Why don't Europeans care about issues like free speech, freedom of association, right to bear arms, religious freedom, and other similar issues that the American right is so adamant about?
Why don't Europeans care about issues like free speech, freedom of association, right to bear arms, religious freedom...
The U.S. was founded on a very "fuck the government" mentality less than 250 years ago. We're only 150 years past the bloodiest war in our history, our civil war.
Give it a few more decades and we will be just as fucked as euros.
all things considered, they've had it pretty good for quite a while, they've become complacent and are too focused on shit that doesn't matter at this point like identity politics etc
>free speech
I stopped reading there, pay debts and kys
This is what the average Eurospic believes. Truly hell on earth.
Its because of the consensus in open societies.
some soceities like guns, some don't. they organise themselves accordingly.
I'm glad I could educate you user. made my day.
>free speech, freedom of association, right to bear arms, religious freedom
kike inventions
All we need is a strong idealistic white leader
Make Amelica Glate Again!
Just because you were brainwashed by George Soros on (((open societies))), it doesn't make you more "educated". There was no " consensus" on guns, you were born and they were illegal with no platform to change this and the same was true for third-world immigration.
bcuz 'merica protects them
Literal idiot.
Because we already have all those things.
cuckold bitch detected
>George Soros
>(((open societies)))
oh shit you won the argument, well done.
They subverted us using the freedom we gave to all, including them. As long as there are kikes only one ideology has the strength to gas them properly.
The US is really the only country in the world founded on the idea that the people were sovereign and the government was a servant. We've moved away from that for sure, but not when it comes to guns.
because all of europe is cucked to hell and back
you fucking retard, they subverted us through socialist education and media
Le Pen Victory incoming
Lefties can't stop it
Soros can't stop it
Because they killed the meaning of "right wing"
Right, from the Brits, originally means less state. Europe made their definitions for leftist state to conservative/nationalist state, with the latter their "right".
They have zero actual room for libertarianism, and they've had little history of such a government.
Colonial US, and even Oz, was very libertarian, so that tradition passed down.
czech republic is moving towards a guns amendment to fuck with EU. very high conceal carry atm regardless
That's the same question I always ask myself as well. Why are people okay with getting cucked by the government?
Right and left are identical in Europe
They had the freedom to introduce the ideas that destroyed us, they had the freedom to carry on as if they were part of our society meanwhile corrupting it with their ideologies and nepotism.
What they couldn't steal, they bought.
See what a free society does, look around Svenne. Everyone is cheering for their own demise, busy trying to fuck each other literally and figuratively. We're degenerating at incredible speed, and the jews benefit at every turn.
I would agree that the best situation for a individual is one guided by the principles of liberalism, but as long as we find ourselves ruled by jews only an ideology that is unwavering and accepts no compromise can kill them off.
You can't have your cake and eat it, if you have freedom, so will they. And they will abuse it with fanaticism you lack.
why do hawaiians always make shit memes?
You have:
Progressive State for left
Conservative/national State for right
Both end up with strong government controlling shit out its ass; they just control in different ways.
Libertarian literally doesn't fit on their left and right.
I think it's because European countries tend to be very, very old and through at least 95% of their history have been governed on the principle of 'I'm in charge so shut up'. It's just something that's always been a part of everyone's lives so it's kind of expected and accepted that the government will tell you you're not allowed to do a whole bunch of stuff.
Obviously the amount of control has lessened gradually over time, but the current European countries are very much descendants of their older, more authoritarian selves.
>says Spain
Check out this based Chinaman in a MAGA hat. FUCKING BASED!
>'I'm in charge so shut up'
>They had the freedom to introduce the ideas that destroyed us
The only way they could introduce their propaganda was through government state education. If we didn't have socialism they could never have subverted us.
>See what a free society does, look around Svenne
Sweden isn't a free society, it hasn't been a free society since the 1800s
those are issues for poor people
I think the average european is being told its so much worse in the USA we should consider ourselves lucky.
this is fake history, this is why we cannot have government schooling. dont forget the innumerable peasant uprisings
the only way the british crown could finally subjugate the people was when they implemented the cuckold british culture that is more about apperance and appeasement than truth and masculinity
and now we have that shit slave culture everywhere
why do you hate your own race?
>thread full of Europeans arguing about America
>The only way they could introduce their propaganda was through government state education.
And through workers unions(freedom of assembly lol), through the privately owned press(freedom of speech). They financed every group of malcontents, they were free to teach their ideas even in state education, as they are today.
Socialism is a symptom of jews, not the other way around.
>Sweden isn't a free society, it hasn't been a free society since the 1800s
Don't mince words, you're free to elect your own leaders, and determine your own lives to a much greater degree than others. You have wealth and near endless choices.
