What is the final solution to the reddit problem?
The reddit problem
i don't know whats worse reddit or the idiots who cant see satire
the replies were satire,I don't think OP in that thread was.
>merely pretending
That pic is definitely satire
Probably won't work, but here's an idea: we invade /r/the_Donald on the basis that we're trying to compel those faggots to get out of Sup Forums and stay out. They're problem with "shills" is that they're trying to divide us; if we attempt to divide T_D, this could cause further dismay within T_D, compelling them to fight for their board -- we could also make it clear to them that invasion is the consequence of flooding Sup Forums. This probably wouldn't work because not enough people would be on board with this
>compelling them to fight for their board
I should add that this would compel them to go back and enforce the pro-Trump narrative. Invasion would serve as motivation for them to remain there too, I think
Stop hating on Reddit and spreading it on Reddit.
Reddit became shit because they converted many 9gag users so cancerous userbase just shifted and ruined Reddit.
I'm saying we should stop posting we're superior anywhere.
There are bigger problems than a bunch of stupid teenagers, use your autism for something else.
I just want to be free from the misery that comes with their eternal faggotry
its not his pic,I don't think he even understood its mocking him.
The_Donald is the accidental child of reddit and Sup Forums
This accidental child turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it inherits more from us than from leddit. Mommy Reddit has majority custody over this child, and it's hilarious to watch her rage to take care of it while we simply stand back and redpill the shit out of our child. Sometimes we get visitation from our child, but really, it's not a huge deal.
The shills trying to split us apart are like the jew divorce lawyers who try to stir controversy to bill us for their hours in court.
It's the worst.
Cringe thread?
Ugh I'm glad I voted for Clinton.
except reddit isnt redpilled, they're a bunch of mindless idiots who blindly follow a billionaire kike puppet and ruin good memes with their cringe
>The shills trying to split us apart are like the jew divorce lawyers who try to stir controversy to bill us for their hours in court.
If those cunts stayed on their containment site there wouldn't be any problems. Those eternal faggots don't bring anything meaningful to us -- the only thing they're capable of saying in Trump's defense is "muh god emperor XD" and "SHILLS REEE". Nothing of substance, no real arguments in his favor. The very instant any criticism of Trump is posted, the poster is called out as a shill. These idiots worship him like religious fanatics. Its a fucking cult
Need more gore, Hilldawg memes, and cuck porn.
It will be the chemo to T_d, the cancer that is killing Sup Forums.
>Hilldawg memes
I unironically like them
They're def a hive mind. Any opinion that's contrary to the hive is deleted and the user banned.
days after the Syria "chemical attack" they were spamming how its obviously fabricated,muh god emporer will never fall for this. Then he bombs Assad and suddenly the attack was real and Trump is playing 6 gorillion D chess
>What is the final solution to the reddit problem?
Stop bitching about Reddit constantly
>they were spamming how its obviously fabricated,muh god emporer will never fall for this
>Then he bombs Assad and suddenly the attack was real and Trump is playing 6 gorillion D chess
Stupid niggers made excuses like "genius, no victims and lihburls approve of it" and other stupid shit.
They're just liberal bootlickers, playing as they oblige.
I will when they fuck off from here
Little bit of history...
Goons did this exact same shit. They were having a bit of laughs by fucking with Reddit. They created a subreddit to fuck the website into the ground because they hated it. (Yes believe it or not goons and Sup Forums both equally hate reddit). But they pretended too hard and real retards took over. It's how SRS got started and grew into the beast it is now on that website.
Careful it doesn't happen here. You think it's all fun and games fucking about a little and next thing you know you have true believer redditors shitting up the board and turning into srs 2.0. We're going to get fucked just like the goons did if we don't get this under control.