African Romans built Britain
I like how they imply that Carthaginians looked like or were Sub-Saharan Africans.
>corinthian helmet
They actually believe that Hannibal looked like Kimbo Slice.
They actually did. It was North AFRICAN soldiers that led the Roman Conquest of Great Britain. Every Brit has a bit of black in them from that time.
The original inhabitants of North Africa were Blacks until the Arab invasion. The Arabs displaced the native Blacks but a few local Blacks survived as you can see in the more southern parts of the country.
This bullshit would make me laugh, but the libtards grab hold of it and raise it like a banner. See Dr. Who for latest reference.
Leftists seem to buy into a weird version of the medieval conception of Earth. Africa, Asia, and Europe are these abstract distinct entities. If you lived in Africa, you must have been deep dark black Subsaharan. If you lived in Asia you must have been Han. And if you lived in Europe... well then you must have been diverse.
I remeber getting into an argument with a nig at a party a long time ago because he was trying to tell me Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln were all black. Its so pathetic listening to a nig nog lie to make themselves feel better about their primitive African history.
These fucking niggers love are insane.
Britons actually have very little Roman DNA, and even less African. Kill yourself.
>we wuz everywhere and created everything
So why were you so weak to be slaves? And why is Africa such a shithole today and you guys dont have cities on Mars?
>Colonial oppression
I cant even... So you guys were so awesome you were able to create history - but for the past 600 years you have been nothing but a bitch to every other culture you bump into? Kay?
>liberal history.
ceasars legions that conquered Germany, France and Briton did have black soldiers in them though.
Not you again. and not this thread again.
Fuck off white boy. You're just mad that your racial purity is a lie. Brits have been BLACKED for a long time now, and you can continue the trend by getting on your knees and licking my black dick you fucking little faggot.
> The original inhabitants of North Africa were Blacks until the Arab invasion.
No they weren't, just look at the Egyptians' depictions of themselves, and even if that's the case Carthage and any of Africa Rome would have actually interacted with was either a Phonecian colony or not Sub-Saharan so the people weren't even African and would have been some mix of Indo-European and Semitic.
>those lips
Wrong, skin color is based on distance from the equator, north Africans have never been black before or after the Arabs.
Exalt the ignorance of niggers to aid white genocide
This kind of shit is great. It is like how parents started telling kids that they could be anything they wanted when they grew up.
Lol why are you role playing as a black man on the internet?
We built landmasses n shiet
Time to go back nigger
Egypt had 3 groups though.
Red haired Ginger people, Egyptians and African like peoples.
Holy fuck you are an idiot. Blacks in the Roman empire were a ridiculously small minority confined mostly in Egypt as slaves.
The armies that fought the gauls and germans were made up of romans + conquered locals. It would have been a logistic nightmare to import the few black slaves in Egypt to fight in Europe, especially since there was no shortage of men
fucking kek, if you say so Jamal
Fuck off back to bongo bongo land
I can imagin the next edition:
Emperor Qin's terracota army build by Chinese Africans.
Do sub Saharan Africans even have a history other than Slavery and MLK?
Every man, woman and child in Europe was a black from the black lands, until about 700AD when whites turned up and rewrote history.
That's only part of it, skin color only changes in response to environmental Vitamin D uptake. Aboriginals are darker skinned than most Amazon natives and South American Indians and some African groups despite being further from the Equator, and Inuits have somewhat dark, yellowish skin despite living near or in the North Pole since they get exogenous Vitamin D from eating so much seafood.
Holy fuck you are retarded Ceasars legion had no locals. Germanis would always back stab him and spy on him. He makes that point plenty of times how the locals could not be trusted at all.
> Roman soldiers stationed in North Africa != Sub Saharan niggers
The troops who had combat experience fighting Carthage and such in the North African campaigns were deployed to Britannia to deal with the natives and the raiding Saxons.
Just shows that whoever made the magazine was uneducated
ego nihilum malum feci
erat bonum puerum
>North Africa = Nigger
You have to be a special kind of retard
Historically there was plenty of African tribes in North Africa. African merchants were also rampant in the Roman empire and they had plenty of muscle and mercenaries with them.
Some Romans were black. the headline is ambiguous and let people think they were the main Romans. But is not outright false.
I unironically thing the new National Socialists are are going to be WE WUZ KANGZ. It's no more ridiculous than WE WUZ ATLANTIS.
Post a single source of there being SSA in the Roman Empire.
Still Not the Natives people. Germanic/Arabs were invaders to North Africa. Siuthern Egyptians are the natives North Egyptians are mixed Greek, Arab, Roman, Jewish African.
Actually it's the other way around.
They were berbers and copts you idiot.
We wuz Romans
We wuz Egyptians
We wuz Hebrews
We wuz everybody except Africans
The original inhabitants of North Africa were Blacks until the Arab invasion. The Arabs displaced the native Blacks but a few local Blacks survived as you can see in the more southern parts of the country.
I hope fot the day that some Maghrebin, Egyptian, Levantine and Arab behead your head after you tell them that they were black.
Do you know what are Berbers?
Carthaginians were also black too?
Phoenycians too?
Invaders as well. Modern Berbers are Germanic/ Arab mixed.
Cops are Greek/Syrian/Arab/Egyptian mixed.
The Optimus princeps is not amused,
veni vidi subfuri, meus niger
holy fucking shit
>Oh no, somebody is using facts
Better get used to it.
This is like saying the African Chinese built the Great Wall. Total nonsense.
Carthage was just a city state, outside of its trade influence the native black African people still lived in it.
