>massive fanboy for imperial sweden
>see modern sweden
What do?
Massive fanboy for imperial sweden
Sweden is so degenerate that even muslims are affected.
At least you have the North Sea as a natural barrier to the lunacy, we need to mine 1630 km of border to keep the swedish plague out.
Karolean armies were good at mobilizing large proportions of their population for military campaigns. And then using that portion to charge straight at numerically superior enemy armies until they couldn't break through one time and all died. Rinse and repeat for about 80 years, and you've genocided all the worthwhile males you ever had.
Be a fanboy of something else.
I'm also a fanboy for Georgian GB. But Carolean Sweden is fucking cool.
>single-handedly saving the entire protestant faith
>And then using that portion to charge straight at numerically superior enemy armies until they couldn't break through one time and all died
they died of the winter and well, the carolean system ended after the great northern war and was created in the 1680s I believe.
But yes, A LOT of our best men were lost in the great northern war.
t. descendant of a carolean soldier
They also destroyed Poland-Lithuania paving the way for the Russian Empire, fucking over everyone in Eastern Europe.
>They also destroyed Poland-Lithuania paving the way for the Russian Empire
they attacked us and late tsarist Russia was pretty cool even though what they did in Finland and Estonia I do not approve of.
poor karelians think they're slavic when really they're finnish.
Fuck Poland.
Also they had no way to know that would happen. It's like critising Britain for losing the American Revolution and inadvertently creating the Unites Bogs of America.
They're probably going to elect their Right Wing party SD in their 2018 elections, modern sweden might not be such a joke in the near future.
Quick question Sven; What do a lot of modern Swedes think about the Stormaktstid? Do they think it was more "Western Imperialism"? Or do they think it was something to be proud of?
>Implying based French didn't bail out the Swedes
>Implying smashing the (((Hapsburgs))) wasn't the only reason anybody went to war in the first place
We created a monster
>What do a lot of modern Swedes think about the Stormaktstid?
most don't.
it ended 299 years ago with the death of Carolus.
The left has tried to push the narrative about us being opressive to the Sapmis, Karelians and Estonians.
Almost all people who are interested in history or vote SD are pretty proud of it though.
Come here and help us by killing immigrants, then realize that you also are an immigrant and kill yourself?
Get out of here with your current year history. Swedes were good boys fighting for freedom of religion and shit
>modern sweden might not be such a joke in the near future.
>Maybe you don't care since this is over Sup Forums and shit. But I've known Linus Bylund for years and these guys are completely legit.
>If they ever get a solid majority government, you will see some YUGE changes. They are nationalists at heart and absolutely hates immigration from third world shitholes.
>They are loving this new climate in Sweden, since basically every party are now fighting against a more "contained" immigration policy. So they can go with their plan to expand their own immigration policy's even faster than expected.
>As you can already see. Their platform is now 0 refugees, 0 illegals, remove the welfare for illegals (basically 95% of the immigrants currently here), remove welfare for family members of immigrants, remove the option for legal immigrants to send money outside of Sweden, heavy criminal immigrants will get removed from our territory, if you got charged ONCE with an criminal act in your home country.. you won't be able to seek legal immigration status, way tougher voting laws for anyone not core swedish, leave the EU, increase defense and police spendings, etc etc etc.
>This is the CURRENT platform that they are running with and it's only 2017. By next year, with even more terrorist attacks happening across Europe. They can step it up even more without swedes giving a fuck.
>And when finally in power... hnnng.
a swedeanon wrote this a few weeks ago.
it's more likely then a lot of you think.
Interesting, considering the Great Northern War was one of, if not the, most impressive wars. At least they don't try to guilt you over it like in US they do with the slaves and civil and in Germany they do with everything.
Sweden died with Carolus. Now we are a headless corpse wandering in purgatory
>At least they don't try to guilt you over it like in US they do with the slaves and civil war
does that shit really work though?
surely students just wanna go home and play vidya so they don't really care what happened 200 years ago?
That's kind of what it felt like when we were being taught about the triangle trade back in school.
Reminder that Sweden was cucked by Russia for more than a century which sissified it and eventually led to the Sweden of today.
>SD gets elected
>remilitarize Malmö like they've promised
>nigs refuse to give over weapons and drugs
>nigs get killed by military
>nig's relatives and gang friends start shooting at military and police cause muh islamic honour
>racewar kicks off
>SD announces war goverment
>jimmie becomes basically a temporary dictator
>swedish opinion on refugees is horrible
>status quo ante or revolution
this isn't impossible and I don't see why you're such a defeatist faggot
why do norwegians, or for that matter, Frenchmen, Brits, Belgians, Austrians, the Dutch and Americans act like they're any better?
