One of the greatest chess players of all time

>One of the greatest chess players of all time
>Over 180 IQ
>Amazing pattern recognition abilities
>Raging anti-semite (despite being Jewish himself)

Was Bobby Fischer right?

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Self-hating people really makes me sad :(

We had a thread yesterday on if he was crazy or redpilled.

Gotta start somewhere, my dear beanerbuddy

I've never seen this recording. Very very true. No wonder he was murdered. Good post sven.

He was correct and he called (((them))) out so he had to die

Bobby Fischer was right on so many levels.
Shut up Mehico, you can't even keep your own people in your craphole country.

He was a massive autist also
Definitely /ourguy/

>gif more interesting than topic

Fischer was a fucking semi-retarded autist. Fucking e4 is nigger tier chess. The most redpill opening is 1.f3... 2.Kg2 HAMMERSHCLAG BITCHES.

Kf2 you fucking failure.

oh yeah, sorry Other Me.

(((This video is not available in your country))) intensifies.

These days it seems redpilled chess is sitting at the board and letting all your white pieces get taken while you talk shit to the guy next to you doing the same.

How could he not have spiralled down into madness? Intelligent as fuck and redpilled as fuck, surrounded by people who are not only incredibly unbelievably stupid compared to him, but also brainwashed by propaganda for all of their lifes. I sympathise greatly with him. Although I'm no supergenious I think I'm fairly smart, and have never struggled to explain anything (I understood) to anyone. All of that changed when I became redpilled. Now the cognitive dissonance and inability to think logically in people makes me angry, sad, and lonely.

He wasn't self hating though. He never knew he was jewish till he was older, and even then rejected that identity.

>human chess players
Pick one (1).

no way, redpilled chess always ends up in this position after 10.Qe6:

wtf, thats the correct move?

have you even played chess, like ever?


Of courshe he was.

Bobby already beat their AI that's why They killed him.


Whats your move after hammerschlag postion... Kc3? d5? IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE I WILL WIN.

YOU FAILURE!!! It's Nc3!!!!!!

a Sup Forumsster before his time

Are yoy me ahmed, are we all ahmed? Seriously though this feel is horrifying even my repilled friends are just.... not that smart its demoralizing.

considering that current chess players (Carlsen, Caruana, Anand) have been taught chess by computers, you can say that Bobby Fischer was the best player that ever lived. Fischer could never have anything else but his instinct and intelligence to know if a move was right.

Donald Trump is a Puppet for the Jews

The Red Pill / Israel First

Trump Should be President of Israel

Trump Praises Benjamin Netanyahu

Trump on Israeli Relations

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Trump's Message on Holohoax Remembrance Day

He went crazy because he thought he was being followed and listened to, but it was all true. An american chess player vs a russian and the whole world was watching, of course both sides were going to do as much as they could to fuck things up.

(((Bobby Fischer))) says the concept of the devil is based on the Jew

I laughed out fucking loud.

I need to try the King F2 opening for Glory

that's a draw you idiot

Funny how (((they))) will prop up a high IQ as being the end-all be-all of intelligence, but if someone with an insanely high IQ disagrees with them, then they are "mentally ill". Yes yes, the geniuses are mentally ill, not the skinwalkers that chop of their own dicks and undergo hormone therapy in a vain attempt to disguise themselves as "women"

what no way KxJ9 is the obvious next move

it really is an inspirational opening.

>but in all seriousness we can't let Gedult get the nuclear codes

Bobby Fischer was a peer-less Chess pro and an even greater genius.

And despite what the OP fag says, All Jews are self loathing.

News at 11 retards.

>Self-hating people really makes me sad :(
How was he self hating? That's like saying a woman is self hating because she hates feminism

So, hating Euro leftism when you're a right Euro means you hate yourself?

He hated Jewish politics.

yeah but are you gonna source that gif?

>This video is not available in your country


>doesnt know image search

some whore named miss alice. amazingly good looking. total degenerate. 3/10 would not bang.

Whats it like to not know what freedom means?

Why not just download it through a youtube to mp4?

MissAlice. The worlds best known camwhore. Take a look at her tumblr for about 5 minutes, and you'll see that having millions of men turn her into a virtual prostitute has destroyed her brain and her ability to form human bonds. She's going in the oven.

Really makes you think.

The truth is that I pimped out my girlfriend in order to get more replies.

wow just imagine that girl riding black dick


Cuck, i...

Well that was refreshing.

If you belong to a bad group you should be self-hating. And then move on and try to assimilate into a superior group.

are you swedes naturally cucked?

Video is not allowed in my country for some reason. Probably nazi propaganda again.

Stop criticisng Jews for no reasons all the time, retards.


All the real intellectual jews were raging antisemite.
Read sex and character from otto weininger.
He was a jew that converted to christian.

Here you go, cuck:

I don't want to see your nazi propaganda. jews are based.

