France, please sit down... we need to talk.
France, please sit down... we need to talk
The Caliphate of France deserves Macron at this point.
I can't believe a man would say "we need to live with terrorism" and still go on to become pm
This sick society needs to collapse
>I can't believe a man would say "we need to live with terrorism" and still go on to become pm
The power of the MSM over the people is very, very strong.
The entire media is left wing.
The ENTIRE media. We have no Fox News equivalent.
the similarity to the Trump election is just unreal. Lets just hope French people don't want to become muslims and have riots every day in their cities.
If you don't elect her we might have to do a rangeban for all frenchies on Sup Forums.
I honestly think the frogs like having terrorist attacks. Candle light vigils seem to give them some emotional self worth. Very Sad!
First election 60%?
They did this shit with Trump, wait until the results come in till throw France under the bus for capitulating to socialists for the second time.
Seems familiar, I just can't put my hand on it.
Too bad France is France, and doesn't believe in winning.
do it
do the same for swedes if they don't elect åkesson as PM 2018, blanket ban on all of Sup Forums, only way to rally the neets tbqhfam
>Too bad France is France
About 50 hours until all of Sup Forums goes full Anglo chauvinism and calls all French people surrendering cheese-eating faggots.
I desperately want France to save itself.
>Freedom of press means the press doesn't have an agenda.
If you honestly believe these poll's are real you have no place on this board.
Proceed to /bant/ thanks
>wait until the results come in
If Macron gets 48% and Le Pen gets 46%, Macron wins. No electoral college coming to Le Pen's rescue.
trump was -30% too
all is good
vote against merkel FRANCE!
fukin kek
couldnt have done better myself
I feel like writing a history book
to counter the lying shit commies will teach kids
yeah this is the thing that worries me, overpopulated cities will vote Macron, and those who live in the countryside will vote Le Pen.
If france elects Macron then I'm sorry but they deserve every single terrorist attack they get.
>If france elects Macron then I'm sorry but they deserve every single terrorist attack they get.
Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
Except the French polls were spot on the first round.
That's not even a poll anyway, that's just an election predictor. The national polling here was 100% accurate, the dynamic is different than in France because of the electoral college.
People who are unemployed shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Trump was never -30% in the actual polling.
You guys don't really understand who Le Pen really is, do you ?
She's a submersible writing instrument.
Why does that image look so familiar?
Deja vu
>I can't believe a man would say "we need to live with terrorism" and still go on to become pm
Did he say this? I don't follow Parisian news
Link/source for it? I remember the London mayor saying something similar but haven't read any outrage from Frenchies
>macron at 70% in february
fake news.
The thing that fucked everything up was the "Bring back the Franc" idea.
Jesus christ, Just say "We'll see" Or "I'll do a referendum for that", Cause changing money is insecurity to litterally everybody.
>source: 2 failed referendum where we spoke about a "National quebec money" instead of just rolling it out.
Except French polls are accurate.
Source: Last week first round.
I see at least 2 major differences here.
i love the french and i will miss them if they should kill themselves come tuesday
If she gets 40% that's pretty good
Means she actually has a good chance next election if Macron does terrible (he will)
American national polls were accurate as well, the problem was the national popular vote doesn't count for anything.
French polls were spot on.
Also, that poll isn't even wrong. Trump did lose nationally by around that margin, so I'm not even sure what your point is.
she deserved to be raped and tortured to death by mohammed and his friends
shes not perfect but if she will keep europe european im with her
If she gets 40-45% the chances of civil war skyrocket.
Worst case scenario is Le Pen getting sub-35%.
If think Le Pen is going to win, I have some bad news for you;
here we talked about a
fucking leaf
its impossible. france is done
She is a fucking fachist and I'm not voting for Hitler jr and the rest of the France will do like me because we are not voting for Macron, we are voting against nazis. We did the same in 2002 and we will do the same this time. And just to explain to ignorant people, Macron isn't at the left, he comes from there but he's 100% liberalism and I know you retarded muricans dont know what is socialism but socialism is the core of the left ideas and it's not Macron.
France already loss this election. We are all voting for the less bad candidate
>trump was below clinton in the polls by 10 points the week of the election.
good to see Le pen will be winning,
There is literally nothing wrong with being a fascist.
If you want to work on a bait then remember to change your flag into the right one first.
1. You're Spain
2. I'm New Zealand
3. I called her an underwater pen because her name is Marine.
4. gr8 b8.
Except he wasn't.
the facist is the better choice if the socialist is too weak to keep out invaders. Your replacements are no less authoritarian. A muslim theocracy will be far more culturally and socially painful then anything le pen can do to you
>and those who live in the countryside will vote Le Pen.
Only true in the eastern half of the country. The western countryside (especially Brittany), which has the least migrants and mosques in all the country, is solidly voting for Macron Tonight instead of Moonpen.
The popular vote in the polls came pretty close to the final result in the US though.
He is going to win anyway.
Why are you interested in giving him a stronger mandate?
American...Please sit down. We need to talk.
In France it does. That's the point. Everyone gets one vote and the one with the most votes nationwide is the new President. That will be Macron unless some sort of miracle happens now.
Pretty much this. Le Pen has two types of voters, people from old industrial towns on the North and cultural conservatives from the Southeast that are sick of immigrants. The West has no immigrants basically though, so they don't care.
