Tomi Lahren

>I believe in limited government
>That's why I'm pro choice
>The government shouldn't be allowed to tell us we can't murder babies.

This chick is a fucking moron.

Moral fag

She's right though. Abortion would legal in a Libertarian society.

Being pro life means you want a black majority as soon as possible

She's making a logically consistent argument. If the Government is to respect personhood and fetuses, are not considered persons(which is why you don't get citezship until you're born) than the state cannot outlaw abortion without it undermining the very foundations on which the state is built and undermine the very premise of the power in which the ppl grant said Government.

Keep in mind she is not saying that it;s moral for one to have an abortion, she's saying it's immoral for the state to intervene on that moral choice.

You could lose the first two lines of that green text because they make you look like a /complete fucking retard/ who doesn't understand Libertarian small Government.

If you are Pro Life, that's fine, just don't be a moron.

Slavery is also legal. We call it capitalism these days.

I don't get why this place is so against abortion
if you look at population percentage over time for america, blacks have stayed the same for decades and decades now, and a big reason for this is that literally 50% of black babies conceived in the US are aborted

its not like people here really value life anyway
its like theyre just taking the position for the purpose of being right-wing which is pretty much the stupidest thing ever

Not if you also want to ship every nigger out of our country at the same time

>blastocysts are people

>Be pro life
>Pro life wins
>African American birth numbers sky rocket

Dumb dumb christfags.

Morality does not apply. A single undeveloped person is simply of more value to society than a closet feminist.

Why should the government be allowed to tell us we can't murder babies?

Only the strong should thrive.

>keeping niggers alive

She is just consistent unlike u

This soo much.

Also, can you demand that someone donate blood to you? I am not pro infant murder but I will evict the fuck out of one. If its man enough to live then its my problem.

Must feel good being fucked in the ass by the government instead of working for an employer by choice right?

Goddamn, you commies are fucking tools. Modern day slavery begins with income 'redistribution' and 'positive rights'.

That's not capitalism, dumbass.

This place is mostly contrarian fags.


She makes sense. I agree with her.

Blackmajority causes collapse of corrupt government making room for natural organic ethnic european government

>murder babies
How about children in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Quatar, Pakistan, Syria, the other one, Amsterdam, Ireland, Belarusia, Khazahstan, Ahmedinejad, Erdogania, Lordaeron and Syria?

she IS a woman

She is a fucking moron, but the government absolutely should have no say in whether or not abortions are carried out, and should not be allowed to use taxpayer money to pay for them.
