is this a plot by (((them)))) to save all the tasty meat for themselves?
How soon till the UN tries to force everyone to eat bugs?
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eating bugs is just as bad as eating any meat like the meat of the cow or chicken
I had scorpions and caterpillars in Thailand and they were delicious. Tasted like shellfish.
They have tons of proteins and they don't really taste bad as well.
I don't see the problem here.
No, (((they))) just find it funny to make the goyim eat bugs.
Nothing wrong in eating bugs. Soon we might be eating meat from petridishes.
Bugs are FRIENDS.
You know someone is a subversive shill when they endorse any of the following:
>eating bugs
Only shitskins do these things.
how soon till the UN tries to force everyone to eat soylent green?
industrial bug farming in't viable, it's way too hard to check for eternal contamination and insects can't be pumped with medicine in case of problems like bigger animals.
It checks out. Hans is willing to eat bugs if the state tells him too.
Bugs are only good in my opinion is when you do not know you're eating them. If they're ground up finely and put into bread or something, I wouldn't know
Did you try the boipucci too?
better go clean up buddy
Fried mealworms are pretty good, I dunno...
Just say you're Jewish. We aren't allowed to eat bugs.
The frogs would know if it is viable or not.
It's not about my country ordering me to eat something you stupid bong.
Bugs are high on nutrients, cheap and easy to process. It would be quite beneficial if more people in the western world would eat bugs.
What happened to eating fish?
germans should eat roaches and worms i agree
All farming is going indoors eventually on account of the chemtrails, Fukishima and Monsanto silly.
If you can't afford food grown indoors, you're literally going to be culled.
Eat Turkroach.
Better than slimy frogs.
>not quorn
Fuck off UN. Go convince the animals to eat bugs instead of our produce.
memes aside
did anyone else felt like trying out bugs after watching this movie?
t. snail-eater
I wonder how long we could subsist on Jews, niggers and Muslems...
Reminds me of the movie "Snowpiercer", Only the elite ate meat and all plebs ate protein bars made of insects
Eating bugs is more of a last resort. Not so much an esteemed entrée
the chinese are already eating black babies because their organs grant you big dicks
I'd rather become a vegetarian than eat that.
Grind it up, how do you think they get us to eat nuggets and fishsticks.
>Want to save the white race so you have many white children
>they all turn out retarded because Monshoah, Jewkushima, and (((them)))trails.
>Literally cucked by a Jewish-Sino alliance
Where has the justice on this earth?
snails is a medieval dishes
my dear turkboi
Tried some dried grubs at a fair in Rome
Crispy. Taste acceptable, bland salty snack tier
I'd rather engulf myself with the paprika chips jew, though.
The edible insectoid meme didn't grow on me since I'm no nigger, use this to solve starvation in Africa or some shit.
>and they don't taste really bad
The fuck man. Stand up for yourself.
>oy vey, we already destroyed their production of testosterone and yet still a small section of the population is becoming rather strong from a high protein diet! shut it down
Cicadas taste good, but snails? Snails taste like swamp slime. Slightly better than eating dirt, not as good as week old roadkilled skunk.
>implying snails and frogs don't taste delicious if well prepared
stay ignorant Krauts
good goy
snails are part of western tradition not bugs
>Trying to force something
Wew lad
it's not the snail itself, it's what we call here the 'snail's butter' who taste so good. I won't lie : snails alone are fucking horrible to eat, worse than the taste it's the consistency, it's viscous and like chewing a soft dick.
But the snail's butter... omg... how to describe it... it's something a burger would love for sure.
We've been industrial bug farming for 3000 years. We called it beekeeping and silk farming
UN can't do shit.
Snails are absolutely God-tier, kraut. Frogs not so much
>turkey becomes a big farm for our low co2 protein needs
for that matter would we have to start eating africans if we run out of pigs and cows?
I think the idea is that the UN has completely ditched the idea of deportation publicly and are embracing the completely flawed model of infinite growth.
The United Nations is ultimately designed as a dystopian means of preventing another great power conflict. Destroying the great powers ability to wage war or maintain a coherent and homogenous state is just one aspect of these "sustainable development plans". Another is to keep the economy active enough to increase the quality of life in areas experiencing poverty... But those areas are also producing massive amounts of humanity that need to be fed.
The plan is to reduce our quality of life in favor of raising the mean quality of life, creating a global baseline and redefining the middle class.
In order to feed everyone, they're promoting bug eating.
Fuck the United Nations. They're selling out the health of the citizens of the world instead of acknowledging that we need to claw back the population of the developing world... And they're doing it all at our expense.
The only reason that the quality of life is shit in most middle class economies is their huge population.
Also, comparative advantage is shit.
fish has radioactive mercury in it
Everything literally is being pushed by globalist shills. Go to the UN website and read about Agenda 2030.
Are you supposed to eat the shell or what? This concept makes no sense to me.
snails always seemed like a questionable food source
You chew on a lot of soft dicks, Pierre?
I meant to say they ditched the idea of depopulation entirely... But my phone was also right.
if you drop crumbs on the floor and are too lazy to clean it up, do you get ants?