I work in health insurance AMA

I figured with the current events some people might be interested. Pic unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=AHCA bill text

Do you insure niggers and beaners ?

So what are your thoughts on Trumpcare?

At this point I think anything would be better tan Obamacare.

Is lack of self-control a pre-condition?


>Pay for my health insurance ya bigot

I just want to know if having a pre-existing condition will bankrupt me now

Yes, we wouldn't if we didn't have to but it's the law.

Obamacare was half written by the insurance companies so it really isn't that bad for us, Trumpcare is extremely complicated but overall I think it will be better that Obamacare, slightly.

The pre-existing condition law means we can't deny you coverage no matter what. If you're toes fall off from all the black tar heroin you shoot under the nails we have to pay and we can't take you off of coverage so 2 years later we pay when your fingers go next.

It's a job. A pretty good job.

Depends what it is.


But it won't bankrupt me (I'm healthy) which is all I care about.

Tldr people who have pre-existing conditions can either make more money or die.
^that's how it is under "single payer" you just get waitlisted till you kick the bucket.

Tell me how to make more money

Sell your body parts that still work

I've got a buddy who never went to college and works on windmills. Anyone can do it if you're reasonably fit and aren't afraid of heights. The money is great.

-College (pref grad school)
-Go into a high-demand field (I'm in tech but you can do engineering or medical).
-Don't spend your money on stupid shit (nice cars, full priced expensive clothing, overpriced trips).

You can earn more money but you're not going to make more money at the end of the year unless you keep your expenses down. That's the problem with most of these people declaring bankruptcy, they live outside their means.

At a certain point you have to decide if life is worth it, if it's costing 100k a year to keep the kid alive you may want to look into just having another.
^yeah that's harsh but life sucks.

My insurance company negotiates rates with providers for me--fairly typical (do they all do that?). When they bill me for a particular code and my deductible isn't met, I pay whatever price was pre-negotiated. My question is when my deductible is met and the insurance company is paying for the service do they pay the same amount to the provider as I would or do they pay less (possibly from a bulk discount on all claims between a particular provider and insurance company)?

I have a master's degree in engineering and I live within my means. I need better advice than what you have

If you're an engineer and you're signed with a big company you should have decent insurance rates as it is.

If not, go to Singapore for medical tourism for the big stuff. You can bribe your way to the best doctors and probably get a cut in the actual price that the hospital is charging. Since Singapore (and most Asian countries that are developed) don't have as much regulation because they don't give a shit about privacy they have a freer hand with how they run hospitals. As such it reduces the price and delivers better care across the board and you shouldn't go bankrupt.

How much do you make a year, faggot?

They all do that. To answer your question, the negotiated price is what it is regardless of who's paying.

Not all pre-existing conditions are going to be thrown out in the cold because of Trumpcare, it depends on your exact case.

Source, I worked in a hospital and I have a degree in healthcare administration.
^It's why I don't have a conscience with people complaining about medical bills. Most of the issues faced nowadays are preventable and are caused by over-consumption of drugs, food, alcohol, or tobacco.


>The pre-existing condition law means we can't deny you coverage no matter what.

but it also means really high premiums, right?

How is trumpcare going to bring healthcare down to $200 or less a month for each individual (with low co-pays and a low personal responsibility)?

My pre existing condition is not preventable

It isn't.

High risk people are basically subsidized by lower risk people.

So the idea is that you increase the price for high risk people (or deny them coverage period) and the cost to low risk people goes down.

The reality is that insurance companies will just pocket whatever extra they are legally allowed to take.

Nope, the way it is now it's comparable to if you had several street-racing and dui convictions totalled your car after an epileptic seizure and bought a Ferrari with no airbags and your car insurance company couldn't do a damn thing but keep paying.

Would a mix system be better than single payer?
I can't see us going back at this point.

What is it?

Also as a side note one of the reasons to why you pay so much is there's a concept known as "cost-sharing" which is basically the following:

Say a heart surgery costs the hospital 20k to cover all of their costs.

Medicaid will pay 5k
Medicare will pay 10k

In order to make up the difference the hospital will charge you the following

With insurance: 30k
Without insurance: 50k.

You're paying not only for yourself but for some old fuck that will die in 2 years anyways. 85% of all healthcare expenses are spent in the last 2 years of life.

In a nutshell if you really don't want to go bankrupt we have to put healthcare on the private market and let old people kick the bucket.

ulcerative colitis. I don't think it makes sense for health insurance to cover pre existing conditions but healthcare costs too much without insurance so I kind of need it.

Do you ever actually catch people when they put themselves down as non tobbaco users falsely? My state has a 50 percent surcharge and I just said fuck it. Not sure the repercussions. Thanks user

How many times did you did you take your exams for the DOI before you passed?