This. Our truthministry knows best what we should see or not. Oy vey stop it you racist goyim.

literally lmfao @ (You)
the german cuckholdry is real

How can your government justify this? Is it allowed to question whether the Holocaust happened in Germany? What happens if you simply ask for proof and deconstruct their arguments rationally?

ugh, I got into chess a couple times but never found a good way to practice. People on lichess just steamroll me since I was just starting out

So? Keep practicing. I used to play table tennis with my cousin who is ranked in the country. I've never won against him but I'm so much better than everyone else now and I've only played for 1 year

>hammerschlag postion
Leeroy Jenkins woould be more appropriate name.

>Raging anti-semite (despite being Jewish himself)



>how do they justifiy it

Watch some videos about it.
Saint Louis chess club have good videos.
Or if you prefer you can read books.
Don't bother learnings openings etc. At first. Play some basic e4 game and follow general concepts like
Values of the pieces
Develop your pieces
Knights before bishops.
Playing in the center
Castle quickly.

Learn some common endgames.

Then learn middle games, when to exchange pieces, what are good/bad pièces. Closed/open positions

Then you can begin learning openings.

You need to learn the basics.

making a joke of it just makes you more of a faggot

Endgame by Frank Brady is a pretty good book about Fischer's life.

what did he mean by this?

How is raising a question hate speech? How do they deal with super rich Arabs literally having conventions to talk about the how the Holocaust didn't happen?

Blocked in my country. I guess he's on to something then

no he wasnt rite

Go back to your cuckshed, Sven.

>literally calls for the execution of top level jews and concentration camps

hes /ourguy/

it's not self-hatred if you don't identify as Kike

>"Jews should be sent to concentration camps and re-educated until they learn some morals and accept Christ"
That sounds pretty Jewish to me. I guess Bobby was just an Uncle Tomstein.

see: Kubrick

this. playing a shit ton of chess is key, and I've only recently learned knights before bishops.

blocked in my country, I guess he was.

To anyone looking to learn chess, literally just pirate Chessmaster: The Art of Learning

my god muh dik

lol I learned all that stuff but I think people on lichess just spend like 100 hours a week playing chess.

Jews rely on antisemitism for their power. Bobby Fischer was a genius and played 4D chess with it, but he wasn't an actual anti-semite. "Imagine how much antisemitism we could drum up in the stupid goyim if I OF ALL PEOPLE besmirched the Jews?!"

Bobby Fischer is a case of "hey chess grandmaster, whatcha doin?"

This is why we have to gas them all

A high IQ does not mean a correct political opinion. That's why you don't base your political views on scientists who advocate for rapefugees.

This is nigger tier reasoning. The Jews gained nothing from Bobby exposing them, retard.

Considering chess players are pattern recognizing machines of the highest order i'm mot surprised he was red pilled. Wondering if Magnus carlsen knows whats up as well. Met him once, nice guy.

>Sup Forums circlejerks about Fischer
>news says that "antisemitism" on rise in US
>Trump has to actively disavow antisemitism
>Trump supporters become indistinguishable from cuckservatives
>the US is once again the loyal military vassal of Israel

Fischer is the ultimate chessmaster of all time

Fischer was /ourguy/ before any of us existed

Me on the left

Okay genius, answer me this: why the fuck is this video blocked in Germany? 99D chess?

>Trump supporters become indistinguishable from cuckservatives
This has already happened. Trump is an obvioys Zionist and a neocon, anyone who still supports him is bluepilled as fuck.

that really old game?

The problem is that intelligence is so often tied to (((education))) that even smart people end up falling into the propaganda trap. You'll see that their usual level-headedness and rationality are completely nonexistent when it comes to matters of politics and race. Less educated people often have an outsider's perspective on the whole thing and see it for what it is.

High IQ directly correlates with Antisemitism. That is because high IQ people have to deal with joos on an almost daily basis as they tend to rise to the top.

I myself are in the 130+ range and I'm a virulent Antisemite. I wouldn't do them harm though, I would deport all of them out of white countries and engage in a neutral foreign policy towards them.

Trade yes, fight your fucking wars yourself. And if they manage to get themselves overwhelmed with love from the neighbours because they are such nice guys - tough luck!

Fischer was ourguy. A great man who was way before his time. He knew the holocaust was a fraud before most anyone. Now that the JQ has gained traction, the juice are working double time to implement the NWO and immigration to dumb us down. The time will come when the goyims know, and the Jews will once again be eradicated and go into hiding like the cockroaches they are. This time, because of the internet, the world won't forget how parasitic they are like we have throughout history. Be patient goys, we will have justice.

"Not available in your country"

Even a 9k views video.. what the fuck

That's because they live in a bubble where they never have time interact with blacks and Mexicans unless it is a servant or a landscaper

Then why is he actually making progress in peace talks with Palestine? Jews certainly don't want that.

I do not agree. Highly intelligent people know that they can only voice their opinions on joos to a very small group of people, otherwise they'll be destroyed.

Also education is mostly worthless these days outside of very few fields. No one in their right mind would pay for being brainwashed, only retards do that.

Learn to play shogi, aka Best Chess

Trump? Making actual progress in peace talks between Israel and Palestine? Don't make me laugh. You're embarrassing yourself.