Jew here. If you have a complaint or an enquiry about my race and it's people, feel free to send a message and I will respond accordingly.
Jewish complaints department
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You're not a race... inbreeding for 2000yrs doesn't qualify you as a race you anti-science anti-reality religious cuck
Stop cutting and sucking on baby penises.
Judaism is a religion and not a race, Schlomo.
You're a dunecoon just like your friends next door.
And what are you, American? An Anglo-Germanic-Italian-Irish-Latino-Polish-probably Semitic mutt.
I'm a secular Jew.
What race are you?
So I guess half the Jews in the media are't actually Jewish then?
He just wants to cry "muh race-ism!!!" when we attack his stupid fucking Levitt cult
can i have some money?
If this isn't bait, I'll bite:
Are the Jewish people seriously pissed at the West for the Holocaust? I mean, even with the best military technology of the time, our planes would've been shot down by German flack. We couldn't have liberated the camps. The technology just wasn't there.
So your a European then.
There are ways to make money while actually doing something good for society. Would you consider looking into such strategies, instead of your usual "by any means necessary and let the world go to hell" schemes?
You're a mongrel maintenance race. Do my fucking accounting and stop shitting up civilization with your god damn delusions while the white man seeds the galaxy with life.
What I'm saying is Jews as well as Muslims try to classify themselves as a race so they can play their victim cards at every opportunity.
Although there are Christians of every race and color on every continent as well as Jews and Muslims, Christians don't get that luxury.
Stop lying about the Holocaust.
I actually find the Jew jokes on here funny. I even giggled at the "typical tricks Schlomo" video.
They're not as funny as the jokes about Canada or India though.
>Asking a Jew for shekels
I don't think they're pissed off at "the west" as a whole, but the treatment of Jews by certain European governments is still fresh in the memory for some.
I'm a (((fellow white male))). How do you do?
Great. When do you think that G-d is coming to return?
>Trying to give anyone financial advice
No thanks.
I'm actually studying journalism at University.
For what it's worth white people are on the whole pretty cool, but then I'm a zionist, not a globalist so I have no interest in seeing any race destroyed, apart from the Arabs.
But we actually do have our own DNA. Why do you think so many of us have certain distinctive features?
If it didn't happen then why do you hero worship Hitler so much?
How many Jews died in the holocaust? Be honest and maybe we'll gas u last. Here's an ass to look at while you think about it.
We all know 6 million is a lie, it's below 500 000. Why are you lying about this?
When we have secured Zion.
Your ethnic group, race or not, is the most destructive force in the west and your primary achievement is holding white people back from reaching the stars. The Jews are nation-wreckers, you should be paying us reparations for your crimes.
Well of course I don't think six million was the exact number, and you have to take into account the amount of Poles, gypsies, gays, disabled people et cetera who were killed too.
But definitely in the millions, no doubt about it.
Except Jews have done an astonishing job keeps Jews the same hebrew race over millenniums. Why do you think the stereotype of the hand-ringing, big nose, black curly haired jew is so prevalent?
>If it didn't happen then why do you hero worship Hitler so much?
I'm not saying it didnt happen. I'm saying there were no death camps. Hitler was one of the few leaders in history who actually put his country's jewish population in their place.
>being this bluepilled
Prove it.
Maybe the globalists, but not all globalists are Jews, and not all Jews are globalists. I hate Soros as much as you guys.
That's interesting. Because the only race I have any interest in seeing destroyed is the Jews. We had a pretty long peace with the Arabs before this migration crisis and all your shitty wars for Israel. Zionists should all be shot.
When we have removed kebab from Gaza and the West Bank and kicked them into the backwater desert peninsula that they crawled out of.
Guys, I posted in the last thread like this and my question was answered.
Two weeks later an invoice arrived in the post.
Don't fall for it.
What will happen if G-d doesn't return?
No, all Jews are nation-wreckers. We're not falling for your skin-changing routine anymore. Muh based nationalist Jews belong in the oven even more than the ones too stupid to play pretend.
Because we have a particular DNA, like I said.
Yes there were death camps. The evidence is out there. Stop being an edgelord fedora trying to score stormweenie points.
>thinking the holohoax was real
Jews lie all the time. You can see it today in their control of the media. Inventing falsehoods is second nature to these people. You think they're telling the truth about the holohoax?
shlomo please
>I'm actually studying journalism at University.
