I was trying to debate/debunk some videos about the Holocaust with a friend in discord, and they all told me "go back to Sup Forums", so I found out that means I needed to come here. You guys are the experts I guess. What should I study / know / understand in order to deal with this topic the right way?
They told me this was the place to ask Holocaust experts
a question to ask is why did the "gas chambers" have unsealed multiple wooden doors?
what's this?
that's a good point for the "gas chambers", but not for things like the Einzatsgruppen.
yea go listen semi autistic virgin neets if the holocaust was real..... Sup Forums worship nazis, so take a damn responsability for their actions.
>yea go listen semi autistic virgin neets
> Sup Forums worship nazis
You're here too so why don't you just debate.
fair enough, whats, the point in denianig the holocaust?
Ok, one really important question I'd like to hear infos on is this: some say that ALL of Germany was starving and dying of disease, both "inside and outside the camps" at the end of the war. Is there any documented proofs of people dying this way outside the camps?
>what's the point in denying it
Some people believe its a lie. If it's a lie, it's unjust. Simple as that. Also, if its a lie made mostly by commies, its an EVIL lie.
this place has become a meme base. If you want real answers you should go to 4+4 chan
>If you want real answers you should go to 4+4 chan
I also went there but its kinda dead. Also if this place doesnt know, its better to teach the people here isnt it?
wut? Thats place is the opposite of dead. They dont like newcomers though, to many shills have tried to take that place down
Iceland is our mortal enemy.
Please no more jewish lies
i posted in a couple threads, seemed really dead idk
I'll never forget the great Iceland wars.
why is it in english and not german?
deadly gas needs to fill 100% of the space to actually kill anyone
Because Brits and Americans posted the sign.
>deadly gas needs to fill 100% of the space
I think the point is that all the guards and camp personnel would also be dead because the rooms were so leaky.
Welcome; you will never leave. Ever.
What else did (((they))) tell you?
Just read an article about it
>The man who survived eight Nazi death camps
>At the age of 13, Susan Pollack - now a retired grandmother living in north London - was taken from her home in rural Hungary, loaded into a cattle truck and transported by rail through German-occupied Poland.
>Susan lied about her age. A prisoner on the platform whispered to her that she should say she was 15. It saved her life, but her mother was sent immediately to the gas chamber.
>Ve vant to vipe out ze Juden!
>Better let the 15 year old go
>thinking you can identify minuscule differences between two rifles from a blown-up grainy photo
Debunking a single photo isn't enough evidence for normies anyway
Just point out it was Stalins turf
You think that would happen? Stalin would go on the internet and just lie?
>Soap and lampshades!
>nazis were immune to zyklon b
Why is it a JIDF telling us all this? Is it 100% guaranteed to be a proxy?
>camp personnel would also be dead because the rooms were so leaky.
dosage makes a difference even between a medicine and a poison...
>talk with a friend over drinks
>friend brings up how crazy conspiracy theorists are
>say some of them turn out to be true
>convo goes on
>topic of holocaust deniers come up
>make comment about how there are a lot of good points made against the 6 million figure
>friend says that we're not friends if i'm a holocaust denier
>re-iterate that history is written by the victor and that its usually to demonize the enemy
>see he's actually getting annoyed
>give up the topic and switch to something else
It's cyanide dumbass.
tell this to Rasputin, dumbo
You JUST fucking posted:
>deadly gas needs to fill 100% of the space to actually kill anyone
Pick an argument and stick with it.
The number has been changed many times by Jews trying to get people to feel sorry for them
>Oy vey good performance goy
which one is it?
did you even read the thread?
can't feel irony without green text anymore?
I hope this interests you and you look into it deeper, I'm leaving now
implying out of any possible doubts it ever happened. Can't have millions of survivors and call it a genocide
both, the first one is ironic
One more
ok someone post the real one, I dont have it on this device
more people died on the Eastern front, those are facts.
...and yet Shōkō Asahara gassed 12 at the metro station, you know that thing that has a designed air circulation system.
I was on the discord chat, and I got banned for saying the holocaust happened..
>i was just pretending to be retarded
>...and yet Shōkō Asahara gassed 12 at the metro station
With Sarin, not Cyanide.
>dont need 100% to kill jews
>need 100% to kill nazis
This is how ridiculous you sound
Does this disprove my point?
What's funny is I enlisted immediately after Venezuela flew into the towers and did one tour there, then one in Hungary after the Hungarians shot all those people in San Bernardino
I didn't even know it was because of the banks
Holocaust denial is quite literally the preserve of certified Loony Tunes. It happened and claiming it didn't discredits the right-wing in general, bear in mind it also claimed millions of non-Jews including political prisoners. The notion that it was some unintended side effect of a normal POW camp utterly ignores the fact that British captives were treated well, by and large.
Go ahead and accuse (((me))) of being Jewish but seriously you're embarrassing yourselves with this line of thinking.
gib proofs
>i defend the jews
>call me a jew shill and you lost
>make ridiculous claims
>people point them out
>make laws to jail anyone who disagrees
>expects to be taken seriously
my five comments on her TED page got removed
yet still too dumb to feel irony without help
>With Sarin, not Cyanide.
>Cyanide=hydrogen cyanide
now you have your green text
wrong thread leaf
>What should I study
First of all you should know that all German nazis was crypto jews.
Jews did holocaust.
They hate each other too.
What do you guys think about this saying regarding the holocaust.
> What do you do, if you're locked in a room with a hungry lion, wolf and tiger, armed only with a knife?
> You cut off your arm and throw it in the middle.
I unironically wish the Holocaust happened.
>First of all you should know that all German nazis was crypto jews.
And all Russian anti-communists were Crypto-Germans. Activates the almonds, huh?
Still no proof jewlover.
In old Sup Forums you could choose your flag before posting. Among the flags were Best Korea, National Socialist, Libertarian, and even LGBT.
This is one of the biggest redpills about holohoax.