Sup Forums BTFO
Apologize you transphobic bigots.
People just swipe without looking, no one would select this guy after actually looking for a single second.
pretty shitty of you desu senpai. since when are people attracted to each others genitals? would you be attracted to someone who looked like a man just because they had a vagina?
>when will we be able to upload our minds into a collective consciousness
upload your brain for me Sup Forums ... DO IT NOW!!!!!
>since when are people attracted to each others genitals
Since the dawn of time. I'm not gay bruh.
> stunning!
> how is your hair so great?
> people are so superficial!
its literally a guy with a wig
most guys would fuck a half ugly bitch for some pussy, and your dumb ass think genitals dont matter lol
if their tits made up for it then maybe, idk
>these mentally ill abominations ACTUALLY believe that they are attractive and desirable
There is no way anyone is confusing that for a woman.
I mean, come on, face structure aside, dude is too lazy to shave that stubble.
I personally don't care if people are Trans, it isn't business, but at least put some more effort than wearing a wig and slapping on some makeup, ffs.
We already have a collective unconscious.
It's called the ethno nation
>creep on my bro's twitter while he's at college
>always been sort of distant, but trying to close the gap recently
>just check it out to see what he's been up to
>expect parties and friends and "wow that test killed me lol"
>has himself listed as genderqueer and pansexual
>checked last night
>"the healthcare reform makes me disgusted to be an american. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves"
What the fuck do I do? I'm the younger brother, but I feel decades older and wiser.
>I've disclosed right at the top
So it's probably men that sit there and just swipe right on everything until they run out of swipes.
What the fuck is "swipe" supposed to mean?
people swipe right on everyone, this isn't a problem exclusive to you retard
Kill him. It's over for him.
you all disgust me. pic related is as much a woman as any other more 'traditionally female' (a patriarchal construction btw) woman
The fact that you have a dick changed their mind.
Tinder. You swipe right on people you like and left at people you don't. If two people swipe right on each other they get arched and can start chatting.
this is also a woman
Maybe he'll be fixed when he gets a job, right? I can't confront him, it would be too fucking weird and I'd have to say that I basically stalk him online. I need to subtly redpill him.
literal proof that humans have overstayed their welcome
ayy lmao please eliminate us
If I saw that thing on my phone I wouldn't care about the direction I swipe I would wan't it gone as fast as possible, the hell he even has visible mustache
the real question is why anyobe would even want to date "her" in the first place
It doesn't even look like a woman. You can still see it is a trans by the face. Anyone that swiped right on that is simply a disgusting faggot.
Most likely though it just made that story up so it can feel good about itself.
>be a fag in the military
>Everyone uses plenty o fish
>Download it
>See a 6/10
>Say fuck it
>Profile is edgy as all fuck
>Even jokes about having a dick
>Cool she has a sense of humor
>Message her
>She's kinda funny says she down to hangout
>Says again she has a dick
>Explain I thought it was joke
>He makes it clear it wasn't
>Tell him that yea I've changed my mind
>Dude goes in a tirade calling me a loser
>Says they hangout with celebs
>Has all the money and I'm a bitch
>Troll him for like 20min
>Evetually it's just him hurling abuse at me
in which way? in which aspect??
>if you like what you saw you are NOT allowed to dislike what I deliberately hid
like entitlement in physical form