>leader of the free world
>doesn't even have universal healthcare
Hurrdurr muh leeches of the system
Other countries have the same amount of lower class people yet they have universal healthcare.
What's your excuse Sup Forums
>leader of the free world
>doesn't even have universal healthcare
Hurrdurr muh leeches of the system
Other countries have the same amount of lower class people yet they have universal healthcare.
What's your excuse Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care about poor people
If I get more highly taxed so they can have free healthcare how does it help me?
fuck poor people
That cartoon is bullshit. All children receive free healthcare through Medicaid.
>Other countries have the same amount of lower class people
not really
>leader of the free world
My dear brother, we do have Universal healthcare ;)
>That cartoon is bullshit. All children receive free healthcare through Medicaid
I don't know a single politician or person who supports insurance not covering pre-existing conditions.
As a NatSoc/AltRight kinda guy, I would agree if it wasn't mainly killing niggers and poor people. I mean, we probably should do singe payer but it's hard to feel bad for people in my country at the moment. If all the poor people and minorities died tomorrow we would be better off.
You're an Alps banking colony of Israel, though, so you can't be the Head Jews.
this actually makes sense in capitalism
you are here for the money
why would people offer you insurance when they know you are already sick and will ask them to waste money on you
and with healthy citizens they make more money because they have less chances of actually "making a bad choice" or have an accident
and with communism you couldnt fix jack shit
all you would do is make everyone poor and weak which in turn gives the state more power if it has any sort of ways to fight with you which will lead to 1984
"Poor" in America is synonymous with nonwhite. Poor whites might push it over the edge but they don't WANT your gay socialist shit. They don't care about it.
So what's the problem? I keep seeing you losers say like HUU HUU HUUU W-WELL AT LEAST EVERYONE LOSING DA CARE WILL BE TWUMP SUPPORTERS
Yeah, dipshit, that's why they voted for it. Because your Creationist-Tier shit Obongocare plan was SHIT. And now it's DEAD. And if that means we lose care--GOOD. It means they're not paying for it anymore. Maybe the Demoshits will think twice before putting a gun to the entire working class's head again, faggot.
>what's your excuse
Life isn't fair. I have type 1 diabetes, and I don't expect my countrymen to shell out money for my insulin; I do that on my own if I want to survive.
It's no one's responsibility but mine; life ain't fair. Never has been, never will be.
Helping your fellow countrymen is the core of nationalism.
Yes. Look at germany, switzlerland, france...
also this
amerilards BTFO
>it's the duty of society to care for the child not the mother and father
>life isn't fair
>that's why an effort to make it more just shouldn't be done
Same thing my friend.
Letting stupid poor niggers die is helping my countrymen.
So that you dont have to live in a cesspool, but I guess when a kid like you grows up in a southeastern bible belt subsaharan africa-tier shithole, you dont know any better. Sad!
Actually, yes. A lot of parents are too retarded. And if they don't have the money, it's not the childs fault
whoops, misunderstood.
If you can't afford the means to keep yourself alive, you don't deserve to be.
Israel's just a colony for Western Jews to go to when they're done siphoning off the Weat, though. We're the Head Goyim, but we've also got the Head Jews.
how many people out there don't have some shit wrong with them
my boss is well off and he's got fucked up health
his boss is like a top 1% white guy and he's all fucked up
ask your friends, they're probably fucked up somehow
if you expand what a preexisting condition is instead of contract it i feel like insurance gets more fair tbqhwyf, and if someone is perfect and healthy then maybe they can pay a little less yeah?
>stealing money at the end of a gun is fair
mountainnnnnnnn jews
How is giving other people my hard earned money, via taxes, fair?
Especially in America, where the odds are very good that that person is unhealthy/overweight due to poor life decisions?
They are not going to die.Giving them healthcare might actually help them become a contributing member of society plus not only niggers use welfare.
we're only 63% white
>Implying poor people make a place great
Fuck that. I live in a cesspool now because my town got beat up by unions and liberal leadership. Now my taxes are going to a "non-profit" health clinic that only helps you if your income is below a certain amount. A good 80% of that income bracket are niggers. 10% are white trash. And the last 10% are people who legitimately need the help.
