
So since Great Britan is leaving th EU they have to pay Germany 100 billion Euros. Thats about 1.250 € per German. What are you going to do with your share fellow Germans? I think I will buy myself a flag post and a giant EU flag and put them in my front yard.

Other urls found in this thread:

Smart. If you go with a German flag Merkle will come take it down and then you will have to give up your house to a family (12 unrelated men in their 20's all named Mohammed) of refugees.

I will buy myself a british flag and shit on it, after that I will burn it down and hail the my european flag in my garden.

Kek you're not getting anything from us

yo will do and if not we will force you to do it.

English is your second language so you get a pass here.

You missed a very important word, it's a very small one Hans. I shall take a moment from drinking Aryan blood by the pint and celebrating the collapse of your cuckshed. Following that first EU, after
>Great Britain is leaving the EU
You have missed this word:


>>What are you going to do with your share fellow Germans?
>>Buy a rape alarm

You and what army?

>sauerkraut bitter bout brexit!

I love it when Krauts are EUposting

They will if May is too much of a pussy.

In the German mind, the EU is Germany, and Germany is the EU.

Ein volk...
Ein Union...
Ein Merkel...


with the 100 billion we can buy ourself lots of fancy new jets and rockets...

Did you know Canada made it's own debt-free money until 1974?

The Canadian Action Party is the only one that calls for monetary reform in Canada to bring back the old mandate for the Bank of Canada...Not popular right now, which is a shame.

Paul Hellyer wrote a few books on the matter.

And lingerie for your wife to wear while Achmed breeds her apparently.

Early 70's eh? Sounds like Big Daddy Trudeau may have had his stubby French fingers in there somewhere. That family has a legacy of being shit.

the delusions of the anglo mind...

old paul hellyer has his own youtube channel

The kikes dreamed up another 14 million to never forget, so they get it all now.

>We're gonna build a big beautiful army.
>And UK is gonna pay for it
You were not supposed to be this funny Hans.


Some morning after pills to terminate that black baby growing inside Helga.

I think Hans had too much Multiculti Juice and it's starting to affect his logic capabilities.
It goes like this:
You build an army
You force the UK to pay
Not the other way around.

Tell me more gypsy.

Germans can do anything! For the first time in history we have the jews on our side. toghether we are unstoppable!

>have to pay


>Sense of humour

Pick One

Why do you think you're getting €100bn then? Explain the reasoning behind it.

>100 billion Euros

It would be cheaper to bomb Brussels.

This will be the end of your nation. Only question is how many other nations you are going to bring down with you?
Ship is sinking, rats already left, please stay on board.

Oh look it's THIS fucking thread again.


>fellow germans
all of that is going to the refugees and their incoming families. It will be spent by next year.

Britain doesn't have to pay shit

>Great Britain
>Germany 100 billion Euros 1.350 per German refugee

pick on

I don't think you're getting a euro. We can give you MOAB's instead. Dresden a good drop-off point?

She refused to pay 50, what makes you think she'll agree to pay 100? They said max is 3 billion or something?

Are krauts this delusional that they think there are going to get ANY money?

HAHAHAHA. You fucking krauts have a short memory.