Let's read through it
Let's read through it
Other urls found in this thread:
when were these released?
Page 68-69 suggests that fbi agent involved with doing investigation was intimidated by the 7th floor group. pretty interesting.
today or yesterday.
It's not the first reference to 7th floor, there was some in 6th or 7th batch too afair
I've read through all of it. Made me a little sleepy. Nothing to see here. Let's find that antifa stabber
Time to find Kennedy's executive assistant's name
next page, 7th floor group refered to as shadow government. Pressuring FBI agent to not classify thing. someone know what b(1) classifcation is?
I'm exhausted all this text. Super sleepy. My dogs snoring
"group," maybe 7th floor group, refusing to approve of FBI upgrading to B1 status of classification.
Looks like it's time for a nice long nap lads. I'm exhausted.
More references to 7th floor group killing the publishing. Chryl mills group referenced and jake sullivan
>not posting on You have to go back
>I've read through all of it. Made me a little sleepy. Nothing to see here. Let's find that antifa stabber
Nice try shill
great job m8
we in fact know very little if anything about that Cheryl Mills Group
Nice tray
Protip: she didnu nuffin.
>US FOIA Codes
See that 7th floor group was insisting b1 classifications not valid. Those are directly pertaining to national security. hmm
Why you trying to divide us? Haven't you heard?
oldish email that was part of the public record before, irrc. check page 111.
B1 means national security-related as seen on page 64
I din here muffin
I'm half mast right now.
note that H+L gets mentioned quite a bit. after a bit of digging they refer to these groups, respectively.
Bureau of Legislative Affairs
Office of the Legal Adviser
see the members are basically listed at the bottom there. thank god trump got in
sleep tight
Trump is controlled won't do muffin
you can see why he's having such a hard time staffing the state department
Exactly sent pie
7th Floor has quite the history.
how do we tell the world about the 7th floor group?
Knowledge Bomb incoming? I'll grab the lube, these red pill suppositories ..
Please destroy this evil cunt
where can i find the book of the key and lock?
You can't.
of course I can, I just don't know where
what makes you the ''expert''?
wouldn't i find it in the tiger tiger bar? or the portal on tor?
Hey anon5,
-are we in a Dyson sphere
-is Katy Perry jon benet Ramsey
-can you do a KB about psychedelics or at least dmt
rundown on this?
then what should make of those who say it exists? I believe it exists..
basically a book that would help one to ascend in a matter of days
This thread is relevant to my interests
page 60
no emails bet jan and apr 2009
the 7th floor referenced here was the State Department, located on the....OMG! 7th floor.
These docs were released back in October, you simple fags
grate justice will be served within 20 months
>let's all stop looking
It's still has screen shots you can see when you google but the actual report it's from got deleted. wtf
So there's nothing of value in these?
Oh boy!
Read of all these. Boring, no infos. Just sleepy now. Maybe I'll watch TV. Night fellow Millipedes.
I order you to stay bumped, Thread.
all of our powers combined
>page 9
>datamine this for me for free guyz its funny
Sup Forums free weaponized autism for anyone
one more bump niggers. everyone else who bumped rebump.
bumping on mobile now when i get on my laptop and start reading i'll post any rundowns i can if someone else doesn't start
main rundown is that the 7th floor group is named and they were actively intimidating the FBI, demanding that they do not classify documents with the b1 status. b1 status refers to matters of national security.
god's work user
you'd think they'd be pressuring to classify docs as B1, not the opposite, wonder what they wanted to hide?
Were they pushing for personal privacy designations instead? Something that can't be opened by special committee?
Sounds good, thank you.
narrative hillary's campaign was pushing was that there was "no classified material sent or received on the email server." It's actually disgusting to see that the State Department was being weaponized for the purpose of electing a presidential candidate. No wonder all the leaks happened when people inside saw what was going on.
U r all faggot
>It's actually disgusting to see that the State Department was being weaponized for the purpose of electing a presidential candidate.
But we all knew it. The broader implication is that American foreign policy became an extension of the same cancer that characterized the Clinton Foundation. A political dynasty subverting the entire fucking system. It's basically what you implied, but worth reiterating over and over and over until every Crooked supporter drowns in their own shame and we never let this level of corruption happen again.
no u
The scope of it is amazing though. in the previous hearings comey stated that there was back and forth with the agencies regarding the classifications. He never offered up that the state department was actively intimidating members of the FBI. Should be a bigger story. The members of the 7th floor group are listed right in
in the bottom
I wonder if the kennedy is this guy
And then there is this. You can see the control they have over the news - they were leaking false stories. The article reads as if Kennedy was a good guy here.
>One FBI official, whose name is redacted, told investigators that Kennedy repeatedly "pressured" the various officials at the FBI to declassify information in one of Clinton's emails. The email was about the deadly 2012 attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, and included information that originated from the FBI, which meant that the FBI had final say on whether it would remain classified.
seat he had has not been filled yet
All i can say is you are putting above 70 years age olds in charge in a country where the average age of death is in the 70s.
I just met my wifes fathers brother and he is 97 years old and swaps winter/summer tires on the car by hand, with a manaual jack, looks art most 65 years old. His wife died 20 years ago.
My wifes father is only 90 and has diabetes and everything is slow with him, but he is a really nice guy.
My great grandfather died when i was born and he was 99 years of age, his wife lived well above a hundred and ten, i remember my great grand mother.
I hope i can outlast them in age, in the north were i live lifespans have started to approach crazy ages. In a few generation i guess the north will see the rest of the world as short lived races who dies long before their prime.
His deposition with JW. Hundreds of pages of I do not recall. Shame JW didn't call him out on being in the 7th floor.
Do you part and let judicial watch know about this.
feels like the good ol days up in here
hey now this is inappropriate
please leaf it to the news to read these things
you could be liable for jail