>implying caroleans ever fought in the 30s years war
No you sandnigger it was the renovated pike-and-shot formation that saved their shot until the last moment before enemy contact
>nigs get killed by military
It will be the other way around because your military sucks balls also swedish men are cucks who don't want to hurt their bulls. Who would they have to fuck their wifes if all ahmeds were killed?
>why do norwegians, or for that matter, Frenchmen, Brits, Belgians, Austrians, the Dutch and Americans act like they're any better?
Sweden has become a scapegoat on Sup Forums cause our politicians say such dumb fucking shit.
Sadly Sup Forums thinks that the politicians are a representive of the people.
Because we are
You mean their fucking racist party? Why is everyone on this website so fucking racist???!
We should've burned more
>It will be the other way around because your military sucks balls
SD wants to spend fucking loads of shekels on it.
also we have SAAB, Bofors and Volvo's military department
>swedish men are cucks who don't want to hurt their bulls. Who would they have to fuck their wifes if all ahmeds were killed?
>haha im gonna use le epic meme as an argument ahahaha gotteem
>Current year history
Fuck out of here Tommy France finished off the war when the Swedes started floundering.
Stop being such a structuralist and think realistically. If France hadn't intervened, the (((Hapsburgs))) would control all of Europe except France, Sweden and your shitty island of inbreds.
The only religious aspect of the war was how it started, but that's all. Why the hell would France ally with the Swedes if it was to protect protestantism? They just killed all the Hugenauts for gods sake.
Swedish empire is less than anything your finger touches here from my IBERIAN empire
In white America they hammer down especially hard on slavery and such. I've fought professors about the civil war before and got docked grade points because of it. There are still people, albeit a vocal minority, that want white to pay blacks for slavery. I'll try to find a link for you.
>be massive weeb
>see modern Japan
>it's still based
kill yourself obviusly.
More importantly, why are you a fan of swedish empire? That's like being a fan of half-life opposing force while you have masterpieces of hl1 and hl2.
>using your phone to take a picture of a screen.
- just Millennial things.
Sweden has always sucked, the swedes have been ruining Europe since the beginning.
>from my IBERIAN empire
fuck you faggot
>It's like critising Britain for losing the American Revolution and inadvertently creating the Unites Bogs of America.
I unironically do.
>the swedes have been ruining Europe since the beginning.
thats funny coming from an americunt
Nationalists are proud, and embrace it. The rest don't know about it, or if they do, they despise it.
>That's like being a fan of half-life opposing force while you have masterpieces of hl1 and hl2.
>all swedish kings fought and commanded their battles
>attacked by 3 major nations with numerically superior forces at once but repelled it for 17 good years
>killed 1/3rd of the german population
>all with a very limited population and barely any resources
gee I wonder why?
> t. nigger Russian
Swedish population was close to Spanish.
Which one do i hate more? hmmm. I hate both but i'm going to pick Sweden here. Russia please nuke sweden
Didn't you notice that russians, japanese, chinese do the same shit? (frankly almost every nation have this sort of people).
It's because most people are so pathetic and insignificant that they are desperetly trying to compensate it by ascribing themselves to national achievements of the past.
Being proud of your nationality is like being proud of your haircolor. It's equally stupid and works only for defective people who didn't manage to do anything during their useless lifes that they can be proud of.
Get it on.
I'l join you, RACE WAR NOW!
this is the first time i see a british getting a hard don for a "empire" while his own country had the biggest empire in the world.
>Swedes arrive to Finland
>let them be finns
>build churches, universities and schools
>finns have to garrison forts and pay taxes as payment
>Finns hate Sweden
>Russians take Finland
>Try to make them Russian
>paint them out to be mongolians
>prefers Russia to Sweden
That's after spain empire was strong for centuries 1500s population Spain same as Sweden
No it wasn't
>Sweden is so degenerate that even muslims are affected.
Why would you be a fan of dumb brutes unconditionally loyal to the state and its bureaucracy? Swedes get what they deserve - they blindly trust the government, so they have to trust it even when it teaches them degeneracy and multiculturalism
>massive fanboy for imperial sweden
It was mostly us anyway while the faggots just fagged away in their own little country.
Russian Empire was best thing to happen to Europe as a whole. toilet cleaner identified. I thought you lot already had to pack your bags?
