

Literally no one cares.

Did he go to college? Then good for him. Dirtskins are pretty good at that field.

He's definitely a lot more aeronautic now that he's up in heaven dinduin nuffin with angel wings.

That nigger would have never made it past high school

dead nigger award
I hope this becomes an annual thing

>giving a dead guy a Degree cause feelings

Literally virtue signaling

Nigga's dead, lol.

this is literally that picture where two black teens got specific awards for getting through high school while black

>We reversed affirmative action
>Want a degree? Die first.
>We're geniuses


trayvon was a fuckin genius when it came to physics. if you disagree you're a racist prick

>the Darwin award is now real


>Aeronautical science


Accomplished more dead than alive.

Meanwhile live americans can't graduate.

>good leafpost
Fuck man, am i dreaming

He went to space camp when he was a kid.


Just thought it would be another great opportunity for a shoop with the body

he's going to build a rocket and shiet.

Pointless. Niggers don't belong in heaven, and even if he dindu nuffin, it wouldn't help.

The guy who runs the Aviation Experience, where that space camp photo of Trayvon was taken is suspicious

It's for his parents, why not?

Must feel pretty bad that your best chance at a STEM degree is to get shot.

suicide rate will going up in the black community

What's the story behind this why are so many Americans attending college then not graduating. Is is the cost?
Met a 27 year old yank who said she was in college yet she is working and never attends anything

Mike Brown is going to be awarded a law degree from Harvard next year


Quick rundown on Trayvon Martin please.


It probably shows very well the value of said degree of said university.

already done thanks to the zimmer

Who the fuck cares unless it's you faggots who never acquired a degree. Seriously, he's dead. Would gladly give out more degrees if it encourages dead nogs

Autistic faggots itt

he was a gifted student studying the aeronautics of bullets

I know, He was the top of his field when it came to ballistics.

This can't be real. How is this reality?

Costs the university nothing.
Gets them free publicity

Great, they can put it on his grave

And George Zimmerman was a policeman? His surname sounds German to me.

Nothing makes a nigger go savage more than the mention of Zimmerman....he's the gift that keeps on giving

hes a spic, he was 'neighborhood watch' basically a bunch of old guys who sit in their robes looking out the front peephole when a nigger walks by

at some point the real Zimmerman was replaced by Chaz Bono. Real Zim is died

I haven't laughed that hard since the kid was shot!

>see nigger
>see nigger dead
>end of story

Kek, leaf.

literally dindu nuffin to deserve that

Zimmerman was half white and half Latino but according to the liberal media he was white.....which is funny because Obama is half white....but according to the media he's full nigger


And what did Martin do that he was shot?

>Nig high on cough syrup assaults the neighborhood watch
>gets shot
>he dindu nuffin he a gud boi!
>Zimmerman gets charged with assault for defending himself
>courts finds him innocent because nig attacked first
>Obummer goes on TV and calls niglet his son

Should have given him a degree in mining since he probably went straight to hell.

Acted like a uncivilized chimp.....and thought he could get away with it becAuse liberals are cucks when it comes to black issues


Nigger didnt even go to college but gets a bachelors lol fuck this world

>implying niggers go to heaven
Heaven is supposed to be a paradise. I highly doubt 'lil JamarQuavious is up there dancing on tables and rapping about his dick. Funny nonetheless -- have a kek, on me.

>get free degree
>must be black

Of, so this.. I remeber this case. Wasnt there also this scandal where someone edited Zimmermans phone call to sound more racist?

I thought dogs went to heaven :'(

I disagree solely because with the state of education in the US right now he'd graduate just cause he's black. Much like what's happening here.

He achieved more in his death than he would've in 10 lifetimes.

He got his mammy and daddy a nice fat check for $1 million+ and a college degree.

Just goes to show that the only good nigger is a dead one.

>Aeronautical science

Because he was flying when he attacked Zimmerman, and got dropped faster than Apollo on reentry.

They're lower than dogs, user.

> thought he could get away
Was there any pressure on the court?


What's Zimmerman up to these days? Last I heard his life was kind of a mess.

They should give Adam and Eve a scholarship too, I'm sure they would love to use that being that they are also still alive and all...

Even in death this dindu nuffin steals.


Bachelor of Science degree? Idiots. They should go all the way and give him a PhD. The school is already flushing whatever credibility it had down the toilet to pander to the left so what's the difference?


jk lol

>Zim zam said "It's fucking cold"
>media played with the phone garble to make people think he said "fucking coons"
fake news before it was cool at all that

This is now a Nominate Dead People for Degrees thread.

Hitler for a Doctorate in Art
Goebbels for a Bachelors in Advertising

Yeah. NBC, one of, if not the, largest national networks in the country (really makes your head spin when you say it aloud) was caught editing the 911 tapes. The ZimZam (whom can't be flimflammed) sued them, won, and made BANK.

They call each other dogs so I was confused.

ba dum dum

Why? Did he fly back when that beaner shot him? Lol stupid nigger. Negros are African foreigners to us, they just speak our language.

Agreed. Dogs are personable, and personality goes a long way. I'd liken him to swine.

>award him degree
>slap his parents with a nice big student loan

niggers remind me of mice with thant virus you catch from cat shit. It makes you do things that are detrimental to your health. I know many who hate "white" people (meaning anyone not black) and say they wis they would all die, but they also realise if that were to happen that their own people wouldnt be able to maintain a society remotely similar to the one we have now. Africa 2.0 one guy said.


He might be a corpse but at least that niggas got an award now

The bar is so low for niggers parody shit like this is reality.

If you think about it this is as racist as you can get.

It's guaranteed he won't do anything with it though.

I could really go for some of those right now...

I legitimately thought this was either shopped or satire. How fucking insane are we going to get as a society? That being said.. WE WUZ SPACEMANS N SHEEEIIIT


Satan confirms

when trayvon said he was high as fuck, i don't think he meant it literally

Universities have been so KANGED at this point even dead niggas get degrees. More nigs should kill themselves to success.

We don't give a flying fuck about it.

I don't care. They may do as they please.

What happened to the father? Typical black fathers, never around.

Next up, Bill Cosby to receive double degrees in Women's Studies and Pharmacology.

>texans talking bad about America

This is why we should have let Mexico have you

Not only did he attack first but he had already made it home then left again to attack zimmerman.

>they gave a degree to literally a useless nigger.

>worth anything
this is still debated?

Could this be... a Zimmerman Trial Revival Thread? This was the peak of Sup Forums, so much quality OC.
