Is heterosexuality (directed towards women) a degenerate reptilian construct to keep us blind to the intergalactic matriarchal project ?
If so what steps should we be taking to bring about the formation of an enlightened Homotopia?
Is heterosexuality (directed towards women) a degenerate reptilian construct to keep us blind to the intergalactic matriarchal project ?
If so what steps should we be taking to bring about the formation of an enlightened Homotopia?
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Fuck off faggot I aint fucking no gays
i kek'd
Jesus christ
You're clearly ignorant to the fact that repressed homosexuality is the ENGINE of all historical development, which is circular and has moved through stages on a teleology that trends towards extra terrestrial matriarchal domination, wherein mankind's repressed natural homoerotic inclinations are sublimated into hyper-masculine heteronormative competition for women who own the means of reproduction, and thus control the fates of men.
>Reptilian Saturnite Vaginal Jew
Never change Sup Forums
Hello centipedes
I'm a bit of a fan of r/the_donald, and I hear a lot about the four chans.
Regrettably, I'm old, and every time I've gone to the Sup Forums website I get confused and ornery.
Is there somewhere on the internet that I can go, in order to figure out just how to fuck to use this website?
Seriously, I want in, but the site's not user-friendly, and I'm not one of these fancy-ass milennials that just intuitively understands things.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions, do you have any suggestions for how we can achieve a society with a more equitable distribution of reproductive capital based on enlightened homosexuality?
>Implying the vagina was designed with the Star of David in mind
If true, then Judaism is the one true religion. This is the worst post on the internet.
Yes. You finally figured it out.
The six pointed star is emblem of reptilian hybrid bloodlines, referencing the Saturn-Moon Matrix.
Watch some David Icke lectures.
Perhaps I should elaborate, when I say enlightened homosexuality I don't mean to be a homosexual who is enlightened, but rather to come to the Realization that homosexuality is the ONLY true sexual orientation, heterosexuality being how the reptilian matriarchy keeps men at each others throats and from fulfilling their primitive socialist instincts.
The only way to defeat them is to marshal all men to seize the means of reproduction and throw off the yoke of the vaginal jew
>Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men.
All biological weapons engineered by agents of the matriarchy to discourage men from traveling down the path towards enlightenment.
We're reaching levels of faggotry never thought possible.
you fooooool making people baaad booooh pieeece of shiiiiit i wiill peee ooonnn yoouu
Next-level autism right here, folks.
Flaming faggots represent the antithesis of an enlightened homosexual, they are the useful idiots of the matriarchy
>you will never fuck our reptilian overlords
its barely worth getting up in the morning lads
>You're clearly ignorant to the fact
That's correct. Now link some sources.
That's not necessarily true, most abductions are for the purpose of harvesting semen (since we were engineered to be a giant sperm bank for their sexless homogenous matriarchy), so there's still hope user.
It's an emerging theory, a synthesis of Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Bourdieu, Foucault, David Icke, and various strains of ufology and ancient astronaut theory.
This synthesis informs us that ubermensch neitzsche spoke of was in actuality the enlightened homosexual, with heterosexuality simply being another form of slave morality, designed to direct man's libidinal energies towards the advancement of the matriarchies goals