Face it

Without Italy Europe would suck

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u fucks are browner than iranians fuck off

>neapolitan ice cream

Spumoni is far better

thats funny, because italy is a shithole

Both Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo had blue eyes.

I don't remember the last time i heard anything about italy that wasn't rome for tourism.

you reminded me i have ice cream

op is not a faggot for once

i like how Italy looks like a boot on the map

yep that's nice

that's true

why are you posting kumiko?

True sempai, without pizza, spagetti and gellatos europe would be hell. Thanks god that now the british bad boys are out of it and even somthing better! the project to chain and drag that nasty island out into the open sea has ben aproved by the EU.

OP should be banned for posting porn.

You are a fuckin' asshole. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like italians. You need people like italians so you can point your fuckin' finger and say, "That's the bad guys." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Italians, they don't have that problem. Italians, they always tell the truth. Even when they lie.


It is a fucking icecream shill pushing multi-culturism.
Why do you reply?


8 miles from being connected to africa

>paella niggers


>he doesnt drive an italian car

must suck driving a boring german car, a plastic american car or another boring nip/korean car

what car are you driving bruder

Neapolitan ice cream is american but other than that i agree

>paella niggers
The UK is more nigger than spain you razis shitlord, check your town

Nuke everything West and South of Latvia on the mainland.

Italy is the Mexico of Europe.


alfa 159 compagno

middle class Italian cars are more boring than German cars
yeah, Ferrari, Bugatti and Lamborghini are great and all but you can't afford them and two of those are pretty German by now as well


The 159 is a beautiful car. I wish we got them here...

>t. pic related

>implying the whole of europe doesnt suck

Without Italy the migrants would have further to travel from Tunisia.

such a sexy looking car, have fun with it

what about the new giulia? it's actually a nice rwd car

Bugatti is french...

>neapolitan ice cream
The fuck? That's Fürst Pückler, fag.

just a reminder that when Portugal sailed around Africa and reached India, it was Italians who allied with the muslims and funded a huge navy for them so that they could continue to Jew the whole of Europe with their funneling of Oriental trade, selling it off at ridiculous prices. They wanted to destroy Christian expansion to the rest of the world and help muslims keep their total conquest of the Hindu world on track.

Italians are friends of the muslims, and have always Jewed us whenever possible

probably French like Napoleon was

it's actually more about being friends with money

We're also the only ones who can rule over Europe without fucking everything up after some years.

no better than a kike

german cars are literally the most boring cars in existence
before i turned into an alfista i drove the big 3 and even an opel and i would never go back

mate be glad you get the giulia.. finally an alfa sedan with rwd and a real italian engine again

thanks mate, cant wait to drive to lago di garda this summer with it

Did Mussolini liked deers? Is it weird to find deers too cute?

Who will be your next Mussolini?

They were stupid, weak allies in almost all wars and everytime they changed the side at the end... italians are really fun people but never trust those fuckers in serious things they will fuck you over every time

We already stole the blueprints for pizza, Italy can die now.

>Fist pucker

The only good thing they did was Fascism.

italians are basically uncut kikes

>45% Southern Italian
>35% French
>10% German
>Rest is mostly Iberian, with a bit of English/Irish/Scot, etc.

100% european and most people here would not consider me white. like I care. Med master race

Italian food: amazing
Italian guns: quality
Italian cars: fun until they break 5 miles down the road

>muh switching sides
>muh ebil allies

nigger, musso literally asked the mustached spergie to wait a couple of years cuz we were not ready

he started anyways

and backstabbed russia, which was an ally in 39
yes, hans you betrayed russia and got btfo

also check pic related, the allies bribed and had deals with the mafia to get easy access to the south.
in the north a lot of people were still fascists and loyal to the duce

even with Italy,Europe sucks.

has sucked for two decades

How is that different from (((joos)))?

because of foreskin like I said before

Italy is Europe's boot.

That's objectively false. Good food tho

how about

without america the world would be a better place

I know m8 i was just bullshitting because this thread is stupid anyway

k then
please, have a drawn frog as sign of friendship


Notice how there's no article in italian as always when talking about famous italian food that only exists in america

how about if america want there to save yo ass you would be ruled by germany
facsist breeder

nobody has said otherwise

Italy is good,
Classy motorcycles, suits and cars.

>eating sugar + hydrogenated fat

Enjoy your manboobs

pretty salty comments i see for a thread with the image of an ice cream, thanks based USA baiter im gonna enjoy the butthurt you provided to this gentlemans now.

Without Rome, yes.

Without Italy, no.

Italy is one of the greatest countries of all time. North and central Italy especially.


>german cars are literally the most boring cars in existence
no they're not
even Jews like them

>Result: Italian (((((liberation))))
> and ((((free elections) ))))

I'm sorry I didn't know Italian wikipedia was a thing

The mods of the 60s would not have been the same without their scooters.
Italy had a huge influence on British youth culture.


halt die fresse horst

Can we please try to stop masturbating to what we used to be and bring back real politics in Europe? We used to be based, we are not anymore, let's work for it.

italy was pure white, then the fucking turks