No, the polls were only 1% off
>and the one with the most votes nationwide is the new President
In the second round.
The actual main reason for immigration is at work here, it's why London almost and Gay Paree totally tips the balance of democracy in favour of globalism - They bring in self serving colonies to dilute and overthrow democracy, call it multiculturalism and pay puppets (MSM) to pretend it's morally correct.
This is a fucking CRIME against humanity and we have to take over responsibility because of exactly this.
Of you do not agree with this statement
Yeah, and that's coming. And the polls, which accurately predicted the first round, say it'll be 62-38 for Rothschild-229.
How could France possibly want Macaroni? Mr "Live with terrorism bitches" himself. Are muslims allowed to vote? They shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Top fucking kek
I'm traveling
Stop fearing terrorism, you kill each others way more than daesh kills us
I want to keep my human rights
Someone needs their coffee!
This guy gets it
Trumpweenies and worthless white trash BTFO, it's over, pack it up, pussy ass racists.
Even the French aren't as retarded as americans who are willing to vote for a Zionist shill as long as he says meanie things about nonwhites or immigrants
Get fucked peasant white trash
Fascism is embarassing and stupid, and literally what antifa is doing.(aka pretending to save people from violent ideology by beig violent against them). Mussolini ended up being a fucking clown.
Wtf is wrong with this thread, LePen isn't a fucking solution to anything, you didn't read her program, you didn't read her story, you didn't read FN backstory and you did not fucking read french history
>the problem was the national popular vote doesn't count for anything.
We have a direct democracy, the popular vote is everything.
So polls do matter.
Haha, you're a mexican. Lol.
>She is a fucking fachist
Source for that lie?
Thought so.
wtf i'm a #MacronMOAB now
>LePen isn't a fucking solution to anything,
She's a solution against rapefugee, terrorism and also French money being ent in the magreb to fund various shit.
Terrorism is a very secondary problem in the lives of most people, that's why.
Being Mexican is still several orders of magnitude better than being a trumpcuck burgerbreathers far right useful idiot.
Get fucked racist piece of shit
>Being Mexican
Stopped there.
Fuck off shitskin.
I've read her program. It is clear and explicit, contrairly to Macron who's like "Maybe we'll do that, We'll see" but at the same time is a Trudeau without selfies.
For the FN backstory and her story, there's a reason she's trying to clean that.
For french history, Im a student in history, so tell me what I should know? That electing her would be like Picking Vichy? fuck off m8.
>Terrorism is a very secondary problem in the lives of most people
Criminality and incivility is not.
Also, YUGE taxes for african babies factories is.
>if you support Le Pen you're ignorant! don't you know she's literally Hitler?!?!
> France will vote for a Rothschild banker who was part of the previous Socialist government despite people hating said socialist government
> France will vote for someone who said that people will just have to live with getting attacked
> France will vote for doing what Germany, the EU globalists superstate and Bilderberg tells them to
> France will vote for more rapefugees destroying their country
Don't feel sorry for them. You made your grave...
You just need to believe, Sup Forums
i just hate when people who i dont agree with can share they opinions freely
Canadians... it's FRIDAY
Jesus wept
It's always Monday in Canada
(But Trailer Park Boys makes up for all sins - Canada's #1 export)
The French like being defeated and killed in their own country, i though you would have known this by now with the Napoleonic Wars, WW1, WW2 and now the Liberalisation of the EU.
Carlos, don't you have a wall to pay for? Get to work and stop posting on Sup Forums.
Pretty much.
We'll know the truth in a few days.
She's not going to win. French people are too socialist and left wing to ever vote in a nationalist candidate. I can't wait to see another bullshit lauren southern video where she reacts to her loss as another example of the "death of the west". Kek
Mussolini's March on Rome was bloodless.
Hitler's march on Berlin didn't open fire even after being shot at themselves.
Fascism gains the support of the people, it doesnt oppress them.
you have an empty life. you hang on to meaningless constructs such as the 'white race' and the 'nation' in order to deal with your lack of human connection.
kill yourself. only oblivion will cure this my friend.
What is Le Figaro?
Literally Hitler
french don't have any balls, too socialist, too much post modernism, too much virtual signalling, too much liberal arrogance and smugness... they are cucked beyond belief and deserve to be ruined by islam
what does this remind me of.....
all the polls and media saying someone was going to win.....
I can't seem to remember.....
something about "her time".....
no it isn't, you could be shopping at the mall and get blown up by some sand nigger because of his irrational fear of woman's feet
even here, Colombia, we've been at war against leftist terrorists for over 50 years and we are not used to it at all
Even mexicans who cut grass add more to society than fat, worthless, memer, frogposting NEETs on Sup Forums who spend their day complaining about nonwhites, lmao
>this is how subhuman you are
> t. re-education camp commandant.
>Fascism gains the support of the people, it doesnt oppress them.
Idiot. He literally used a false flag operation to give himself unlimited power and dissolved the civil rights of the people.
What does this have to do with my post and the post it was referencing?
Seriously though, why can't we send all of our shitskins to Europe along with Canada's shitskins and then we can get Europe's whites to come over here and have the most superior country in the history of Earth.
It certainly wasn't over here...
Maybe it was in Mexico?
stop worrying about opinion polls