Were transgender people ever classified as mentally ill? If so, when did that change?
Were transgender people ever classified as mentally ill? If so, when did that change?
Actually real transgenderism is a genetic disorder (pic related), voluntary transgenderism is being a retard.
Gender Dysphoria. The internet has useful information if you're not a lazy fuck. (also in-groups can lie to you, always check their sources)
He's not transgender you retard.
> Neuwirth has stated that he does not identify as a trans woman,[6][10] but as a man.
Checkmate, Americunts.
How is he not transgender? That is 1 incredibly feminine looking man.
Transgenderism was only considered a mental illness in the 80's under the name gender dysphoria. It wasn't an issue through most history. Rome even had a tranny emperor in the year 220.
Even homosexuals were classified as mentally ill.
Watch every paraphilia slowly becoming normal.
>How is he not transgender?
He is a man who identifies as a man. He's not an American degenerate.
Sure but I don't really care what people "identify" as. That is an incredibly feminine man. Just like Andy Dick, these guys are somewhere on the trans spectrum.
Forgot to say, Balley Jay identifies as a man too from what I've heard on Sup Forums
psychiatry is mostly a sham so you best be cautious when using the mentally ill label.
mental illness is only accepted as a label if an individual is behaving in such a way that it hinders their ability to function and sustain themselves in the given society. Given that we are a free society that affords individuals the discretion to live their life as they please, we should be very reluctant to stigmatise people for behaving in a way that simply may only offend our sensitivities. Labeling anything else as mental illness, especially when the individual is in disagreement with our assessment, will do nothing but bring harm.
how do we fix this?
Author is University Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins.
He explicitly says that "transgender" is a mental disorder.
Hello centipedes
I'm a bit of a fan of r/the_donald, and I hear a lot about the four chans.
Regrettably, I'm old, and every time I've gone to the Sup Forums website I get confused and ornery. Is there somewhere on the internet that I can go, in order to figure out just how to fuck to use this website?
Seriously, I want in, but the site's not user-friendly, and I'm not one of these fancy-ass milennials that just intuitively understands things.
You seem to be shit posting like a pro.
The Apostle Paul wrote that the effeminate are in God's wrath.
It was and what changed it was the evolution of treatment. It used to be about treating the person, now it's about treating the behaviour.
What is a mental disorder? Simply put, ANYTHING which is causing you to live in "disorder" that is cognitive in nature is considered a disorder.
So imagine if one guy has ADHD and he works in a job that requries great focus and the other guy also has ADHD but has his own podcast where he rambles incoherently and makes money doing it. Although both have the same behavior, only one would be considered a mental disorder which needs treatment in order to restore order to ones life.
Remember, you're not treating the person, you're treating the behavior. So you don't amke a sociopath stop being a sociopath, you train him to stop behaving like one.
So, transgenderism IS a mental disorder, for some, depending on their internal feelings and external obligations. So, how do we treat it? As I stated, you can't get an actual transgender to stop being trans, you get them to stop behaving like one.
However, in terms of treatment, its easier, to get the person to accept that about themselves than it is to get them to stop behaving trans, and in doing so, relieves the negative cognitive functions, whereas the other approach actually can increase negative beliefs about oneself.
So since their behavior is not in of itself harmful to themselves or society, the theory is they should accept themselves and we as a society should also accept them and in doing so, basically wiping out a "mental disorder" from society.
wow really? that is fascinating. bailey is so passable. i am guessing because most of their friends are guys and women still feel alien, so bailey still identifies as boy brained because they recognize women are something foreign to the male brained way of thinking. That is my guess, Bailey cannot relate to womanly-thinking enough to identify as a women.
lmao dude was a religious fundamentalist quack.
They are according to the WHO. Not even kidding, it's considered a personality disorder
Gender dysphoria is mental disorder. Currently the only effective treatment option is transgender surgery. So a trans person is someone with gender dysphoria who underwent medical treatment.
Everything changed in the mid-to-late 1960's and early 1970's.
There is no such thing as transgender. These are mutilated crossdressers.
This is pretty bad advice as only 15% of people that go through sex change feel better because of it after 5 years. (source needed)
> only effective treatment?
Mike Pence disagrees.
there is nothing new here.
transgender+fake tits=dedicated crossdresser
transgender+gender reassignment surgery=eunuch
female to male transgender=angry bulldyke
they used to commit these people to mental hospitals.
if they were caught in the act(fag sex)they would go to jail,then the mental ward.
what the hell that picture is disturbing
Who isn't?