Sup Forums will defend this...

Sup Forums will defend this. You're obession with Trump and triggering sjws is so strong that you're willing to sacrifice America and our values. Why?

Other urls found in this thread:


Right on time.

Oh look its another
>all of Sup Forums has the same opinion
Fuck off. Our other option was Hillary Clinton.

No, you had dozens of cadidates to choose from but most of Sup Forums lined to behind the retard.

but but... that's all still part of the 5D chess.. no?

yeah we could have supported Jeb, Ted Cruz or fucking Ben Carson

Lmao shills still mad about the repeal of obamacare.

You guys are gunna keep losing, so get used to it.

Yes goy! 8D chess!

Status, Defended.



Lol no. It's Trump voters who are going to fucked hardest by the repeal. Older people need healthcare and most of them voted for Trump.

yeah he should have called the king of the eu a fucking faggot and told her to kill herself

This is a good point. Trump should have nuked germany when merkel won again.

hahahahaha rekt good work m8 that'll show that blumpf supporter

>Republicans want obamacare


You act like the young people here wouldn't love to see some anti-boomer legislation passed.

To some degree, i do. I'd rather have them realize that a billionaire president will never actually give a shit about the health of old people living rural areas. We need to unite under an actual populist candidate.

Most do. They just wish is wasn't named Obamacare.

You have too much hope my friend

>Most do. They just wish is wasn't named Obamacare.

Well you better get to work changing around the meanings of words then, marxist.

You're probably right, but why does it have to be this way?

It's just my opinion. Unless we pull clean energy out of our asses I think most of our fates are sealed regardless.

Agreed. All of societies problems: healthcare, taxes, human/civil rights, immigration, political correctness, inequality, regulation, etc; none of this matters if the planet becomes unlivable. Switching to clean energy should be humanity's priority.

I voted for Trump because Hilldog steals sells fucks and kills kids.

This is one smart and sane guy here, I totally recommend listening to him

>implying people aren't allowed to change their opinions over time
H-he's just making informed decisions...

You know how you're losing?

You're forced to come here to try to change opinions.

In the end, the only opinion that will change will be yours.

Trumps doing everything he promised. You are fake news

>In the end, the only opinion that will change will be yours.
lel thinking that Sup Forums changes any ones opinion.

Kek, no. I've been browsing Sup Forums on and off for years. The opinions on this board are generally trash and are only effective at brainwashing edgy teenagers.

>Trump is worsening relations with russia
>Trump is secretly russia's lapdog

Fuck liberals are so stupid.


You must have embarrassingly low self esteem.

You just admitting going to a place for years that's "trash for edgy teenagers".

You must seriously hate your life mate.

Like I said - in the end, the only opinion that will change will be yours.