It's expensive because you don't have a negotiator on your side. If it's a long term disease that won't end I would look into concierge medicine. You can pay a lower monthly rate and get personalized care from a doctor. Most chronic conditions don't require a specialist and once that GP (General Practitioner) gets the insight on what they need to do from a specialist you shouldn't need to see one except in cases of a major incident.

Or just move to Singapore, if you're american and not black (yes asians hate blacks more than the KKK) you can find a gig pretty easy and have access to decent healthcare. Alternatively, I know every weeb on this board will splurge their pants but Japan has a pretty decent healthcare system for chronic conditions and their doctors practically ask for bribes so you can get placed in the top of the line for like $500 every 6ish months and receive free care from there.

None of this is perfect or "ethical" but healthcare has always been a clusterfuck, that's why every time some idiot decides to go "moral" and "do what they think is best" it just ends up fucking up.

That punk in the picture needs some lead paint and his teeth to be punched out. who the fuck does he think he is? And his faggot albino friend? I fucking hate these two goons so bad.

Source for the actual Trumpcare bill.
I'd like to read it myself.

It is going to change in the senate. You can read the house version, but nothing in it is a guaranteed to be in the final bill.

We have a mixed system now. If by "better" you mean cheaper and higher quality of care then it wouldn't really matter because the real problem is that healthcare costs are so high.

That won't change in single payer, they would probably even go up because they have the government by the balls.

You might see your rates go up, but you probably won't get booted off your coverage.

Oh yes we do. We probably don't catch most people but the consequences are so great that I'd recommend either coming clean or kicking the habit.

I work for the company and am in tune with the goings on but I'm not an agent or anything so I didn't take them. I'm in the background.

lmgtfy.com/?q=AHCA bill text but is right.

How come the military and drug industry work so flawlessly, and the healthcare and education are a fucking mess?

>and arent afraid of heights
let's not pretend windmills are 10-20 feet in the air, more like fucking 200 feet

If this healthcare bill passes Dems will win in 2018, 2020, and 2024. Repubs might win the House and Senate back in 2022, but only if the Dems get cocky as soon as they win 2020. Just the way she goes. You cant suck corporate dick while shitting on the american people and expect to keep your job. Go ahead and whine and call me a shill, you will see next year. This health bill failing is the only chance Repubs have to stay in power.


>It is going to change in the senate.

Yes I know that.
But I question how you can come here and start a thread knowing full well the Bill will change or not. It's possible it'll die in the Senate too.

So for now we're still on the ACA.

guarantee it's because the jews want it that way

>drug industry
>work so flawlessly
have you seen the horrifying symptoms of like, Chemo?

They realized their paid shills were too obvious so they actually sent a sales rep. How retarded do they think we are? I bet they thought Sup Forums would be their personal shill army to meme the bill into passing.


Are you just some faggit telemarketer LARPing?


What horrifying symptoms? Just look at the revenue!

how is that picture unrelated?

>let old people kick the bucket
I've been looking into this issue very deeply. I've been working on introducing legislation for Right to Die laws. People have this idea that living longer is better. It is irresponsible in my opinion, as younger generations need space to fill. I don't mean that old people should die. I mean that old and terminally ill people should, in place of receiving healthcare that usually makes them worse off, should receive prescription medicine in order to end their lives in a peaceful manner where they have control over it.

Not once so far have I said I support the bill. Most of it seems good but I don't like a lot of parts of it. Personally I want to see some changes.

I'm just here in case some people are curious what I think, I'm not here to support the bill and like I said, I don't really.

Why would I LARP as something this boring?

So do I faggot.

From other thread:
Universal healthcare will never work in the United States for lots of reasons, but here's some all coming from the Population Health sphere
>Heteregenous culture
Almost all nations with high levels of """health""" have nearly completely homogenous ethnicities/cultures. Lots of research indicating that health outcomes increase within contained social communities. These includes areas that have high amounts of ethnic/spiritual commonalities. Don't have that in the US
>Sheer amount of people
Adding 340 million people to a single healthcare plan would drive up demand exponentially compared to what we have now. There's already a massive primary care physician shortage that isn't being met by even including NPs and PAs. Most physician utilization rates are already above 100% in areas where patient populations are predominantly on Medicaid and Medicare
Cost increases in American healthcare are rooted in CMS and lack of tort reform. CMS has tried everything to contain costs due to their ballooning patient populations: moving from FFS to FFV and trying DRGs, MIPs, etc. No matter how often they move in these direction the end results is a negligible change in quality (positive or negative) and less payments to providers. This squeezes physician groups even more leading them to get acquired by hospitals and now, insurance companies.

Feels good desu. Make almost 200K a year and average premium for our members is 149 dollars a month. Compare that to the 400+ of most ACA subscribers.