You chose to elect people that hate you and entertain the foreign hordes. Post-scarcity and moral relativity has made you suicidal.
Can you name a single thing that wouldn't be better in a national socialist Sweden? Of course you wouldn't be allowed to express your love of socialism, but other than that...
It really is, it boggles my mind every day how cattlelike my countrymen are, truly beyond redemption.
>dont forget the innumerable peasant uprisings
Which were, of course, hugely successful and never ended in the revolting peasants getting their shit pushed in by the King's soldiers.
>cuckold british culture that is more about apperance and appeasement than truth and masculinity
Now that is rich coming from Sweden.
What's that kek flag I won't one.
cucked education and "social-democracy"
>Socialism is a symptom of jews, not the other way around.
not true, we had government run education way before we had jewish subversion
>Of course you wouldn't be allowed to express your love of socialism, but other than that
Are you retarded? fuck all socialisms
>Can you name a single thing that wouldn't be better in a national socialist Sweden?
a lot of things would be better under national socialism but all those things would be even better in a paleo-conservative americanist sweden
Long Island represent. What an honor!
>Which were, of course, hugely successful and never ended in the revolting peasants getting their shit pushed in by the King's soldiers.
doesn't matter if they were succesful or not, remember we are talking about attitudes now, these revolts show that people didn't have a cuck attitude back then
>Now that is rich coming from Sweden.
Did you read the rest of the post you fucking subhuman
>religious freedom
>wanting to give freedom to subhuman sandrats
Fuck off
>Being this naïve
Your reading comprehension is a bit lacking. And there will never be a paleo-conservative americanist Swedish revolution, it's a fine philosophy, but it lacks the strength of ideology to succeed.
National Socialism will get you there, if a time comes where a more relaxed worldview is favorable, then i wouldn't be too upset about paleo-conservatism.
Paleo-conservatism is reasonable, but reasonable people don't revolt. Not as long as they have food on their table. You need fanatics for a revolution. What you want, comes after.
Honestly I'm glad the average European isn't like the retard chink redditor in your post, OP.
>We're only 150 years past the bloodiest war in our history, our civil war.
>Give it a few more decades and we will be just as fucked as euros.
and we're only 70 years past the bloodiest war in our history?
we do care about all of these and we have these freedoms aswell, except for guns which are idiocy
only the army shold bear arms
>only the army shold bear arms
I agree. I'm in the army and I wish nobody had guns so we could take our rifles off post and commit mass shootings without repercussions.
There are still quite a number of people in my country who can't even fathom the importance of concepts like free speech. They lived their libes under socialism and just expect the state to be everyones nanny and a provider.
americans were fanatical when they rebelled...
but you're probably right. but i dont want mass executions and forced sterilizations and shit
because US is a low social cohesion non-country gone by the end of the century if not sooner because it is concerned only of individual freedums and consisted of loose groups trying to grab things from each other by any means necessary which is based in the previously mentioned philosophy of individual freedums.
That is literally the explanation Commies give for their great revolution.
The Americans of today live post-scarcity lives. Their federal government now has much more direct control over individual states.
Half their nation is some type of mulatto excrement, you wont see another revolution there, at best a civil war that wipes out whatever national identity they have left.
Mass executions are a small price to pay to stamp out something that will destroy an entire nation. They're killing us Svenne, you have to kill them first, they won't stop unless you make them.
The difference is that one ideology starved millions, the other led to a few fatal cases of typhus*cough*.
Socialism is different in its core, it requires a different kind of uniformity, the jewish idea of universality.
National Socialism only requires ethno-centrism. Look at life under Hitler, then look at life under Stalin. In all classes of society. There is a world of difference.
>except for guns which are idiocy
Yeah I'd rather have cucked laws where if somebody tries to rob me I shouldn't do anything and let the robber do whatever he wants
fuck you, castle doctrine should be mandatory everywhere
Fuck you proxyfag, you will not destroy my opinion of based Poland.
Yeah, because eagerly importing rapefugees and voting for socialists is better than being cringy
This. FDR spelled the beginning of the end for America.
fuck the government, hang the statist, europeans are cucked
Yeah the kind of ethno centrism that focuses mainly on ruling a continent full of sovereign nations. And kills Europeans at a plague rate.
I can bet living standards in Germany were great under Hitler. In other places, life under Hitler was basically feudalism.
This is why you cant be conquered within two weeks.
>our bloodiest war
lol your shit tier army got even BTFO in 1945 by Hitler Youths and 60 year old conscripts.
* can
>Yeah the kind of ethno centrism that focuses mainly on ruling a continent full of sovereign nations.
Yes, i suppose you're better off being ruled by (((finance))). Congratulations on the big win, enjoy using your free speech to compel your masters into giving you additional scraps while you await the inevitable blacking of your nation.