Go figure
>For what it's worth white people are on the whole pretty cool, but then I'm a zionist, not a globalist so I have no interest in seeing any race destroyed, apart from the Arabs.
Cool. Tell the other Zionists that and I'll support you.
REMINDER: MOSES HESS CREATING COMMUNISM (Marx only wrote the pyramid scheme).
There were no gas chambers. Jews died of starvation because of allied blockades. Many german soldiers at the same camps starved to death as well. It was the allies fault.
What was your question?
Eh, expand into Jordan and Sinai I suppose.
It's funny, because some people think that it's white people - especially Anglos - who are the nation wreckers.
So which credible and infallible source do you have on your side?
>prove it.
We don't have to prove it. You're the one who has to prove 6 million died (you cant). It's literally physically impossible to have gassed and cremated that many jews in that timespan. Why are your kind so obsessed with lying about this? Why did you Jews make it so that Europeans cannot even question the numbers of the "holocaust" without doing 10 months in prison?
Do you consider converts to be Jews?
Dude, America even rejected fleeing Jews that made it out of Germany and the occupied territories during WW2.
>Yes there were death camps. The evidence is out there
What evidence is out there? Tell me. I've been looking for this hard evidence for years, maybe you can help.
What is your plan after niggers, arabs and muslims have ruined/taken over europe and you are surrounded ?
>Jew wants to set up bureaucracy for filing complaints
Is there a registration fee as well?
It doesn't matter if there were death camps or not. Everyone has faced a genocide at some point, Jews are the only ones who refuse to stop kvetching about it. You are liars about the number, you are committing emotional terrorism on Germans over something none of them left alive even had anything to do with, and YOUR people killed far more of ours with communism than Jews that died in camps. Jewish crimes are practically wiped free of our history books. No one studies the interwar period or what happened at Holodomor. No one studies Hungary or Romania or Finland or any of the other countries where Jews staged communist revolts. No one knows that just prior to Hitler's rise, Jews staged a communist revolt in Germany too in the war of 1918-19. No one knows about their more recent crimes either like the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty. The Jews absolutely deserved everything they got in WWII, they brought that shit on themselves. FUCK you and your holocaust mythology. Jews got kicked out of their host country 109 times in recorded history and you still think its everyone else that's the problem.
I was hoping the USA would become country #110 to shoah the Jews but it looks like Duterte is gonna beat us. That means we can go for trips.
The only people who think that are your trained nigger pets and idiot boomers.
but with remote-controlled guns on it
Ah, another person who doesn't understand the difference between Zionism and globalism.
>That flag
>We don't have to prove it.
I already said it probably wasn't six million.
For what it's worth though, I'm a believer in free speech and sending people to jail for holocaust denial is stupid.
Not a complaint, but a compliment. Cheers for helping out Rhodesia.
It is noted that you refused to answer the question.
>If it didn't happen then why do you hero worship Hitler so much?
Because he had the guts to speak out about the jews and the wrongdoings they committed in Germany.
That's because zionists protect globalists in Israel when they flee there to avoid prosecution from everything from tax evasion to literal child rape and globalists always protect the interests of Israel with their wars for "oil" and all the poz they shove down our throats in the west. Ideologically zionism and globalism may appear at opposite ends of the spectrum but for practical purposes we should treat all Jews the same. They pursue their ethnic interest above ideology.
Why do you hate western civilisation? What the fuck is your problem..
>Gets paid to listen to butthutt
>makes them even more butthurt
You lucky bastard!
As I say, I'm an atheist but a lot of non-secular Jews don't.
Websites that aren't Stormfront, for one.
Move to Israel.
Ten shekels please.
So we deserved something that didn't happen? Erm, okay.
Black people also keep talking about slavery. Armenians keep talking about their genocide. People still talk about it because it's an atrocity that happened fairly recently, during the greatest event of the 20th Century.
Jews have been kicked out of a lot of countries because of their insular nature. You know the phrase "when in Rome"? Yeah, they got dealt with because they didn't do as the Romans do.
Oh goyim when will they learn
Shame it didn't work out in the end but you're welcome.
As I say, I don't listen to financial advice from Greeks.
