German tourist sexually assaulted, robbed in violent attack as she walked back to her Harlem Airbnb

>German tourist sexually assaulted, robbed in violent attack as she walked back to her Harlem Airbnb

I bet her homesickness was cured.

There was also another sexual assault and mugging there on the same day

Never relax in NYC.

Other urls found in this thread:

>never relax in HARLEM

Fixed that for you.

>German sexually assaulted, robbed in violent attack

Just like back home.

>airbnb in Harlem

lol ok wtf

Holy fuck i'd slowly scalp that nigger and make sure he is well awake for all of it.

>I bet her homesickness was cured.
>Just like back home

You Guys take the words right out of my Mouth. If she went to Harlem she is a nigger loving Idiot anyway

She probably had a Negro BF she lived with there

It seems like the newest crazy for the crazy egalitarian bitches in Europe (other than running off with Arabs)

Never go to NYC
Never go to Chicago

Never go to any leftist stronghold, nigger filled American ghetto cities. They are all filled with literal trash and trash people. Don't spend your money there. Your tax money goes to people who want you dead.

You never leave your house I assume?

NYC is a big city and obviously some parts of it are no go areas at night. You can avoid all danger if you aren't a retard.

she deserve every she got

You can tell she's a fucking liberal just from these three words.

every RAPE

And the raped woman would slowly vote for white genocide while watching your facial expression change towards despair.

But then your enemy wins, idiot

Nafri Please

I leave my house every day for work you little cuck Jewish faggot.

I'm well aware NYC has nice area for rich kikes like you. I still won't ever go to that cesspit and spend money.

Your countries going to get droned next

nope, the whole place

she relaxed

Im a blue collar mechanic trump voter from a red county in New Jersey.

You have some serious mental issues dude. You need to get laid or something.

They must be used to be assulted by niggers by now


She brought some of her customs in my land. I accept.

>NYC is a big city and obviously some parts of it are no go areas at night

I've been all over Tianjin and Shenzhen at night, and was never in any danger, can you guess why?

so youre both a liar and a niggerlover, what a shock.

heres a tip kiddo: nobody here cares what you supposedly do or who you supposedly voted for.

she deserves it, women are responsible for this shit anyway, they voted for it

>Going to NYC for anything besides purely business

She deserved it.

>crying over some kraut mudshark who probably votes left

/cuck/: the board

No where is safe

No jews.

>in fucking Harlem
she asked for it by being incredibly fucking naive


Wow, what a shocker

cuz u gots dat gat gat blat blat nowhatahmsayin?

Because you got lucky. You got do the same thing in NYC and get away with it too. I wouldnt be caught dead in any city outside of the US at night because its unfamiliar territory and I value my life.

Kill yourself retard, guarantee you are an obese man child. If you are afraid of the NY Jews and niggers than you are too much a pussy to be a man.

B-but muh kebab,


European Hipsters Gentrify Harlem.
Niggers in Harlem Gentrify Europeans.
The Circle of life.

is this called the Harlem shake?

T. Nigger

I'm not even American and I know not to relax around blacks.

I fucking love Germans, they're like cuckshedless swedes.

Seig heil you worthless bitch I bet you're still making some kind of colonialism-whiteness excuse for this animals behaviour.

Oops, dead threads.

People are getting slashed, sexual assaulted, and thrown on tracks, all over the place.

No. Too many places are safe. And it's killing us.

>Because you got lucky. You got do the same thing in NYC and get away with it too. I wouldnt be caught dead in any city outside of the US at night because its unfamiliar territory and I value my life.

Chinese cities are pretty fucking safe.




>walking alone at night
>walking alone at night in Harlem

tfw it will happen again when she gets home to Germany

do not walk alone at night in american cities

you'd think germans would have learned this by now

this happened in Trump's country, dumdum

I really wouldn't trust it honestly. Especially if you don't speak the language and are in serious trouble without the ability to talk to anyone

>Currie said the attack by a stranger unfolded around 4:20 a.m.

