I personally think he's a hero. He's done more for our movement than anyone else.
Honest opinions on Richard Spencer?
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that's a shopped pick. He's fine, but a little spergy. Wish he would modify he's speeches to attract more normies
whats shopped
David Duke did more well at least in his limits considering (((media))) can't accept their views ever
photo shopped
Spencer is good stuff
Why do average white guys have gyno?
>He's fine
reddit get out.
Too fat for his hairstyle and should smile at the camera.
Also a CIA plant...yeah I saw that one guys, sorry.
Can some anons post what they consider his best "clips" ?
I found this one to my liking.
He ran a bunch of interviews with Jonathan Bowden who was a great mind on right wing ideas. If not for Spencer, we wouldn't have those recordings, so I'm grateful.
He is clearly sexually irregular.
I listened to his ideas. His views are too unrealistic and white nationalism never made sense to me.
He seems more concerned with building his own brand and REEEEEing than actually helping further white nationalism and helping whites. There's also an alarming amount of leftist rhetoric and ideology that has been coming from him lately.
Confused jew
No one likes him here. You're memes are getting old, Share.
>our movement
Fuck off. Sup Forums isn't involved in any "movements" other than bowel movements.
I think he's in the CIA. I also think he's a closeted homosexual.
I like him even though he says retarded things.
>Jonathan Bowden is dead
Holy shit, until just now I had no idea.
He's OK. His heart's in the right place but many of his college speeches are too abstract and nonsensical to convince anyone of jack shit.
>our movement
fuck off
>I think that some people who are…in the alt-right want to believe that the anti-abortion crusade is just inherently traditionalist, that it is about making women take responsibility for their children, that it’s going to make women become mothers whether they like it or not…I am a bit sceptical of this view that abortion would have inherently traditionalist consequences. I think when we think about abortion we often think about these careerist women who otherwise would be part of families but are instead having abortion out of pure selfishness and greed. The fact is that it isn’t like that. Those highly intelligent career women will have abortions on occasion, but to be honest they’re using contraception and they’re avoiding pregnancy, is what they’re doing…The people who are having abortions are generally very often black or Hispanic or [people] from very poor circumstances, to be honest.
he's a retard and OP is falseflagging, Sup Forums isn't even alt-right, that's a jewish label
"shooped" means you're a photo-altering lying kike shill.
He's just opposing the Syrian war and showing capitalism to be shit. Nothing off the usual NatSoc table
His views are ok but he's shit at presenting/explaining them. He wants a White Brotherhood Imperium, i.e. European peoples to see themselves as a distinct civilization from blacks, asians, browns etc and work together instead of fighting. It's a far out dream unfortunately.
>too abstract and nonsensical to convince anyone
Welcome to the world of right wing rhetoric
i like him.
Individualism is for fags.
I don't agree with everything he says but he has done more for the survival of whites than I have. He is a hero.
NO one man should have all that power
He's 20 lbs overweight he isn't an average white guy.
Good vid but the dramatics he adds to his voice is kinda kitschy
stupid logo invokes KKK hoods
Fuck off kike shill.
Hes just another docile goy. Listening to this guy talk makes me want to rip my ears off. He cant articulate during speeches, and he doesnt know his history. If he wants to advocate for the preservation of the white race, he should at least learn his history.
Also, minus points for Le epic pepe the frog meme shit.
I wish he was here to see what the right has become
I've dropped him when I listened to one of his speeches, dude sounds effeminate as fuck, how am I supposed to get inspired by that?
I like him. He's a bit of a doofus sometimes (and he needs to drop the pan-euro shit, no one likes it), but he's a gud boi dindu nuffin.
Average white guys are probably more than 20 lbs overweight desu
>He's 20 lbs overweight he isn't an average white guy
You're right, he's too slim for american standards
I hate him. It's important that we're fragmented. We'll never overcome liberal hegemony unless we're squabbling among ourselves.
Come to Memphis and live for a couple years. White nationalism will make perfect sense.
But why should it be destroyed?
literally controlled opposition
He's pretty much a white nigger to me.
He's right though.
But commiefriend. Spencer hates capitalism.
His interview with Roaming Millennial made him look pretty good in my eyes
Is he gayth?
Is that him? Why the fuck does he look so fucked up? Fucking egg-head. And to think I was about to give this guy a watch/listen soon. No thanks.
He is a shill.
He said the holocaust happened and he supports Israel's right to exist.