And used them as a scapegoat to invoke nationalistic fervour, like the Young Turks did with Orthodox Christians, yep.
Should we treat all white people the same, even those who aren't guilty of anything?
I don't.
I'm pretty butthurt that they can't comprehend that Zionists and globalists are not the same people.
You know millions of people died under the Jewish Bolsheviks? For every action there is a reaction.
You people of the Israelites who claim soo much hardship. I find it hard to believe how hypocritical you can be and ensure the genocide of thousands of Palestinians.
I didn't claim it didn't happen. I said it doesn't fucking matter whether it did or not. Its up to you whether or not to believe ridiculous Bolshevik (also Jewish) propaganda about death camps. The Jews absolutely brought it on themselves. You STILL act insular and don't ever really become a part of your host countries.
You DO treat all white people the same you tremendous faggot. You hold all of us responsible for so-called "crimes" from 80 years ago. You push the idea that white people are singularly responsible for slavery despite being the least slave owning race and the ones who ended slavery. Also you are dodging the point that zionists and globalists work together.
A shame indeed, but at least your country's government had the balls to help them out at the time.
It's common knowledge that Russian Communists killed a lot of people. Was it racially based though?
Also, I personally don't hold white people accountable for slavery, although those individuals who were, were awful human beings.
inquiry: what are some tasty jew foods?
complaint: i want to get better with money, and it would trigger my feels if you didn't give me a few spots of financial advice. can you teach me how to navigate my way with money like a high ranking jew?
Oh I see, massacres only matter when they are "racially based" eh? Are you sure you aren't a communist? Because they're the idiots who believe race isn't real. Apart from the (((chosen people))) anyway who are clearly intellectual elites who should govern amirite. I'll care about your Zionism when you can convince Israel to stop protecting pedophiles and give us an extradition policy. I'll care when Soros doesn't stop feminists from fucking up Israel. I'll care when our intelligence agencies start collecting intelligence on Israel, which they don't right now. I'll care when we are no longer toppling every decent secular Arab leader in the surrounding area due to Jewish influence in DC. I'll care when Israel stops allying with ISIS.
>Also, I personally don't hold white people accountable for slavery, although those individuals who were, were awful human beings.
Jews ran the slave trade and still run a white female slave trade out of Israel.
Whites freed the slaves.
And no thanks given... Just Jews telling blacks to attack us for it.
Toasted bagel with cream cheese of course.
Israeli food is the best Jew food. Falafel and shit like that.
I can't help you with your finance, sorry. For a Jew I'm pretty clueless economically!
Bagels are cultural appropriation from the Polish.
yfw literally noone practices that. Let me go in the new testament and cherry pick a bunch of dumb shit written by your 1st century cavemen
Master i would complain but i would probably be put in the goyim gulag for anti semitism. May i keep a few shekels from my job to feed my family?
>Arab leaders
>Secular and decent
Also Israel are not allied with ISIS.
But it doesn't seem like I will be able to convince you that not all Jews are out to personally kill you, so I'll leave you to it.
SOME Jews ran the slave trade.
SOME white people
Why is it okay for you to blame an entire group of people for the actions of a few, but it's wrong when others do it about you?
I don't believe you.
>SOME Jews ran the slave trade.
NO you ran the ENTIRE slave trade in the West. Just like you run the African diamond trade out of Belgium today. You also funded the Confederate Army during the Civil War to protect that investment.
Jews were like 85% of the households with slaves in it.
You still do it faggot!
This, fucking off yourself kike
thanks for helping liberate my people shlomo. because of you and the anglos my father was allowed to finally study and earn a decent income for the house and my family were finally entitled to some health care. good people get rewarded by the Lord himself not by racist white nationalists that pimp his words.
You Jews always push socialism, you pollute academia with falsehoods, and you operate without a care in the world for society at large. You also don't hold other Jews accountable, unlike Christians. You have no class.
You know as well as I that the old regimes were the best they were ever gonna get. Assad in particular was a pretty nice guy. (((Democracy))) does not work when your population's average IQ is 80. If Israel isn't allied with ISIS then why did ISIS apologize when they accidentally attacked Israel? Why do their interests align so perfectly in Syria?
You are a based poster my friend
And we wonder where the mudshits get their cousin rape fetish from.