Is it possible to win against the kikes?

Is it possible to win against the kikes?

Nope, but it is fun to LARP and try.

By not playing their game of divide and conquer.

Replace the horizontal war of right versus left with the vertical war of people against the elites.

We are already winning, the fact that people are even talking about this is a step closer to victory.


Too difficult
We can take Muslims oil and lives. But if we tried the same with Jews we'd lose all our money through some Jew manipulated global market crash

You can always convert.

Is he a Greater Lich? why wont this ugly mentally ill faggot die already... have we underestimated the life giving qualities of the shekel?

Yes, but we'll have to descend to their level in some ways and give up lofty moral idealism. Can't beat the kikes if you're not living in the real world, and the real world is messy.

Hello centipedes

I'm a bit of a fan of r/the_donald, and I hear a lot about the four chans.

Regrettably, I'm old, and every time I've gone to the Sup Forums website I get confused and ornery.

Is there somewhere on the internet that I can go, in order to figure out just how to fuck to use this website?

Seriously, I want in, but the site's not user-friendly, and I'm not one of these fancy-ass milennials that just intuitively understands things.

Stop with this shitty copypasta. But I'll give the (you) that you so desperately crave you nigger.


All of this has happened before.

And it will happen again.

Unless we finally rid ourselves of Homo sapiens nemesis, the world will continue to be consumed by the.

first post saddest post

Yeah and it's happening but it's going to crash everything, the entire global and financial system. Can't wait!

>But if we tried the same with Jews we'd lose all our money through some Jew manipulated global market crash

Then steal the Jews money.

This. I want Jews to lose shitloads of money.

yes, they will be killed again by people who had enough of their delusional psychopathic shit


This guy gets it.

but only through hard work, iron will and incorruptible determination

all it takes is to redpill people, and their controll vanishes. implying you are redpilled you are proof they can be beaten.
the memes are how the elite stayed in power. Since the pharaos and probably before the rulers memed how they are all powerfull with the might of god aiding them. For that reason they let themselves get carried around, built huge castles, have huge military parades, all to meme they have power to vanquish everything opposing them. That goes on until the invention of the nukes. From then on detterence became controll as the nuke, the ultimate deterrence, could be memed by the enemies too and not be surpassed so far. They now meme how they controll media, letteragencies, education, economy, when in reality its the memes upholding their power. There are only so few with actual ill intent, the rest just follow because the memes work and they feel like they cant change anything either way since they controll everything. If the memes stop working all of the establishment would collapse as even those inside of it mostly only support it out of lack of alternatives or obliviousness. What changed is that after millenia of the memewarfare we finaly learned how the war is fought and can fight back

War has changed

He's actually a Rakshasa.