well Sup Forums...
how would you feel?
Well Sup Forums
I feel disgusted that the dad assumes he's got a gay son when the reality is he probably picked it because he is sexually attracted to it.
I play as girls in videogames because I want to fuck them not because I'm a queer.
I bet that kid will end up having a "sorry I'm not gay dad" moment in the future.
I'd rush my son to the nearest dick chopping merchant.
this modern trash probably lets his kids ride in the front seat without seatbelts
and no, idgaf what "toy" they chose; all toys are garbage, doesn't mean he wants to be a garbageman
Immediately stop at the chemist on the way home and buy as many hormones as I possibly can whilst also posting every second of me doing it, in both photo and video form, to every single form of social media available
>I play as girls in videogames because I want to fuck them not because I'm a queer.
So you like to get fucked then. I see.
>there is no such thing as gender roles, a boy can play with barbies and a girl with toy cars, it doesn't mean anything because gender is a social construct
queer activist:
>omg, he's doing girly stuff, chop his dick off
oof, the comments
Well let's find out.
And also, homosexuality has been proven to be a mixture of genetics and social influences. As to say, some people are more vulnerable to become gay. When you encourage things like this from a young age you are encouraging your son to become a sexual deviant. Would I care if my son is gay? no. But I also wouldn't encourage it. It's not fun to be gay. Most gays I know are fucked up in the head. Most gays have difficulty finding love. What this dad is doing is wrong on two levels. For one, he is using his kid as a political statement, trying to encourage him being gay (even though he is most likely just attracted to the toy) and two, he is encouraging his son to become a sexual deviant with a bunch of emotional problems. Fucking sick.
I never had a brother, but 3 sisters. Played Barbies growing up. Joined army, have 4 girls of my own. Still play barbies. Lurk pol
Are we seeing the birth of a future trap?
its true, this is what you do, you tell son, you can only have doll if you want to fuck it.
Futuristic sex robot dolls will train your sons to be hetrosexual, at 5 years old, they will be given a fuck dolly to bang
Let him have it, but I wouldn't try and convince him that he's some mentally ill tranny or something.
Maybe he wants the doll to be the damsel saved by another toy? maybe he wants to roleplay having a gf? who fucking knows, he's a fucking kid. Kids don't fucking care about (((gender identity)))
My little sister's Barbie beach house was very often used as a defensive position by soldiers to fight off hordes of evil space aliens.
Just tell him that it's a toy for girls. He won't want to play with it anymore. A lifetime of problems averted.
>how would you feel?
Like the little pervert wants to look up her skirt or take off her top.
If I'm going to stare at an ass all day it might as well be one I like.
If he isn't using it to jack off to I'd probably burn it
>I never had a brother, but 3 sisters. Played Barbies growing up
this happen with me as well. also played with build-a-bear's and such. also had a few toys around, but mostly it was barbies and disney princesses
>if my parents where liberal and if I was born today, I would've gotten my dick chopped off
Oh hey I remember going to the beach to see this thing a couple years back, real cool shit
Dad probably encouraged it. You can see the gay in his eyes.
The dad`s expression is bothering me
It`s the same expression all of these social media, viral virtue signaling drones have
Upraised eyebrows and batting eyelashes like they are trying to imitate some sort of cartoon doe. As if their words are coming out cruise control but in the back of their minds they are actualky thinking of their face front page on buzzfeed
They kind of remind me of the people in the Black Hole Sun video from Soundgarden
If i'm going to spend hours staring at a character's ass it had better be a woman's. Playing as a dude is the first step on the downward slope to open butt fagotry.
Ad Victorium
i had a doll for a short time growing up, because i was envious of my sister having one.
Nobody made a big fuss about it and it was never a big deal and i can't say it had any effects on me other than maybe liking kids/babies (non -sexually; i want kids).
honestly the "action figures" i had were gayer than the doll
pic related
I wouldn't buy that for him.
In fact, I'd raise him with carting and racing in mind.
Kids pick up a lot of their behavior from their parents. My four year old niece likes to pretend cook. None of her three brothers did this. Maybe because they have a father that acts like a man.
Gimme me a minute and I call my bronies from /mlp/
I play WoW as a female goblin, so when raiding is over I can undress her and beat off
>Naming your kid Zuri (Zuri is the Swahili name for “beautiful”" and Azai (In Hebrew The meaning of the name Azai is: Strength.)
>Having no backbone, discipline, or direction with your parenting
Shit only white parents do, absolutely degenerate. Dad is probably a closet faggot
>your son wants to buy this
How would you react, Sup Forums?
>Virtue signaling
Don't buy it, obviously.
Because you can pass on the one you own to him.
Think of greater/less sign as a mouth. It always wants to gobble up the biggest number.
>virtue signalling as hard as the dad in this video
holy shit that's cringe
Child abuse. A parent to be telling a 4 year old to choose his own sexuality is CHILD ABUSE.
>not buying 2 of every figure to keep one in box permanently and the other to hot glue
Why does it look like he is wearing eye liner ? Something tells me this is his fetish, not his childs decision
>those comments
>those views
western civilization is officially dead
Son, you can't think only with your dick at this age. I know it's hot but still it's [spoiler]_______3D_______
>talking to his kid about sexuality when the fucking kid can barely keep his head upright and does random screeching noises
I'm going to go call my mother and thank her for being born in the 90's
This is too fucked to comprehend
>mother born in the 90s
Nigger how old are you?