10c gas tax to pay for this bullshit.
Day of the rake when?
fuck urself
chances are that they would stop acting like niggers if you started treating them like human beings
This applies to people with pre-existing conditions, not fat people.
Best joke I've heard all year.
>leader of the free world
>no handouts for niggers
Yep no correlation there at all!
Well good job my man, I'm really happy for you!
I'll just chill on my millions and awesome lifestyle and let things play out.
And before I forget. UBS literally killed some banks in the US and got away without a single person even getting jailed. Man up bruh.
That's because you're a medpack
t. poor
Really? Because the OP said,and I quote,
>leader of the free world
>doesn't even have universal healthcare
Look at how much taxes countries pay
If it's forced, it's now national socialism. The US has never been socialist, but it has been nationalist.
dropping redpils
>Pay a little less
how about not at all? My only pre-existing is asthma, and I don't mind paying $100 every couple months for a rescue inhaler.
What was nice was when we still had OTC inhalers. Except the EPA fucked that up, said that OTC inhalers were bad for the environment, so the prescription inhalers I used to get used to be ~$30-40. Now they're $100 since the EPA did that BS in the early 00's, and now with Obamacare the prices went up even more.
This is why people start to hate the government. America is a very individualistic country, we don't give a shit about our fellow man, we only give a shit about ourselves and close family. And that's the way America should be.
That's one way to achieve de facto eugenics
It's fair because it should be the job of the people to help those in need without their fault.
What you are saying is just "let's let innocents die because there's a chance my money would help someone who fucked themselves up"
About the hard earned money part: trust me I don't want to fuck up the middle class.
I don't know about the U.S but over the majority of people don't have healthcare, so making it free would make this place a hundred times better.
Is this the best a yodeling Swiss fuck can do?
>Republicans want babies dead, huuuuuuuurrr
No one believes that, dipshit.
Giving a shit about anyone else's family is the curse of modern feminism and the deconstruction of the family unit. Your responsibility is to your family alone. Those are the only people you should give a shit about.
>i-i-its the libtards fault!!11
Then why do blue states not have the same problems that red states do? No shortage of jobs, constantly increasing real estate values (Boston was barely touched by the housing crisis in the late 2000s), affordable and widespread access to health care, fantastic public schools.
It's hilarious that conservacucks like you preach "self responsibility" when you are in fact the segment of the population that is so quick to blame others for your own failures and worthless lifestyle.
Concentration camps for you and your ilk when?
We are free as in freedom not free as in beer.
And? The lower class is the same everywhere, if they are white, muslims or blacks. It's exactly the fucking same. Germany is literally another US at this point, difference being not everyone has guns and you everyone has healthcare.
and defend those countries from extinction but they're killing themselves anyway with immigration.
They started acting like niggers when we started treating them as human beings. Before the civil rights movement, we didn't have herds of feral niggers roaming the streets turning our best cities into fucking war zones.
>Still pay more for public healthcare despite not having a public healthcare system
We truly do have the worst of both worlds.
Your argument is literally just an appeal to emotion, and not even remotely valid. You -should- try to argue that it would lower the cost of healthcare, but that's a whole new can of worms you'd be opening.
This was your post in a nutshell:
Hahahaha we just need to give em mo money fo dem programs!
>it's a pro abortion and pro obamacare and anti religion comic wrapped in one
Shit how many levels of liberal is this guy on?
Our citizens should provide for themselves. One of our great leaders once said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Government shouldn't be involved in healthcare its too complicated for the government.
>Basic fucking ethics aren't valid as an argument
"give me money because innocents might die"
That's a nice comparison of white vs minority states there friend.
how would we be the free world if paying for other people's medical bills was mandatory?
>Government shouldn't be involved in healthcare its too complicated for the government.
"too complicated"
Yeah that's why it's the norm for a shitload of other countries lol
This nigga knows what's up.
If Obamacare was so great then why didn't the Democrats in the Senate and house sign up for it?
someone is gonna be fucked either way. Obama fucked over the middle class to help the poor and the nig nogs, trump is fucking over women(abortions and other womyn shit are included in the bill under pre-existing conditions), poor and nig nogs to help the middle class. The only difference is that the middle-class contributes to society, those other characters do not. In the end capitalism is impossible without fucking over someone.
