
My confusion summed up

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you cant expect shitskins to construct a cohesive argument.

>you cant expect shitskins
women user, these arguments are made by women


Race doesn't exist, we know that now.
But racism has been institutionalised for centuries and still exists.
What is so hard to understand about that.

You pol peasants really are stupid.

And Jews
Who are basically women.

Made by the Jews. The women and the liberals are just useful idiots, parroting the narrative without understanding (((their))) true intentions

Speaking of rare flag, I've never seen your flag before, user. What country is that again?

Get out.

Shut it down goyim!


how can someone be racist if race doesn't exist

>Race doesn't exist, we know that now.
Are you saying subspecies don't exist? Are you saying the different races don't have different phenotypes?
>But racism has been institutionalised for centuries and still exists.
Your misunderstanding what "white privilege" is. It's not institutionalized racism, its the build up of racial superiority gaining more resources over others. And that just won't change, even with affirmative action.

And this craze of diversity has been institutionalized as well. Even though race doesn't exist.

"Race doesn't exist" is a standard alt-right strawman. Although race has a biological definition too, the left define race in this context as a social construct. Meaning that it "doesn't exist" concepts like patriotism, gender, masculinity, attractiveness, and success "don't exist". All these concepts change depending on the culture and society. This is why Sup Forums constantly has threads about who is and isn't white, or who is a nigger vs a based black man. Whiteness varies depending on who and when you ask.

In the end, your argument is rediculous because your premise is invalid.

>evolution is proven science and shows that several species of various animals and plants grew and evolved differently to suit their needs for their environment
>but people are exempt from this because feelings

You can't have it both ways.

Whites aren't smart because their white, They're white because they're smart. Light skin is a genetic marker of tens of thousands of years of successful civilization.

Same with blacks, they're dark because they're stupid and can't into civilization, so their skin adjusts to make up for being in the sun all day.

Is that was the case, why are there brown people who are smarter than white people?

You're too intelligent for these subhuman robots. You don't belong here

>My confusion
Stop fighting strawmen, problem solved.
For instance "race doesn't exist" is a conservatard strawman.
The liberal talking point is "race is a social construct".
Never mind whether it's true or not, just read it a again.
Nothing about "not being real".
Car insurance is a social construct.
Money is a social construct.
Religion is a social construct.
...and yet all of these things are real.

>b-b-but muh black lives

What a simplistic, childlike argument. Your stupidity astounds me. Dark skin is a result of living near the equator, and thus being exposed to more sunlight. Melanin is naturally produced to protect the skin from the sun's rays. It has nothing to do with whether you're in the sun working all day. It has to do with where on the planet your ancestors come from.

Kys, cumskin

How? Do you live in south africa where whites are being literally killed?

Curse of ham

his simplistic argument is actually better than your polished shit argument.
white skin-> learned how to survive in seasonal climates, developed foresight to stockpile food and plan for the future

black skin-> can only handle a perma hot climate and doesn't need any time horizon to prepare

I've been starting to think niggers could be just as smart as whites given the right environment and time.

>these things are social constructs
>but fuck society for constructing something we don't like

You're just showing how fucking ignorant you are. You clearly don't understand or know science. Nobody has the ability to control how much melanin is produced in their skin, it's something that happens naturally. If you stick whites in a place near the equator, over the next few hundred or thousand years, they would eventually become dark-skinned.

You're demonstrating how stupid a white person can be, while at the same time arguing for white superiority. Lmaoo

the entire situation of Africa destroys that conclusion pretty quickly

Yes? What's that supposed to point out hypocrisy?

That's the entire point of social justice. The goal is to change how society precieves and interpret these concept, and change it to be more inclusive of experiences minority groups.

>right environment

If race is a social construct why do sjws get so triggered by transracialism?

a continent with tons of resources isn't the "right" environment?

No. Thanks for letting my know you don't know anything about Africa.

Guess you won't learn your mistake till they ruin our country as well. bahahaha