He looks like someone pooped on his head.
See Standard ((((ALINSKY)))) tactic.
>I don't listen to speakers who I think look ugly
nigger logic 101.
There is a reason why you neo-nazis are considered uneducated mongoloids.
Thanks amigo, i was worried Spencer didn't look like a walking god for a sec there.
I disagree. While I also oppose the Syrian war, he goes to the extent where he supports anti-white groups and ideals solely in the name of opposition. Same thing with his statements on North Korea and other places. He also goes much further than just anti-capitalism past NatSoc into Marxist territory including degeneracy, gun grabbing, the destruction of the nuclear family, and such. If George Lincoln Rockwell saw Richard Spencer, he would be disgusted and probably call him Jewish controlled opposition.
Funny that Rockwell was a CIA agent, right?
>waiting for Linkin Park to drop a new album
>a Marxist
I agree that he's a little center left on economics, but he's not a marxist
>He said the holocaust happened and he supports Israel's right to exist.
Yeah, we should rather be delusional and fight lost battles than improve the lot of white people on concrete terms.
Spencer is a cuck and a faggot with delusions of grandeur that can't even fight back, but these pictures look crafted by (((organizations))), not individual anons.
It's not about being ugly at all. Can you not see his fucking head? That shape? That's obviously a sign of both mental and physical retardation, he's clearly not 100%. I'm not being a dick or an edglord about it, I genuinely feel bad for someone that's born handicapped. It's just that I nearly fell for a dumb meme, like when Wesley Willis was pushed as a legit musician kek.
>only (((a little center left)))
Dumb idiot who co-opted our movement and gave the MSM cover in branding us all.
>a little center left on economics
Isn't that what it means to be a NatSoc?
How dare you speak ill of the queen of Sup Forums?!?!
Clearly, living in ultra-cucked Germany has deteriorated your mental faculties and you are unable to see the truth.
Perhaps you should stop giving muzzies awards for raping your women and stop (((Them))) from destroying your homeland.
pussy faggot who got his ASS BEAT by a shit eating cuck
Looks like a normal head to me that just happens to have a faggy haircut.
It's a roman salute you uneducated faggot.
low test
Can you not see it's photoshop?
stop bullying him. he did nothing wrong.
You know what's funny. The chick in the lower pick is actually part of the WWE promotion and the fag is her wrestler boyfriend. Also that pic was clearly taken in a hospital. Combined with the knowledge that American "celebrities" love hanging out at places like that to do "charitable" work, we have a case of bullshit here.
He fills a void.
The MSM needs to brand the pushback (consisting of everything from alt right to dissatisfaction w/ the past 8 years) to the Obama era as racist.
Enter Richard Spencer.
And since he's happy to play the foil, they have their designated evil man for their narrative that any opposition to the previous regime is, at root, racist.
If only!
>"white nationalism never made sense to me"
>t. Jamarcus "based" Jackson
>white nationalism never made sense to me
Well no shit you're Morrocan
Looks like someone took a shit on top of his head.
that dude has some serious lactation going on
Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff.
Joining up with the KKK kills anyones plans. We need normie outreach. Anyone wearing a confederate Flag, white KKK uniform, or Nazi cloths/flags has done literally exactly nothing for our cause.
Their supporting something has legitimately made other republicans reject said thing. This is counter productive.
Imagine if all the larpy faggots had just been alt right leaning acceptable conservative groups. Damn it, if David Duke had played his cards differently he wouldn't have been completely toxic to normies, he could have helped.
As it is, I think the reason why we didn't get immigration reform sooner is because the left has been easily able to shame us that it's racist as soon as groups like his come out and embrace it.
Milky bitch tits
Are you on your mobile that you can't see it properly? Check at the shape of his head, that's definitely some kind of deformity.
The haircut seem to be the only normal thing about him, the fashy cut is timeless.
Anyways this is stupid I'm not someone that generally makes fun of disabilities/handicaps, I'm not some liberal degenerate like that.
He's good for white advocacy. Well spoken, intelligent and shitlordy when he needs to be
But that's the problem with Sup Forums
If a person doesn't go far enough, they call him a cuck. ex: Gavin McInnes
If a person goes full fash, they call him controlled opposition
That picture and quote, holy shit this is next level cringe.
The eyes fall naturally right in the middle of the head. He looks like he has a massive forehead because he's shaved most of his hair. I'm assuming that's what you're talking about.
Men can lactate?