>hes never heard of the mississippi delta and all the niggers who dont work up there or in the cities of jackson, hattisburg, south haven, or biloxi
Too complicated? Then how do the British and Canadians do it?
New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware have tons of niggers though.
"No". Fuck the innocent and fuck you, faggot.
Fuck the rich over. Simple as that.
a few cities in Northern NJ have a lot of niggers but it's actually got a lot of wealthy areas nobody seems to realize exist.
Tell me, what's ethical about the government taking from me to give to someone else to pay for their poor life style choices?
And before you say "hurr durr it's not about the fatties", it really is. Let me give you an idea of what you want my tax dollars to go to:
>1/3 of American citizens are Obese
>~110 million americans, so fucking over weight they can't even be classified as 'just over weight'
>The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in 2008 U.S. dollars; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.
Now with universal healthcare, ALL 110 million fatties can drive up the cost of our healthcare further increasing my tax burden.
>Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest age-adjusted rates of obesity (48.1%) followed by Hispanics (42.5%)
Let me say it again. Gibs. Me. Dat.
It won't help the middle class,it will help the rich and rich only.It also fucks over old people.
Show graphs where only whites are included, I mean who cares about the rest. Maybe the ((((US)))) are actually doing Gods work, think about it.
So if you get hit by a car and no one helps you while you're laying on the streets it's fine because it's not their problem?
Because that only serves to make it unjust in a different way. Justice and fairness as doled out by humans will never be what they purport to be.
West Virginia and Kentucky are 95+ and 90% white respectively, and are generally considered 2 of the poorest, most decrepit states in the country.
Poor rural white conservacucks are niggers too.
Arkansas, West Virginia, Oklahoma are more white then the national average. WV is the whitest state.
Meanwhile Hawaii is the most diverse state. Virginian is niggerland.
This is just a episode of a trailer park trash blaming all his problems on the minorities.
Why are you such a dindu?
seeTotally irrelevant faggot.
>talking to complete outcasts
Drop him mate.
our government is incompetent. have you ever heard of the vietnam war? or the second invasion of iraq? Do you not realize how shit the US government is?
you keep pointing out how your governments are doing it but look at what we got in obamacare.
We have private health care that works fine for anyone with a job.
Our citizens need to provide for themselves. The United States State/Federal Government/Institutions are incompetent. They do not work effectively.
That will never happen, because the only thing keeping the US as the first world superpower is the rich, and more importantly their corporations and businesses. End that and it becomes just another high tier nation like many others, but americans wouldn't have that.
Yeah I know the southern part is mostly white suburbs, but the state is like 14% black. And then you have to count Hispanics too.
Let's keep going shall we?
>Among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men, those with higher incomes are more likely to have obesity than those with low income.
>Higher income women are less likely to have obesity than low-income women.
Uh oh, now we're into the socio-economic section. This can't be good. POOR HEALTH IS RACIST AND CLASSIST.
Now we can't just give them free healthcare, because it's not the fault of poor people that they're unhealthy. Let's give them basic income too, how about ~40k a year to do jack fucking shit.
Oh, but that applies to who again? 48% black, 42% beaner.
see It's astonishing how conservashits like you will preach "self responsibility" but will also be the first to blame niggers for your problems.
Grow a pair and get a job, and stop stealing our yankee tax dollars.
See west virginia.
>blaming all his problems on minorities
When did you realize that whites are even bigger dindus then niggers?
The US didn't become the leader of the free world by enacting the policies of Europe.
We are talking about innocents, get the fuck out of here with your bullshit
You think there aren't people in other countries who receive help for shit they fucked up themselves? Does anyone care? No, because innocents get saved.
It's standard in europe.
That isn't the same scenario and you know it. Taking my money and giving it to someone else by force isn't the same as dialing 911 after seeing a car accident.
If you are relying on the American government for health-care you are going to die. Relying on the American government to do anything is insane.
Maybe it because of all those lobbyists and constant bribery from the drug companies?