Heres a picture of Tunisia. Notice outside of its major city you see more of the African influence in people.
>the arabs genocided all of north africa somehow
>ancient depictions of egyptians depicted themselves as lightskinned and slightly dark at best
>caesar imported black people from africa to fight in his legions instead of just recruiting citizens, not to mention the fact the romans were hyper xenophobes who not only despised other races, but also despised other white people
no they haven't lol
Subsaharan africa has always been in chaos with very few established kingdoms (and those that did were very decentralized) and you expect me to believe that they conquered Britain?
The British are norman rape babies, that's all there is to it.
Those are semites, Tunisians. There are maybe five blacks in the picture
Not genocided, the Arab invasion wasn't the only one. There was Roman Invasions, Greek, Arab, Germanic. They mixed in with the local Africans and displaced the local people. But outside of the cities when you meet the local people you see more of the African people.
One nubian and one numidian
Fucking Roman Empire somehow main force in Britannia WUZ MAJORITY BLACK people.
the Ucranians aren't doing revisionist shiet like that
Try twitter they're more susceptible to the nigger-washing history
Niggers truly should be annihilated
We ARE Lords n sheit
No you just have a bias and are pretty ignorant on North African history and the Roman Empire. You probably think Romans were blonde haired 7 foot Thor looking people.
When racists take the bait.
>But outside of the cities when you meet the local people you see more of the African people.
Because they moved from Sub-Saharan regions .
They are a lot of Sub-Saharan people in Morocco and Tangiers now due to migration.
They WUZ MOORS and shiet now?
This is all bull. They have already done extensive genetic research on this you retards. Almost all of the African admixture in North Africa came recently from the muslim slave trade from the 1700s onwards mostly in the form of female slaves (black males were castrated or killed). You wanna cite some genetic, archeological and historical sources? Cause I can, but can be fucked arguing with idiots.
Begin the reparations!
Weren't the North Africans similar to other Mediterranean populations?
>Roman Conquest of Great Britain
Actually the Roman Conquest of Britannia was led by 4 Legions.
>Legio XIV Gemina
Which were from Italy.
>Legio II Augusta
Which were from Italy.
>Legio IX Hispana
Which were from Spain.
>Legio XX Valeria Victrix
Also Italy.
This shit is like Battlefield One making people think black people were everywhere. There were 0 blacks in Roman armies even African ones unless they were mercenary or Auxiliary in low numbers. Those would almost certainly would not be sent to Britian. The head line makes 0 fucking sense.
On top of this the helmit is wrong and if they were black they would not be wearing that equipment.
Do you know much about haplogroups?
Those Roman statues are usually in all white material. But who says the models were not Brown or black?
Egyptians were black and it was a part of the Roman Empire then.
>Quoting from an article published in an afrocentrist propaganda piece from 2010.
you cannot be serious
t. Nordicist
t. Niggerist
that's a neogaf tier dumb shit you posted here
Are you scared we find out Brits are part African? Would that be awkward for you?
estas a discutir historia com um americano. meu nao gastes os teus pulmoes.
Umm what? Arabs castrated all their slaves and they were mostly European. What you are saying dosen't make sense.
>Newfags every fuck time
Every fucking time
Some here and there.
Discutir história com um americano é mais difícil que ensinar cálculo a um chimpanzé.
Abandon thread fellow centipedes we are done here
Here's the redpill
fucking niggers. It makes me feel great knowing that the sub-humans are so pathetic, they quite literally have to steal our history to feel good about themselves. Best thing is, no one believes this but actual niggers, hence keeping the Afrocentric Masters Degree in Muh Dick as valueless as ever.
Can't wait till the nigger virus is released..
>inb4 pleb spacing
If you actually belive that then you are the dumbest cunt on the net
e para piorar muitos dos burguers aqui sofrem de complexo de suprioridade. o que faz com que eles discordem com tudo o que nao sao das views deles.
I was just confused by my ancestry report. It claims .01% East Asian onto .02% North African and was wondering if my haplogroups could explain it?
Sorry but it was the cover story of a commercial publication. Instead of shutting down the story and whitewashing the truth, how about listening? You'll learn that British history is long and tangled.
Britbong, you have officially reduced your nations Bantz rating from 8.5/10 to 7/10. Stop talking before you're ranked next to Canada.
Not all eg en.wikipedia.org
They took in large amount of blacks from the 1700s onwards especially when Europeans shut down the white slave trade. There are already genetic studies on this re Egypt - almost all the subsaharan blood in the populace is traced back to the last few hundred years. Most idiots don't realise how much of a barrier the Sahara was to the movement of people in antiquity. Gene flow only came when the arab worked out how to cross the Sahara via camel trains and the advent better quality ship tech but it was not a very massive flow of genes. People writing about blacks in the roman empire is laughable: they would have been very rare, a curiosity.
>inb4 African Aliens who ignited Earth's core and creates the magnetic field
FUCKING NIGGER nah we all have a little monkey DNA in us. You're white as snow.
Somehow the blacks in Brasil keep their traditions (and some Africa religions) from Angola and Gold Coast (senegal and so on) - connect with their African heritage.
Somehow the blacks in USA are completely retarded, have revisioned Afro-centric hsitory and have shitty cults like Nation of Islam and Yakub. They would be beheaded in Deera Square, KSA and slaughtered in Pan-Arab World.
Há mts q n são americanos ou são diaspora de 2ª/3ª gen. Há smp shills - os maom*s - já vi ch*ch*n*s, t*stemhhas de j**v* .