I wouldn't give a shit if my son chose a doll to play with. It doesn't mean anything.
I wouldn't actively encourage it though.
Fuck you
You know what I meant
Also the wife looks like a crack whore
my brother's favorite Disney movie was the Little Mermaid
he is now a straight cis man with a wife.
liking Disney stuff does not mean you are a faggot or a tranny.
is the dad wearing eyeliner? wtf
Parents who force their own political opinions on their children just so they can get attention on social media should be gassed.
Tee hee
You're right though she really does.
I would assume he was going to jack off on it and buy him a nice transformer instead, then check my parental internet locks
>kid picks a girl doll to go with the rest of his action figures
When i was
Don't care
Like a failure
talking about sexuality with fucking Human larva.
Best thing is that this kids will be gays. Both of them.
So long as I know he's gonna use it for masturbation I'd be okay with it.
Well let him, kids tend to pick things they're naturally attracted to.
He'll probably turn out fine
slap him for being so retarded for following popularity crazes that change him
Buy it for him, being a weeb is preferable to being a faggot. As the girls around him shave and dye their hair, refuse to shave their pits and legs,the japs will keep him straight.
I used to put my sisters barbie dolls in sexual situations and rub my wiener. Kids just got good taste.
kek, people think he is so tolerant and wonderful because he thinks his son might be a faggot just because he plays with girl toys.
Prejudice and stupidity is the words that best describe is behavior.
Congratulate him on his blatant heterosexuality! I'm proud of you, son.
Like there is more than one faggot in that car.
Action figures and imagination. The ultimate RTS
father is definitely gay or bi
I find it extremely bizarre, if not comical, that modern parents are so eager to encourage their children to be anything but heterosexual.
I would hope he wants to pretend to fuck it, so maybe buy him a sex doll instead.
What a fucking cuck!!
There was once a kid in my family about 6 or so, he wanted to get a new toy. So they took him to the toy store and he picked out the "prettiest princess" doll as he put it. His dad was angry because his son was not going to play with some girly doll. Someone decided to ask him why he wanted that doll, he replied that he needed a princess so that his knight could have someone to save from the dragon.
Lmao insecure faggot
That was an interesting story, actually
I'd feel like I need to beat the goddamn gay out of him
Everyone thought it was cute as shit. He did end up getting the doll too.
I'd tell him that's a girl toy and promptly take him to the Hotwheels/action figures.
Why the fuck was he even looking at dolls with his son anyway? This seems like a fucking set-up.
>d..dad what's that sticky white stuff on the doll?
wew, I wonder how she reacted.
Honey, get the adoption papers ready, our son's a faggot.
We're gonna have to try again, hun.
Another go along to get along loser.. look muh rainbow child.
is this real? what a world to live in. this kid is going to have serious issues. guessing father wasn't around either
>Just hot glue son, use the Italian brand to keep it from doing nothing of consequence
There are only two genders.
>wrote a blog & later a book on her son's sexuality & the welcoming environment she mad
Nope her husband is just a spineless cuck
I used to steal my sister's dolls so I could strip them and look at them
Why do his kids look mulatto? Does he have bad genetics or are they half black? Makes ya think.
>how would you feel?
that in a few years his taste in dolls will mature ...
>I play as girls in videogames because I want to fuck them not because I'm a queer.
No, you're just a feminist faggot who wants to be a strong independent womyn.
When I was little my sister had barbies. I used to mess with them and take their clothes off to look at their anatomy. It's not like it made me gay or anything.
I might give a handy to a stranger a party once in a blue moon but that doesn't mean I'm a faggot.
Ear piercing detected. Faggot confirmed.
The father's got blue eyes and his kids look like shitskins. Not exactly surprising that he's a cuck and needs to virtue signal on the internet, despite looking like he's close to 50.
Why does it's face have to look so manly? And why all that stupid jewelry?
I played with dolls when I was a small kid.
It was mostly about early curiosity about sex and naked girls. Stripping them made my peepee hard.
There is nothing wrong about boys playing with dolls unless they pretend they are said dolls.
[spoiler]I also played with Actionman dolls and pretended he beats barbie.[/spoiler]
If you were born in the 90s, you're part of the cancer.
>whoring out your kids for goodboy points on the internet
i hope his kid murders him
Funny you should mention that, I remember reading a pro lifer's account on their childhood and their parents took them to a pro choice rally after they smashed their head in falling down the stairs. Didn't take them to the hospital but to the rally because they thought it was such a statement to gave a kid covered in their own blood holding a pro choice sign.
Reminds me of a music video where a kid was playing with dolls, and the dad would try and the dad would try his best to change the kid's interest
the son grew up to get all the hot bitches, why can't people think of this scenario these days?
I can't play as women in games, does that mean I want to fuck the men??
I played that my action man doll raped my sisters barbie when i was 5. I didn't even understand the concept of sex by then but the idea of him overpowering her made me tingle in my pants.
Guess i've always been a deviant.