurt your country a little or that you have hurt it a lot.

Your only hope is an amazing trade deal with the US and that will of course come with serious conditions. You have traded Europe where you were one the the leaders equals to a master servant role with the US.

Oh and BTW, this is why the US loves the idea of the break up of the EU. More countries that will have no choice but to suck it's dick.

The US is pretty gay.

Literally, this. It's going to happen. Europe knows it and America knows it. It's been doomed since 6 gorillian all male refugees were put into Europe.

digits confirm based Macron wins




bye bye Mircon pénis

UK will do fine stop crying like a stupid faggot and Le Pen had a snow balls chance in hell of winning the only hope Europe has is for Right wing parties to reform themselves away from cuckservatisim and create a Europe for Europeans. Brexit and Le Pen help achieve this.

I think I'll always be sad about that frérot

No centrist statesmen in France?

oh no, please
you've "rescued" us enough in ww2 and got 50 years of communism to show for it
how bout you mind your own business when the race war begins, mkay?

Eiffel tower climbing has become so mainstream, every urbex fags or attentionwhore youtubers do it now

It all started with sylvain tesson , some guy who also climbed notre dame

Tfw even catacombs exploring has become mainstream


Check'd and Kek'd!!


Without a doubt! Praise KEK.

Weak numbers.


nice Pépé, check mine

>US is enemy of Europe
Once you start putting all your different cheeses on burgers you'll realize America was a friend all along.


>petite negresses
yes please

The polls say Marcon has a 24 point lead. There is no way she can win.

Numerics for a surprise Melenchon victory

Napoleon the fourth when? Third French Empire when?


She will win. They have once again pulled out all the same psyops they did with Brexit and Trump (although Trump turned out to be a bigger Jew puppet than Hillary, guess the kikes didn't trust him before but now it's all good).
If LePen doesn't win by a huge margin it's bullshit. If she doesn't win I hope France fucking erupts but knowing how fucking cucked Europeans are..it would probably be limited to a few hundred people autisitcally screeching

I hope not

Le Pen has 0 chance of winning.

>inb4 muh Trump, m-muh Brexit

All within the polls margin of error, not the case for Le Pen


>believing polls

What happens when these (((polls))) are also discredited?? Can we demand the media is fuckingheld accountable for subversive propaganda? I mean wtf

The polls are performed by experts who know their stuff. They aren't wrong.


That's because Europeans are faggots and lost sight of greatness after they cucked themselves with socialism.

Are you fuckng serious!

The polls against Brexit were fucking complete and utter bullshit. How quickly (((you))) forget

>She will win
>Macron will cry on Camera
>Nigel Farage will call Schultz just to laugh at him
>The Eu will implode.

Hear my words.

"If you lose the election, you win"

Praise KEK for them numbers

i hope pushback comes.

Philippot 2022 is their best chance now

kekt (impressive for a German)


the polls on brexit were like 3-4% off, well within the margin of error. same with trump.

the media are the ones that said it was a guaranteed victory. the polls, not so much.

Le Benis will win.
Screencap this.

Most Europeans are cucked. They have been brainwashed to accept Muslim cock.

Macron will win, WWIII will start within weeks

Well, I certainly hope so.

What do you say mister god?

God says:
14005 17:13 Whosoever cometh any thing near unto the tabernacle of the LORD
14006 shall die: shall we be consumed with dying? 18:1 And the LORD said
14007 unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons and thy father's house with thee shall
14008 bear the iniquity of the sanctuary: and thou and thy sons with thee
14009 shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood.
14011 18:2 And thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy
14012 father, bring thou with thee, that they may be joined unto thee, and
14013 minister unto thee: but thou and thy sons with thee shall minister
14014 before the tabernacle of witness.
14016 18:3 And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge of all the
14017 tabernacle: only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary
14018 and the altar, that neither they, nor ye also, die.
14020 18:4 And they shall be joined unto thee, and keep the charge of the
14021 tabernacle of the congregation, for all the service of the tabernacle:
14022 and a stranger shall not come nigh unto you.
14024 18:5 And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of
14025 the altar: that there be no wrath any more upon the children of
14026 Israel.

>You realise that by posting that with an American flag you undermine her chances of winning? Americans are very unpopular in Europe.

then it's a good thing that barack obama, one of the most well known americans on earth, very publicly supported macron, isn't it?

now, if you're sober enough, answer this question.

who will have more impact on a national election? an anonymous american online or one of the most well known americans ON EARTH having their endorsement broadcast on international airwaves?

use your brain for once you sheep fucking retard.

Don't be so pessimistic, there is a big chance she won't win.

is this bait?

Nope..the polls deffo reported Brext would fail. Keep fucking shilling though kike

Energy level: 0/10

Never again.

Le Pen will win

Checked and rekt

>because the majority of the french electorate visits Sup Forums

Le Pen will not win. However, the FN will get a few dozen MPs in the legislative elections that comes right after the presidential one.


She did it shit at the debate but she can manage to have a good scores at the legislatives which will allow the FN to have a far greater influence than before

No she won't you damn retard


Le Pen will win