>And kills Europeans at a plague rate.
War killed the Europeans at a plague rate, it was a contest of power, not ideology. Or was the first world war also about great principles, and not about power?
> In other places, life under Hitler was basically feudalism.
I take it you mean on annexed clay, i don't think anyone would suggest otherwise. You need a certain amount of control to stay in power in such a situation. The kind of power you also need to repel Socialism and the international jewry.
You can't exterminate the problems we have today, with a soft touch and voting ballot. You can only delay the inevitable, unless you're willing to fight and drive out the rats.
Do you really think life was that bad under Hitler? Compared to our (((free))) existence now? We're heading towards a statist fascist global corporatist future, and you think your voice is worth anything?
You need to become a fanatic, and kill the jews and their puppets before they burn your flag and kill your people.
most of Poles are opposed to gun ownership
>This is why you cant be conquered within two weeks.
literally not related at all
How would life be free of (((finance))) in an ethnocentric socialist nationalist state? wouldn't the nation still in a way be a slave to the global economy?
I was referring specifically towards the international banking elite, you may know them as the IMF. The same people that are about to shit on you if you start being mean to your less savory neighbors again.
Im not disagreeing, just asking.
When creating such a nation wouldn't it still have to rely on other nations for trade? If those nations are under control of the IMF wouldn't the impoverish the nation?
We excel because of our wealth, without that how can a nation enjoy high living standards or progress technologically or economically at a competitive rate?
I'd love to be free of the international banking elite, I just want to know how this'd work.
Well my family was still recovering from losing everything they had and the lives of the family members that died. They came back, fought, reestablished themselves. Built up a family and business and a home. Bought some land and emploeyd people to work it. When Hitlers "golden age" came, everything of value was taken from them. Everything worth a dime that you can carry. And after that the golden age of communism came and the only thing the Germans couldn't take with them, the land, was taken and nationalised. Now we are again building up ourselves. I work 30hrs weekends to get as far in life as I can. You and your comrades can take it from my dead freedom loving hands.
Take your ideologies and shove them up your ass.
>When creating such a nation wouldn't it still have to rely on other nations for trade?
Yes, as did the Germans. The big difference is in regulating who gets to trade in domestic goods, and who gets to buy up industries. In todays free society, with it's free market, anyone rich enough can buy up critical industries and manipulate them for political gain. It's what jews have been doing for thousands of years.
National Socialism isn't about creating the perfect system, it's about protecting the people. I may be natsoc, but i recognize the boons of liberalism, however it does have flaws. It's an ideology that invites sharing power with anyone, as long as there is profit in it.
The only way to be free of the banking elite, is to destroy their hold on us. Kick them out of politics, schools, press, banks, etc. Make sure that there is a set ideology that prefers nationals over foreign and international elements. Instead of simply allowing anyone with wealth, to buy unlimited influence.
The only way to attack the banking elite, is to connect the dots and get to gassing them. There is no legal way, no democratic way. Europe has to be swept over by a wave of ethno-centrism, before they can hold up a lump of gold and make us fight over it like last time.
National Socialism is fanatical, and a strong ideology. It isn't debatable. That is why it can succeed, with every other ideology, you can endlessly discuss the pros and cons, and subvert it. National Socialism will not accept subversion of any kind. And when there are no more jews, when our people is safe, we can all go back to being a bit more reasonable.
Honestly i do feel bad for Serbia, you're like the southern equivalent of Poland. You always get the worst deal. But at least you got quads, so it cant be all bad.
Don't feel bad for us bro, we don't feel bad for us. Those are our battle scars, they make us harder.
It's not all bad. We have a rising IT industry and people here are getting a feeling for capital and capitalism. We have the bought shills at power but there is a quiet revolution of hard work brewing on the level of individuals.
I honestly think that if we get 10 years of peace we can get our country back on track.
The US is looking to invest in you as well, good times may be ahead. Just watch out for the EU, they still want Greater Balkan, and they still want you to be a good goy.
Maybe for the EU, 10 years of peace for Serbia isn't the best thing...
Well the US market is already investing in our businesses. Outsourcing gave an opportunity to many capable people here. Now we have established ties to international, but mostly US firms.
The people don't want the EU. We are just stuck with having only pro EU shill politicians to choose from. But what is saving us ironically is the general hate towards us.
For example Croatia will try to block us on every step.
Considering that we were being told that we will be in the EU in like 2007, and we are no closer I wouldn't worry about us getting in any time soon.
>I wouldn't worry about us getting in any time soon.
You don't have to be in the EU for them to cuck you. Anyway i'm off, good luck making a better Serbia. And try not to shoot down more invisible planes, it's too awkward.
I know. But somehow I hope we are stronger than them.
Thanks and have a good one.
Sorry, didn't know it was invisible.