>He started a war
Napoleon started more. Lots of people have done it before.
>He killed people
Stalin killed more. So did Mao. Happens all the time in history.
Well Sup Forums, why? What did he do?
>He started a war
Napoleon started more. Lots of people have done it before.
>He killed people
Stalin killed more. So did Mao. Happens all the time in history.
Well Sup Forums, why? What did he do?
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D and C thread
ideologies are more important than historical figures.
The Future is more important than any single historical event
Well death factories are pretty rare, even in genocide.
daily reminder
Hitler is the most lied about man since Jesus Christ.
We warned us a century ago. He gave us a way out.
It's amazing what 50+ years of character assassination will do.
Wouldn't that just mean he was more efficient? An innovator in the field? Don't see how that makes him any worse.
>Napoleon started more.
The revolutionary wars were defensive and a response to England/Austrian aggression.
Mein neger!
because he caused our slavemasters the Jews to kvetch an abnormally large amount and people get liquid orgasms on demand from bending over backwards for the sake of our slavemasters the dirty jews
>Well Sup Forums, why? What did he do?
Hitler found a third economic path forward, not Communism and not the debt slavery we seem to favor in the west. For this the Jews damned him and Germany was uttered decimated.
>implying the holohoax is real.
Wew lad.
The only thing he did wrong was not gassing the kikes while he could have. But slave labor was need for the war sadly.
The jew/commies lied and took us down a path in the 60s the ruined the USA with civil rights for non whites. America was great not because we won the war that was a mistake we should have allied with germany to battle stalin but what they built. then liberal commie jews came to the forefront to ruin us, But we can still fix things for whites and make us great again.
Well, the holocaust didn't even happen, so there's that.
>People actaully believe this kike bullshit
>>He started a war
You mean he offered a peace treaty and the (((US))) started the war.
This is fake you idiot, anyone can fake a screenshot
>What did he do?
nothing wrong unless you believe in the 600 trillion, also he allied with Italy
France England and Russia wrote the treaty of Versailles, us wanted to ease up on em because we foresaw this
>He started a war
This is a lie. It was the Poles.
When will the western world wake up and put an end to Polish aggression?