Comedian with 2 Jewish parents says he's a Latino

What does Sup Forums make of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>jews in mexico
Honestly I have never seen or meet a jew in my 27 years in this shithole.

How long ancestors Spanish speakers.

>What does Sup Forums make of this?

A nigger.

All my grandparents and their grandparents and their grandparents were Spanish speakers.

dude seriously, stop posting your face, no one cares and you don't look Spaniard

I do though

Shalom goyim! I'm one of you!

>pol will still claim that we are black after this

Go to Polanco

no you don't, and that's a woman btw.

t. actual Spaniard

Post face

>cultural appropriation is ok when Jews do it

I'm not doxing myself, but I'm blond with blue eyes

Kek, you're a minority or a guiri

>Honestly I have never seen or meet a jew
That's what you think.
*furious rubbing motions*

This Jew also uses most of his "comedy" raging against Trump which makes this even more suspicious to me

I'm a white looking portuguese/puerto rican and this guy is a fucking shill


they are in the rich areas. i used to live there.

So a tiny minority

He has to go back

>what is a sefardí

Apparently he is also white



>he doesn't know about Moisesville

How can you people not recognize my true Spaniard features?!

>Hating on based Andrew “The (((Bank))) Killer" Jackson
He has to go back to the gas chamber.

Yes I am Spanish

The reason you don't see many white Mexicans in the US is because they live really fucking well in Mexico. Look at the white areas in Mexico, like Polanco or La Condesa, and they are clean and really nice places to live. Set foot outside those places, and its like you just stepped into hell.

Photo is of Inez Sainz, white Mexican (who you see a lot of girls looking like). Smartly, they dont like to interbreed with dark skinned Mexicans.

Why must I get bullied I am Spaniard

What's his endgame?


some political yuma

i too am full blooded spaniard :^)
my white womb will preserve the white race

>of course he's a feminist

He is exacly 39% Jewish