Aragon kingdom was useless as was Portugal, Castille did empire alone.
>It was mostly us anyway while the faggots just fagged away in their own little country.
There is no proof of this
the allotment system was designed so the army would stay majority Swedish
most Finnish soldiers were used as local garrisons, with some exceptions like the hakkapella
What was so great about it?
Population Castile as well as army levies was equivelant to Sweden.
I'm Welsh
butthurting svens lol
here you go. have a pic of sympathetic Peter to cheer you up.
gee wiz, that's sure a lot of astonishing achievements. Especially that part when you killed 1/3 of german unorganized peasants. Truly a miracle of military strategy and thought.
Sure it would be difficult to find an empire, which achievements would be equally impressive.
>itt: swedes thinking that they done something significant in their useless boring crap of a history
So you're telling me that Aragon had 6 million population whilst Castille only had a 1 million population yet Castille managed to conquer them?
Give me a break, ffs.
Why is the town rapist always an Arab? Why not a Somali?
they united through marriage, I think.
Poles are fucking sub-human shabbos goys anyway. Without poles the kikes wouldn't have been able to massacre germans in polish occupied german lands, which was the reason Hitler invanded Shitland in the first place. I wish we would've completed the deluge and done in the (((polish))) once and for all.
Castile didn't conquer them, Aragon always was military useless, Castile simply was more centralized areas centralized and consolidated to single purpose was every region in Castile Leon 1500s, Granada was aggressively centralized and authority enforced.
>Especially that part when you killed 1/3 of german unorganized peasants
we were still outnumbered 1 to 5.
>Truly a miracle of military strategy and thought
Gustav II Adolf is considered by some of the most respectable historians in the world to be the father of modern stratergy.
This, Finns were barbaric swamp orcs until we Swedes arrived and cultured them
Swedes were and always will be superior to Finngoloids
If Karl 12 didn't prohibit the raping in his army, we wouldn't be as subhuman as we are now
Somalis actually have really small dicks. i asked one once why he didn't rape as much as his Arab neighbor.
you have to go back
We dont u dirty sandmonkey it is lies
really makes you think
uga buga
yeah sure, but i asked him specifically. Because they all rape
Actually, if we Swedes left Finland you would turn into a giant swamp again. There's a reason why were so much richer than you natives. You need us or else your economy will die and you will become like those ex-commie block countries.
We are superior to you and that's why you lost against us.
>Poles are fucking sub-human shabbos goys anyway
sven if poles are shabbos goys we're even worse.
they're at least midly resisting white genocide whilst we're embracing it.
>Without poles the kikes wouldn't have been able to massacre germans in polish occupied german lands
no proof of that
either that's a VPN or you're a fenno swede, but you're not wrong.
my bad, played too much eu4
but still, it's impossible that Aragon had a population of 6 million yet Castille only had one of 1 million.
simply retarded and impossible
This is satire right?
Kill yourself or abandon the dream of it ever coming back.
Or, you can embrace Swedistan, and leave among the peaceful people of the peaceful religion of piece, like your average proud Swede.
Fenno-Swede with Swedish family
Pop Portugal is about same pop Castile y Leon that was a centralized state.
And if you left the Finns would be less likely to import shitskins
it's possible. think about population of Normandy vs. all England and one was able to conquer the other despite this.
Castile was 1 million pop 1500
It's time to move on user... It'll only hurt to stay here.
is it only me that have notices how kikes always try to discourage nationalists on Sup Forums?
redpill me on what it's like being a fennoswede?
any credibly sources to back that up?
Sweden was basically a war camp pretending to be a state funded by French money.
They had a good run though.
>Normandy vs. all England and one was able to conquer the other despite this.
Normandy was a vassal of France and had up do date top notch equipment, England didn't.
Stop LARPing
I remember Russian empire btfo Sweden empire and liberated finns. Since then swedes were pretty much irrelevent
>What do?
Conquer it, crown your self as King of Sweden and then cleanse it.
>redpill me on what it's like being a fennoswede?
You get called a faggot and hurri and homo Peter by uncultured white trash Finns, women tend to prefer us over them because we don't look like mongols. Overall, we're better than them but we're just a small minority. Breddy gud, overall. We're rich minority, thus important for Finnish economy and they hate it.
Not really, first they would have to remove US influence. Then maybe.
>american education
Castile Leon, Cantabria, Galicia, extremadura, Castile La Mancha, Asturias = 8.8 million pop compare to Sweden pop.
Nearly equivilant to Portugal which at the time is figured at 1 million