The military WOULD work flawlessly if it didn't have GS civilians. If it was military and we'll supervised contractors than maybe. But DoD is flush with civilians with little to no real work to do which means they "create" work. Bureaucracy begets more bureaucracy.

What changes would you like to see to it?

better get health care and keep it

i have scoliosis, I got a spinal fusion to treat it when I was 16. I'm 18 now. I don't smoke or drink, I'm by no means fat or even slightly overweight. if i ever need pain medication or another surgery, how fucked am I?

Any system that unconditionally benefits the filthy goyim is BAD. BAD goyim. BAD system. Pay up! Bombs are free though. Free as in freedom.

I want to see the (((health insurance industry))) go extinct. It is a useless industry. The only reason healthcare is so expensive is because of your vampiric industry, and the only reason you blood sucking parasites exist is because you made healthcare so expensive. GET FUCKED SHILL.

A lot of well off people, like myself, refuse to buy insurance and pay for all medical costs out of pocket because we stand by our principal of wanting to see this country succeed. Keep fucking over the American people and you will see a much larger boycott soon.

If this healthcare bill passes Dems will win in 2018, 2020, and 2024. Repubs might win the House and Senate back in 2022, but only if the Dems get cocky as soon as they win 2020. Just the way she goes. You cant suck corporate dick while shitting on the american people and expect to keep your job. Go ahead and whine and call me a shill, you will see next year. This health bill failing is the only chance Repubs have to stay in power.


Follow up to this guy's question I smoke occasional cigars, am I a smoker according to insurance companies? Not sure how to answer correctly desu, but I lean towards "non-smoker" as to not be jewed

true from what i've seen, some contractors are good though. The ones that lived on the big bases and did highly technical work like AC repair on the tactical vehicles were good to go. The ones in paperwork positions are fuckheads

anyone going to address the elephant in the room? The punk with the silver spray on grill and his albino lackey.
they need to go back.

(You)'re a fucking moron and have no understanding of the healthcare industry, gibsmedat.

why do these reddit fucks keep starting bullshit AMA threads...

For one I'd like them to keep the mandate that requires people to have health insurance, that's essential. I'd also like them to completely remove the pre-existing condition bullshit and let us kick fatasses and drug users off our coverage. And personally I don't want to defund planned parenthood because like 80% of abortions are minorities if I recall correctly.

I think that sums up the main points.

On a scale from pinky finger to 15" spiked dildo I'd say you're set to be fucked by an Asian penis.

Actually the healthcare costs are so high because of drug companies, doctors and healthcare equipment manufacturers who have more money and political power than us and can basically do what they want. Yes, we're jewing you but we're both getting massively jewed by them.

Also not a shill since I don't actually support the bill.

I'd say look it up, it varies by company and by state. But really I'd recommend stopping, it just isn't worth it.

>plebbit faggot spotted
AMAs have been on Sup Forums forever

No free gibs for you, filthy commie.



> the weak should fear the strong
> pictured is the bald-headed eagle
> they are scavengers

>Calls me commie
>Doesn't read my post talking about why universal healthcare will never work in the US
>Has libercuckian image, but has whole post talking about wanting to see an insurance industry go away

I see them multiple times a day. I have seen them kill more animals than I have seen them scavenge. They got the reputation of scavengers during the era of open pit garbage landfills. Now that those don't exist they hunt mainly, as far as i can see. I also live around a lot of water so that might have something to do with it.


So? You're wearing a harness.

I've done rock climbing more than 200 feet high with less safety gear.

>Implying big pharma doesn't want cancer patients alive as long as possible

There is literally 100% motive for them to make chemo drugs that keep people alive. Dead people don't buy chemo drugs.

Is pic related true?

Read the Bill.
Pre-existing conditions are not being touched.

Would Universal healthcare uphold/work in a place like America?

Take a screenshot and highlight it.
>Big if true.

Yeah, because niggers are mentally disabled.

Well I'm a low-key fascist so I wish it were. But no.

If by that you mean single payer or public option like I think you do, then no, it probably wouldn't work as well as the current system.

I have heard you have shit deals in Murica.
Throw few deals at me.

It's kind of complicated. I'll give you the simplified example of my health insurance which is a pretty standard employer plan.

Like everyone else with half a brain, I have an HSA. I pay $30 a month and put however much money into my account I want, there are tax benefits for this money. I get steep discounts on most ordinary care and since it's my own money I shop around and get a pretty good price (for America). If my healthcare costs exceed $4000 or so in a year though, the company takes over and pays everything else. If there's money in my account when I retire (remember this money has tax benefits) I get to keep it.

>come to Sup Forums to get some of my corrosive feelings out in a safe fashion
>surprised by reasoned discussion of healthcare law
you fags never cease to amaze me

Are you an actuary? I'm an actuary in consulting