>Because you got lucky. You got do the same thing in NYC and get away with it too. I wouldnt be caught dead in any city outside of the US at night because its unfamiliar territory and I value my life.
you could be black-out drunk in any city in Japan with $2,000 cash in your wallet and you'd wake up with a pillow under your head with a japanese person beside you saying "you have to eat the eggs."

this true everywhere in japan except for roppongi. and guess what's different about roppongi? you guessed it: niggers!

all according to keikaku

cultural enrichment

The nigger came from Germany, obviously imported by Merkels goon squad to get back at Trump, they'll release their best savages to rape/rob our women.

Whatever, these fags deserve it for living in a democratic infested shithole. Liberals don't care about security or protecting people

Niggers are definitely worse but I wouldn't risk walking through a shady neighborhood in a any city.

She lost a few teeth.

Probably gives better deep throats now.

Deserves a hatefuck for her stupidity

lol im not afraid of jews goyim, and im as afraid of niggers as i am chimpanzees. i realize that a wild animal has no place in the streets.

>The nigger came from Germany, obviously imported by Merkels goon squad to get back at Trump, they'll release their best savages to rape/rob our women
Homo Germany playing 69D Chess with Rape Apes

our country safer than your

That gentleman to the left of the leader of the free world is on every single picture of her slicing kebab, i swear. Must be the sultan of kebab or something.

Stupid krauts. I assure you she was told our roody poos are fucking savages and she didn't listen.

He probably accidentally touched her left buttock

That was good cheers m8

Germany should open their borders for our American niggers. It would save your women the trouble of traveling here.

who made those no go areas my dear librul

Good. I hope they get raped and beaten. Stupid fucking whores.

Trying to impress Op: Ah yes, I don't understand statistics too

>Harlem Airbnb

Wtf was she thinking?

NYC is pretty much safe everywhere. Even harlem is extremely gentrified and safe (I lived there for two years before moving to williamsburg). Naturally being big everything happens. But NYC is probably one of the safest cities in the US.

Maybe they got it mixed up and she was actually a German sex tourist.

Exactly this, shes just another globalist hipster trying to act like shes down with the black man

Until she got enriched

Lol, a lot of white people that work in financial institutions in Mid-Town live in Harlem. I mean you are still paying 2,000 - 2,500 a month for a one bedroom. Poor people have long been out-priced from Harlem.


It's Jew York so I would expect it to be super-safe.

It's official we are 90's feminism.

Both very dangerous because black people, but super-safe because of jews. Ah contradiction, the idiot's perfect weapon to be always right.

obviously it's your white privilege

I can't believe he forgot to drain her blood. What a rookie mistake.

Get fucked Germany

Nice vid

I will has eine warme multiculturische experience, ja?

China doesn't have the second amendment.

No you wouldn't. He's black, he would physically dominate your pussy white boi ass into submission then sexually assault YOU. hahah delusion white boi

fucking anglopires

they cant keep getting away with it

Wtf taking a picture when you slicing kebab is a new tradition in Germany?

>what is a sucker punch


t. tiny dicked cuckold beating off to the thought of it



There are safe areas and there are not safe areas. How is this hard for you to understand?

For Merkel it is. There are a lot of those.

Notice the sultan of kebab i was talking about in the back being smug.

is he black?


They did such a good job at dominating the white race

Blacks are physically superior to Ango-tards, get over it white boi. Also , FYI your future wife is getting drilled by Tyrone and D'Marcuse right now

Jesus Christ Germans!

Victims home and abroad.

This muses the keks!

Harlem is a safe area, is that really hard for you to understand?

You: aspie loser with no gf who thinks girls like big cocks.
Me: successful charming winner who knows that girls find big dicks uncomfortable and not sexy at all.

it isn't rape, when she is into it (and it's also not rape, when there is a culture involved where this "rape" may simply be "rough surprise sex"..