Do Eugenics really work?

Pic related are Lebensborn children

They look pretty normal to me
Are you sure Eugenics really work?




You forget that the Lebensborn project was just the first step and would have involved constant education and physical training.
The Lebensborn children were supposed to govern the invaded countries.

A victorious Germany would have made for sure quantum leaps on genetical engineering and the medical field without almost any restrictions by government laws.

They look pretty damn good for all being almost 80 years old.

Anyways, eugenics isn't an instant process. Considering they're only one generation deep I'd say they did an excellent job.

Then you lost to slavs

Eugenics s a long term project, you don't just create a person with ideal genetics in a single generation, it requires multi generational breeding. In a way, the monarchies of Europe are a good example of Eugenics although they were chosen by title and not genetics, but still.

Lebensborn was just gibsmedats for women who got knocked up by SS men.


Which you supported so massively that they could beat us.
We took on half of of the world and yeah we lost.
But you chosed to support the wrong side.

and to others
it was made sure by almost everyone we didn't succeed
well, Europe is much better off now :^)

>They look pretty normal to me

Thanks for your scientific analysis.

>Are you sure Eugenics really work?
I would think it requires quite a few generations to have any effect.
What Nazis were doing wasn't really good Eugenics since they had no way to test for genetic defects.
It was more about looks.

Planned Parenthood performs abortions which reduce black crime. I am all for it.

It wasnt because the woman wouldnt get anything after the child was born.
These children should have been raised mainly by families of SS Members.

What you dont see are their health and intelligence

Eugenics would be the end of genetically inheritable diseases

It was a benefits program to help women raise children, it wasn't a directed eugenic program like it is propagandized as.

Wrong. It was prgramm ro raise the number of aryan children which had three Goals according to Himmler:

1. Suirvive of the nordic race through raising their numbers
2.Quality improvement of the future children via several criterias
3.Breeding of the " Elite of the Future " mostly for ruling in the new eastern provinces.

The woman would have nothing to do with the child after giving birth and they could do this all anonym if they wanted as long as the parents had a background in the sense of the SS.

Everybody will be against it until they can afford it for their kids, eg: designer babies.

Let me tell you something you smug little jerry bastard. Even with everything that happened, I would still give everything to kick your Nazi arses again. I don't care if it's a Black man or an Indian or a Muslim or a Jew in the trench next to me, as long as he's on my side and willing to kick some German arse with me. Fuck yourself Kraut.

This. Gattaca will be the future.

People are doing this already by getting their children to the best schools and universities if they have the money.

most of the fighting was on the eastern front.
the American aid was a joke.
boots, cans of food and a few tanks.
you lost to the superior slavic race.

>t. Achmed al-Londonistan

Id actually like to see eugenics applied, long term, on any part of the population. Even 10 thousand people would be sufficient id say.
A really important thing though is what this user said
It would not only end the genetically inheritable diseases, it would do so in a very very short period of time.

>the American aid was a joke.
boots, cans of food and a few tanks.

Start educating yourself about Lend-Lease and the numbers behind that.

Although i know this can be hard for a gypsy.

>You lost from the superior slavic race
>His country fought on their side
>Not even slav
>the loss resulted into a communist totaliarian regime in Romania which fucked up the country.

>Id actually like to see eugenics applied, long term, on any part of the population.

I'm pretty sure this has been happening for a while. We know the Chinese are already creating designer babies. It's all just very hush hush so far and the tech is not very refined.

Hm, well i suppose in my lifetime ill have my wish fulfilled then.
Though designer babies are purely visual arent they? Id like to see improvement in something that matters.

Nope, they lost to you and the Britbongs.