Can't wait to hit my first commie nig nog

NC House Just Passed HB 330 – Allowing Drivers To Legally Hit Protesters Who Block Roads


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Make sure you install a dash cam to post videos here for top keks

OP here Will do user will do

I see you Mecklenburg county

u don't have to say op here u nigger. everyone has an uniquie id

Oh come on, you need a better vehicle that that.

This Keks for all!!

Make sure you have a bullbar on your car

OP here Caldwell county fag but will be traveling to Mecklenburg next time riots erupt.


Make sure you mount spikes pointing outwards from your wheels so that you can fuck their horses up


The cuck fights back

Rdu here. I hope it happens in front of the governor's mansion for maximum keks. Just so I can see the look on (((cooper's))) face


I never understood why people stop on highways for those fuckwits. I'd plow right through those niggers. I'd just say i didn't see them or that i had a panic attack

lol go get'em Speed Racer


Dunno if we have that law in Pennsylvania. Probably not.

God knows Philly would be at least 3% cleaner if we did, though.

Please install a dashcam, and have fun!

t. liveleak

Stop making new threads newfag. You need to lurk and learn how things work here. You sound like a normie reddit faggot

i saw that youtube clip yesterday, and now its real, god bless you burgers

just say no to domestic terrorists shutting down the infrastructure

Beep beep who's got keys to the Jeep vrooooom off to the protest

hes going over the cuck


Tfw you get to be speed racists
Im jealous